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I am fueled by a need to discover beauty & then share it as my heart tends to unceasingly pour out of my fingertips. Passions …
Jane EB Smith
Southern CA    Born and reared in South Carolina, moved reluctantly to Southern CA. Now the desert is home. 5 children 2 precious daughters-in-law, grandchild. Loves family, hates …
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    A poetpourri history of a journey from naissance to humility, in between the white (s)pacing of poems decorating a life...
Alexis Martin
just writing a bunch of words down
Lucky you, you get to read my diary.
Brendan Watch
Michigan    I've found three things in life: people, books and love.
...displaced into being    Merely some words here... If upon reflection they become something more...all the better.
flaming arrow    “The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” ― Roosevelt / If you could time-travel to a moment in …
Johnnie Rae
25/F/New Jersey    Honestly I'm just living life day by day, and writing from a perspective that is nothing less than crazy. Don't try to figure me out, …

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