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 Jun 2013 Beki
Tim Knight
And I saw spectres sway
in smoke and smog,
hazy gray, secretive fog.

And from the wings
of the checkerboard dance floor,
I stood, saw and adored.

And in fine finesse, finish and form,
you tore me up from the dance floor depth
and whispered odes I shall never forget.

*And what fools we were for not saying yes.
I am sorry.
 Jun 2013 Beki
Tim Knight
May many more manuscripts
find their way to your hands,
your pen,
that slightly chewed pencil sharpened down
to its end.
            Let emails fill and grace and glide into,
            and over, your mailbox,
            all for you to wake up in
            sheer ecstasy’s shock,
            because you’ve just found out
            there’s work to be done.
                        Allow this doing to be your undone;
                        go out conscious and naked into
                        the hazy summer’s sun
                        and dance, for goodness sake,
                        dance woman! as if a newborn
                        locked away in your womb depended on it.
 Jun 2013 Beki
Tim Knight
Hiding in toilet suites
on hotel floors,
above showers-for-two,
and below countless stairs.

Dodge large lobby hallways
and the corridor artery, early-décor, maze,
run past cleaner’s cupboards:
potions for the unsavoury, unclean,
another lost, single mother.

A room service delivery
to a door you don’t own,
yet it keeps the unknown
fears and doubts

Flick and press that remote
because long nights lead
to hours of unrest,
you’re tired of this hotel,
you’re tired of their upper-class clientèle,
you’re tired of that artificial smell,
you’re tired.
 Jun 2013 Beki
Tim Knight
Your tilted head
shifted your waterfall hair
to the left.

In a stream of beguiling blonde
your chest was met with a dry splash of gold,
real gold.

Technology at your fingertips,
HTML scripts morphing
into long sentences, bouncing in grammar and not stopping
until you take another breath, another
sip from your coffee cup of bitter death- one sugar, no less.

Daunt Books bag beside your chair’s side,
the faithful mute mule carrying
your words and notes and probably an umbrella too,
it’s raining outside and I wish for you not to get wet.
 May 2013 Beki
Jara Jones
I'm sleepy
But not sleeping
But not cheating
But not lost
But not the cost
But not glad
But not sad
But not far
But not a liar
But not hopeful
But not soulful
But not mad
But not bad
With you
But still so alone
In my room
But so far from home

I'm a paradox
Wrapped in straight talk
 May 2013 Beki
Christy Pavoncello
Have you ever watched someone begin to cry?
The realization of pain,
The fleeting denial, momentary battle against emotion
Then submission,
Tears brimming as the eyebrows tighten
Involuntary grimaces,
The drops searing paths of cold pain down the cheeks

The ugliest view of beauty one will ever see.
 May 2013 Beki
Vassana M
One must commit mistakes to learn with pained mind
To err is the nature of humankind
And one shall always accept that of which is not
To be illusioned, the ****** identifications, the Self a fabricated rot
The fool has propensity to cheat, posing oneself an intelligent being
They'll write books of Self philosophies and fail to realize their lack of flawless seeing
Our senses are imperfect, we are too proud of our eyes
One cannot see God but within the dark our hands also disappear and that is the mass demise

Thus how does one become a liberated soul
Without losing sight of its conscious whole
A real question.
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