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 Jun 2013 Beki
The end
 Jun 2013 Beki
She twists the **** of the door
the wood creaks of her arrival
He glances towards her
Questioning her sanity,
How could she come back for more?

He asked her to leave,
She refused
He chose to try and ignore
the girl who implanted
Such a ****** sore
That clutched his heart
Down to his center core

She sobbed at the sight of him
And her memories of their explosions,
bare upon the floor
The memories of holding him,
peacefully by the sea shore

She stood there
Awaiting for what he had in store
Deep within his conundrum
Little did they know,
This was only,
The prewar
 Jun 2013 Beki
Geovanni Sanabria
Capitalizing on an era of pseudo depression
Day to day writing and spitting trying to make a connection

The goal is to take the world by surprise and mystify
Reach the souls of the people and have them testify

Our ambition isnt just to rise up and be famous
But you better be ready to step up and pay us

See the problem with music today stems from this lyrical fallacy
It fills our minds with malice and it's simply a travesty

Desperately we cry out to change the game
Hoping to inspire this generation on its rise to fame

Listen closely now and don't take what youve heard for granted
With every single rhyme every line there's passion We've implanted

We don't want to look back and just be known for go dumb and *******
There has got to be more to music than wanting to be charted

Have us at 100 put us back at 1000 theres only one thing we need
To be in the ears of a young man or woman knowing we planted a seed.
 Jun 2013 Beki
So much valuable time has been wasted
on thoughts implanted in my mind.
I thought I could be normal, get a career,
make money, and live a wonderful life.
I thought I could seem normal, act normal,
fall in love, and marry a beautiful wife.
Feel normal, start a family, grow old,
and then someday finally die.
That’s what I was taught was a slice of the American pie,
but people have a way of telling us lies until we believe the lies, then we live the lies, betraying our reason to live our life.
Little did I know someone had already cast the dice.

Dear God in heaven can you erase my past?
Can you see I’m consumed by this terrible hatred?
Is it time to unplug the mic and face it?
So many lives untouched as I let time pass.
Pathetic one did you have the last laugh?
Listen to the chamber clicking as I load it fast.
Listen to the clock ticking at the bottom of the trash.
Here’s a blast as I pack another track, can you taste it?
My track in your audio jack now study the facts.

This time I hope my memory erases.
So, I strap a pack to my back and prepare to get wasted.
Regardless of this bottle of Jack,
as I finish two pints — no wait, two pints and a half.
And some of them have the audacity to launch an attack.
I am sickened by the restriction of this system
crumbling underneath my feet.

Don't laugh!

My country tis of thee, this world is constricting my lyrical agility,
my freedom of speech, my true ability makes me
not normal.
© JDMaraccini 2013
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