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 May 2013 BlaqueLace
I spent five bucks,
On 20 cancer sticks;
Anticipating the moment,
When my lighter flicks.

I'm met with ***** looks,
But I don't really care,
As I puff on my cigarette,
Polluting the clean air.

We're an elite force,
With our smoking breath,
Killing ourselves slowly,
Breathing in Death.

I've been told to quit.
Its a nasty habit they say.
But I think for a little while,
I want death to stay.

As the cherry reaches the filter,
I flick it away,
For a little while longer,
Keeping death at bay.
Im going for a walk. A walk to clear my head. Clear it right out. Take away the memories, burn away the knowledge, i don't care. Everything need's to be moved out of my mind and thought's and sold at a garage sale for all i care. This fresh air isnt working. Where's my lighter, come here cancer. I take a deep breath in and take in all the toxin's with it, hopeing maybe a chemical reaction will effect everything going on in my head, melting away everything. Step, inhale, step, exhale. While blowing out the toxin, i blow out my thought's and memory and walk right back into them. Blow by blow, im taking them for you. Puff by puff, im taking these in for sanity. Half way done and block's from home i keep looking over my shoulder hoping maybe you or someone like you will follow quickly after. Oh cigarette, why must the comfort you bring over me disappear once you've left me? But like you, the cigarette did not respond, because the cigarette was gone and out of my hand's. Out of reach. So i stand there, looking at the empty space where the just barely burning end of the cigarette settles into place and i just watch the snow take over. I watch the once visibly lit cigarette turn black and into ash's. Even though the cigarette's burnt out, im still standing here, uncertain as to why im here, but im here and im waiting. I will wait until dusk and if the spark comes back, i will move at the paste the spark moves. Just to make sure i stay with it. But if not, i will go home and i will relight another cigarette, hoping maybe this is the right one.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
 May 2013 BlaqueLace
I saw you there.
The glowing embers at the end of your cigarette
gave you away.
All I could see was your shape.
Pierced by your eyes, glittering,
as you caught me, mid-stare.
All you were was smoke
and vacant mystery.
And then you were gone.
You vanished into the night.
I was your last drag
off a dying cigarette.
We were hot and deadly.
We burned everything in our path.
We set buildings in flames,
and burnt bridges that can never be rebuilt.
I was your last exhalation of smoke
into the cool night air.
But you left me something to remember you by.
You gave me your cancer.
You lit me up fast
and got me addicted.
And now I am nothing but ash.
 May 2013 BlaqueLace
Kerry Moses
a cigarette burned away
ashes fell, flicked aside.
tar burned words in
lungs, nicotine
holding them back,
gasping for breath.

a cigarette burned away
in the dark, lying beside
me, chest rising, falling.
trails of burnt emotions
curled around us, lifting
higher, higher.

a cigarette burned away,
smelling sweeter than it should,
wrapping, enthralling itself
in every space, corner, molecule, atom,
warming those dry, brittle lips
against the winter wind.
caught between the clouds,
in confusion,
a cigarette burned away
I found my mind in the eye of a cigarette
The thing that I curse and despise, the cigarette
The thing that controls my life, the cigarette
I lost my freedom in the eye of a cigarette
When Nevermore the world becomes, we're left behind, the Wild Ones.
Not nearly finished...
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