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164 · Aug 2018
girl crazy
delilah Aug 2018
she's so beautiful
not just in her looks
(though i do adore her chestnut hair
and wide brown eyes)
but in the way she speaks
she speaks with such care
because she knows the weight of words
and she doesn't bring herself to the stars
even though she belongs among them
because she knows what it's like to be looked down upon
and she writes with as much care as when she speaks
each word written to be read
and i wish i could read them all
156 · Jul 2018
delilah Jul 2018
i don't say i hate myself
for you to say i'm beautiful
i don't say i struggle to get out of bed
for you to say i have so much potential
i don't say i can't find joy in what i used to
for you to say try a new hobby
i don't say i wanna die
for you to say you love me
i don't know why i say what i do
but i know it's not
for copy&pasted love
151 · Jul 2018
delilah Jul 2018
i love the tortured artist trope

i'll torture myself for the title


i always fall flat on the artist half
150 · Aug 2018
delilah Aug 2018
how sad do i need to be
to get you to like me
149 · Jan 2019
i'm sorry i loved you
delilah Jan 2019
i'm sorry
i know it wasn't meant to be like this
i wasn't meant to feel more
more than butterflies
more than a rush
more than lust
i know i messed up
i know i got greedy
i know
and i'm sorry
sorry that i loved you
sorry that i felt beyond
beyond a small backseat
beyond your navy sheets
beyond late night meets
i'm sorry i felt more
more than you would match
i'm sorry
149 · Jun 2018
delilah Jun 2018
they were on the cusp
of moving forward
but with each step they took
they got two steps further
i learned a new word (cusp)
so i wanted to use it
146 · Jul 2019
and sleep evades me
delilah Jul 2019
what am i meant to do when my mind's empty and i can't sleep?
i have nothing to ponder
no dream worlds to drift into
no false realities to explore
blank spaces to fill
but i haven't any ink to spill
so delirious i think this is poetry
it's hardly even a train of thought
more a barrel of babble
my mind is a jumble
of stolen
and new words
but they seem to have taken the night off
how convenient
my melatonin is lacking
my words are slacking
and i still think this is poetry
do i even wanna sleep
142 · Jun 2018
delilah Jun 2018
i love the way you make me feel like the world is caving in on me

i love the way you make me feel small

small enough for you to crush between your thumbs

i love the way you catch my words as they spill from my mouth

i love the way you serve them back

but not before you add your own venom
142 · Jun 2018
aren't i?
delilah Jun 2018
i'm terrible
aren't i?
i can say
"i love you
i won't"
all in the same moment
while you can tell me
in the moment
and every moment after
i'm terrible
aren't i?
142 · Nov 2018
driving lessons
delilah Nov 2018
how did this happen
how did teaching me to drive
turn into riding swings at night
to sitting under the stars
to cuddling in your backseat
i don't know whats happening
but i'm not minding the limbo
i dont mind accidental dates
141 · Jan 2019
done with driving lessons
delilah Jan 2019
you said we'd go somewhere safe
but i still feared
feared a seat-belt wouldn't be enough
to keep me from crashing through the glass
you were willing to take the chance
and i hoped
but hope isn't enough
because i got scared
and let go of the wheel
slammed the breaks before we crashed
i'm sorry
but i could barely think
think beyond fogged windows and small backseats
and i hated it
i hated being confined to a two-door egg
i hated being nothing more than nighttime rides
i'm sorry
but the droplets on your windows could only blind me for so long
a follow up to driving lessons
141 · Apr 2019
~i know how to play~
delilah Apr 2019
i want to like you
not because its natural
but because i know how to play this game
i know how you like my laugh
and when you want to hear it
i know where you like my hands
and when you want to feel them
i know you like lace
and when you want to see it
i know you like strawberrys
and when you want a taste
i know how to make you love me
141 · Feb 2019
for me, myself, and i
delilah Feb 2019
i won't be sitting around waiting for someone to write love poems about me
not when i can write them myself
because i do love myself
though that's been a struggle to say
now that it's out i won't be stopping
i love all the small things that add to be me
because i am many things
a puzzle in which each piece is a work of art
i am a collection of beauty
beauty beyond a face
though i do also love the view i create
little self-love doesn't hurt
139 · Apr 2023
delilah Apr 2023
you think it’s fun i’m crazy
but you just don’t get it
i’ll drive myself insane before you
and i’m not always fun
sometimes i’m scary
but in a scared for me than of me way
scared i’ll burn my life down just to feel the warmth
and i’m scared you might get caught in it
138 · Mar 2019
delilah Mar 2019
it's midnight
and my mind is filled to the brim
not with ideas or fake scenarios
but rather tears waiting to burst
i can feel the dam giving way
i haven't the tools or manpower to mend it
this **** dam will burst
i just hope not in front of you
i don't need my breakdown to be apart of your narrative
my sadness is not a story element for you
my sadness has nothing to do with you
but i know you'd prefer it did
136 · Dec 2019
i don't want to let go
delilah Dec 2019
maybe it's not that i want you in my life
maybe i just don't wanna let go of that part of my life
the part of my life where i let you come and go as you please
the part of my life where i let us pick up where we left off
where i let us ignore the fact that things are different and time has passed
but we don't really talk about those parts
we don't address the girls you tried it with between our stops and starts
we don't mention the bad things i've done with boys i shouldn't have
and even when i finally bring myself to say out loud that it did hurt and does hurt everytime you do this to me
i still let you hold me in your arms while i cry about you
i still try to make you laugh while crying about you
i still kiss you goodbye after crying about you
i'm trying so hard to hold on to 17
135 · Dec 2018
i'm sad
delilah Dec 2018
i'm the kinda sad where
i can't bring myself to cry
i can't bring myself to eat
i can't bring myself to wake up
i can't bring myself to give a **** either
i can't bring myself to try
to try and climb my way out of this
i rather let it envelope me
i rather sink further
because not caring seems so much better
better than when i cared too much
when caring was my downfall
how can i fall now when i've already sunk below the surface
134 · Aug 2018
i love
delilah Aug 2018
i love like all others
my love is no better or worse
my love is ordinary
so i must compensate
by loving the most
spread my love thin
over all that i love
132 · Dec 2019
i'm an idiot
delilah Dec 2019
i thought i cut the strings
closed the book
and burned the pages
but once again
you hit me up
offering me nothing more than a hello
after nearly a year of silence
and so i crawled into your backseat
at 2 am
on a cold november night
because i could never tell you no
132 · Apr 2020
tv static
delilah Apr 2020
i have nothing new to say
i am the same tv static as yesterday
watch me fail to form a single sentence
watch me become a ball of fuzzy feelings
watch me as others look to me annoyed
watch me as others give up and leave me
watch me when no one else will
watch me
even when i stay the same tv static as yesterday
i've already written a poem about feeling like static but this a different play on tv static
131 · Sep 2018
i am
delilah Sep 2018
i am petty
petty beyond belief
over what should have died with time
i am a *****
a ***** because i can't keep my mouth shut
and i love to cause a scene
i am an attention-*****
attention negative or positive
i'll do what it takes to gain it
i am a hot-head
little actions throw me into fits
fits of rage larger than need be
i am selfish
though not with materialistic things
that would be better than emotions
i am a crybaby
every inconvenience pushes me over the edge
every good and bad makes me ball
i am many
and cruel things
i am also a work in progress
working to be more
more than teenage angst
more than excuses
more than
131 · Dec 2018
i wrote you a letter
delilah Dec 2018
first semester freshmen year
i wrote you a letter
i wrote about
i wrote about
the butterflies,
the tears,
the 3 am chats,
the good morning pick-up lines,
and all about you
because you deserved to know
know that i loved you
even if not as you had loved me
then i found out about her
your girlfriend
my bestfriend
so i hid it
it collected dust in the back of my closet
until today
today was and is very different from then
because today i get to cuddle up in your backseat
because today 3 am chats happen in your arms
because today i have no reason to hide
i wrote you a letter
and i hope you'd love to read it
so i was going through old **** i collect cuz i like to pretend everything has sentimental value
and i found i letter i wrote to my current boyfriend from freshmen year
soooooo weird
(he did love the letter btw)
delilah Aug 2018

attached you'll find my heart
and my hopes
my "hopefully they'll accept"
my "hopefully they'll mail their's next"
i doubt the latter
but expect the former
you'll have to keep my love
it's got nowhere to call home
thanks for letting me waste your time
i hope you make use of this spare love
i had nowhere to spend it

a nobody looking for a somebody
i came up with a title i really liked
so i had to make something to go with it
eh might use the title for something else later
delilah Jun 2019
i am 18 and crazy
i read once that the two go hand-in-hand
i feel i am nothing more
than stolen words
because sometimes
i can't help but simply be an echo
of punks songs
a bit of indie
and every book that crowds my shelves
but is that so terrible?
i have been molded by the hearts & souls of hundreds
i have been nurtured by the reality & fiction of people i'll never meet
i have learned from lives lived & imagined before mine
maybe sometimes i mimic the mistakes
maybe sometimes i follow paths with a thousand warning signs
maybe sometimes i really really **** up
i am 18 and crazy
i have plenty of time to clean my messes
i have time to right my wrongs
i have time
i had time for the first time in a while to just lay down and listen to some music
(also this title is cute imo)
128 · Mar 2021
delilah Mar 2021
can you tell my mother loved the way I cried as a child?
can you tell my father loved how few and far between my words were?
can you tell i was loved for all the things i couldn't help?
that being loved felt like being mocked
when you look at who i am today
can you see the child i tried so desperately not to be?
128 · Apr 2019
if i carry on forever
delilah Apr 2019
if i carry on forever
i won't have to let go
let go of your stare
i rather let you pierce me
with the abyss you call eyes
because i rather stay lost
where the light can't reach me
i rather collapse your lungs
to hollow out a space for me
closer to your heart so i can mimic your rhythm
synchronized to fool you best
i rather be a motion picture of our past
forever a loop of love
because this is easier
easier to hear you love me
easier to say i love you
easier to play i love you
easier not better
but i can wait on better
delilah Jan 2019
i don't need you


are simply filler
filling my time
filling my mind
are just my now
my now i have time
my now i don't care for tomorrow
are nothing more
nothing more than busy work
nothing more than idle love

i don't need you to be happy
i need someone to waste my time
i need someone to busy my mind
"idle hands are the devil's workshop"
and an idle mind is my down fall
125 · Jun 2022
delilah Jun 2022
perhaps womanhood is being a stepping stone in a man’s personal growth

and perhaps i didn’t need to feel the crushing weight of your desire
123 · Apr 2023
delilah Apr 2023
i promise you’re not the only one upset
but despite how much i want to hold your hand
and how much i want to feel every bit of you pressed against me
i can’t help feeling like tearing away my skin
and clawing off your fingerprints from my bones
i just can’t bare to feel the weight of your touch
even the lightest lingers
and i’m scared your touch might never leave me
and i couldn’t handle being haunted
by someone walking around touching someone else
122 · Mar 2020
delilah Mar 2020
i don't know why i am the way i am
i don't know why i'm not hungry
i don't know why i can't sleep
or can't stop sleeping
i don't know why i feel like i'm already dead
or am better off so
122 · Mar 2019
delilah Mar 2019
i was given the role of love interest #1
it wasn't the role i auditioned for
but it was the role i was given
i was left two choices
play the part
leave your show
and so i played my part
but the script wasn't so nice
and neither were the other characters
so i dropped the act
and you dropped me
because i guess i never really mattered
i never was your friend huh?
just love interest #1
i don't know just found this in my notes
121 · Apr 2022
delilah Apr 2022
i’ll sooner paint you a saint
than admit you distorted my vision of love
before i even got to learn the words
120 · Nov 2018
delilah Nov 2018
it's so much easier to hate you
easier on my heart
easier on my mind
hating you keeps me from running through
every single i once knew you
hating you keeps my heart at bay
far away from skipping for you
far away from stopping for you
far away from you
it would be so much easier if i hated you
acting is second best
i'm ***** at titles
120 · Nov 2018
i hate to love you
delilah Nov 2018
i hate you

i hate the way you smile to yourself like the world inside your head is constantly better than the world with me in it

i hate the way you tap along to silent beats as if your ears are flooded with better melodies than my voice

i hate the way you roam these halls as if you're looking to float away from me

i hate the way you fill your notebook with tales where you're the sole heroine as though i'm not here as well

i hate the way you make me wanna be selfish

making me want to busy your mind with me

making me want to be what you smile to yourself about

making me want to hold you down so you can't tap along to the beat of someone else's heart

making me want to hold your hand like an anchor because you can't leave just yet

making me want to write a world in which it's you and i against the odds

making me want to paint over your heart so no one else can find it

i hate loving you

because loving you is far too consuming

because loving you seems so single sided

because loving you means loving a ticking time-bomb
ticking away until you finally disappear
and you tell me it's not me you're looking to leave
but if that were true
you'd think you'd invite me to disappear as well

i hate that i love you
had a title came up with something to match
119 · Apr 2023
delilah Apr 2023
you just can't figure me out
because i'm oh so complex
and oh so hard to get to know
because despite all my ramblings
baring my chest
carving myself open
and serving all i can spare
me out
delilah Aug 2019
my room is a mess
less so in the classical sense
much more in the sense
that my floor is littered with memories
memories i tore from the walls
memories i tossed from drawers
my life stripped down to piles
piles of old sticky notes
piles of "just-in-case"
i'm trying to get a handle
trying to consolidate necessities
trying to finding value beyond sentimental
trying and failing
to pack
pack away enough of my life to live
but leaving just enough
just enough to come back
just enough to save myself a spot
just enough
so yeah
my room is a total mess
and maybe that's a metaphor
i move into my dorm friday
and packing has just lead to more a mess
more stuff is coming into my room than leaving
117 · Dec 2018
to drown
delilah Dec 2018
i feel like a feather made of lead
so heavy
but only in the head
because my chest feels paper thin
as though every breeze pushes me down
because i feel as though i am gliding through this world
as though i am not apart of it
because i wish i wasn't
i wish i could just disconnect
for just a second
or two
(or more)
i wish i could just exist
because right now i feel as though i'm drowning
as though every troublesome thought that fills my head is pulling me under
further and further
beneath the waves
further and further
from the sun rays
closer and closer
to disconnecting
117 · Jul 2019
~and so i've learned~
delilah Jul 2019
i did not bloom from a household of love
i grew from the rubble of failed attempts
i thought love was sacrifice
sacrificing your time
your safety
and sanity
i thought love was tolerance
tolerating strangers
and lies
i thought love was fear
fearing what you'll do
what you'll give
and what you'll take
i thought love was pain
that it was only heartbreak
that the only proof it was real was a new child
that if it hurt it had to be real
i've grown to realize that just isn't right
i've learned
you don't have to settle for this love
love is acceptance
but not accepting *******
116 · Jun 2018
delilah Jun 2018
let's capture this moment
preserve it in a frame
record it on a page
let's do anything
to ensure it won't die with us
116 · Apr 2023
delilah Apr 2023
someone told me i behave passively
that i move with the flow
as though nothing can touch me
but it’s just how i behave
a crutch
coping mechanism
a funny little way to say i live inside myself
keep the turmoil in my head
feel the hurt inside myself
and behave passively
114 · Jun 2021
how unfortunate
delilah Jun 2021
i look so much like my father when my mother is upset with me
it's amazing how she can't see herself in me when she's mad
my teary eyes are his
my sour face is his
my stance is his
i am his daughter when's she's angry
delilah Sep 2019
i've ****** up plenty of times in my thus far short life
and while this may be one of the bigger ones
i only regret it a little
positive self-sabotage i suppose
because now the bridge is burned
ashes in the wind
land up for sale
and i've got the sheriff on my ***
and this is good
or better
because the sad and toxic truth is
i could never say no to you
you could show up tonight
at 3 AM
and i'd do more than let you in
hell i would have given you the world
if you just promised i could visit
but you won't be looking to sneak around with me anymore
and that's a good thing
112 · Jun 2018
delilah Jun 2018
look for my love in long silences

look for my love in quick glances

look for my love in paper hearts

look for my love in whispered good-byes

look for my love in soft lies

look for my love in shared space

look for my love in lost words

look for my love

i promise it's there

may not be said


do i have to say it to make it true?
112 · May 2021
crying feels so damn good
delilah May 2021
crying all the time sets me apart from from you & her
you only cry when something really bad happens
or you want me to feel really bad for how i react
and my mom only cries when she's really mad
or on the off occasion i catch her breaking down

you've always been quick to smother me when i cry
not with love but meaningless gifts
my mother always says i'm too sensitive when i cry
when really she means i'm too much like you
and maybe i am "too sensitive"
but i don't just cry for the lowest lows like you two

i cry every time i watch a movie
i cry every time i laugh a little too long
i cry every time i'm overwhelmed
i cry every time i erupt into anger
sometimes i cry just for the hell of it

i cry all the time and that used to embarrass me
but i've grown to realize that's what sets me apart from you & her
that's what makes me better that you & her
i show every emotion with the prettiest tears
111 · Mar 2020
paper stars
delilah Mar 2020
i make paper stars when bad thoughts flood my mind
i've made a lot of stars but not a lot of progress
my wall will be lined with colorful stars
while my mind will stay littered with the scraps
and i'm gonna run outta paper soon enough
i don't know what i'll do then
i can barely manage to do the bare minimum now
i doubt i'll make myself get paper
for stupid paper stars
111 · Jun 2018
love poems to no one
delilah Jun 2018
writing love poems becomes quite odd
when i realize i'm always writing
about you
to you
but you don't exist.
i write
and write
and write
to you
but there is no "you"
i write to a love i do not know
i write love poems about being in love/someone i'm in love with
but i'm not in love with anyone
rather i'm in love with the idea of "you"
108 · Apr 2022
delilah Apr 2022
i told you it was just that time of year again
and you asked me what i meant
as though you haven't been there that time of year
every year
and every year that time of year seems to get longer
and every year i seem more eager for it to come around
because this time of year is better
not good but the rest is worst
this is the time of year i set myself on fire
and see who burns out faster
me or everything i touch
me or the world
and every year i lose
but i'm getting better
i can make the game last longer
i learned how to fuel my own flames
and you've always known how to make me burn bright
maybe one year you'll be there to see me win
but i know you won't
because there's no wining
i'd have the game run into infinity if i could
but the high can't last
and once i'm out of steam i know you'll be leaving again
because you don't know how to love me when the fire has gone out
you only know how to love a ******* top of the world
not one who can't get out of bed
107 · Jan 2022
delilah Jan 2022
time and time again
i catch myself attracted to
good for nothing potheads
small time criminals
boys with daddy issues
(sometimes even mommy issues)
boys that don’t want to be better while i’m around
boys that want to dig themselves deeper
boys that’ll be better for a girl that matters
and i’m just not that girl
delilah Mar 2021
growing up ***** for many reasons
one that breaks my heart more and more everyday
is realizing my parents are not the monolithic people i've always seen them as
as a child it was easy to be hurt
to be mad at my mom for her mistakes
to be sad about my dad's short-comings
and then i grew to understand that their personal trauma and triumphs permeated every part of their parenting
and when i was younger it was easy to be hurt
now being hurt feels juvenile
100 · Aug 2018
today i did a bad
delilah Aug 2018
today i gave in
i gave in to what as been eating away at me
i gave in to who has been sat in the corner of my mind
i reached out
it was a simple hello
i got a simple reply
and nothing more
what did i expect
did i expect to go back
back to ten months ago
when we were fine
when a simple hello was met with more
when i was something to him
something more than simple
i thought i could go back
i really shouldn't have bothered
i should have known nothing would have come from reaching out
after all we haven't spoken in ten months
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