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 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
I was too tired
to see you for who you are,
        A walking live star.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
To my new Hello Poetry friends who has helped me see the light once again. I know I've been an emotional wreckage the past few days, but I thank you all for the support you have shown me. I promise you I will stand on my two feet and carry the world on my shoulder again one day. Special thanks to carol, spt, nameless,rosalind, julie, lucinda and eve who have taken the time to message me and encouraged me to keep on writing as well as made me understand myself better so I can better myself. I thank you all. Thank you Hello Poetry for showing me what it's like to appreciate stars in my life without having to look upon the darkest part of our lives; the night.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Caroline E
That's what pain truly feels like,
A constant roaming in the shadows of the night

You have a face full of beauty,
Sadly a mouth full of lies

Forked tongue spitting venom like a snake's duty,
But oh how I still miss you when I look at the sky

I remember the good times we had like if it were yesterday,
But I never saw this coming, never thought I'd have to say goodbye

What more is there even left to say,
But just let out a relinquishing sigh

Although my heart aches at the thought of being apart from you,
I will walk away, for you have opened my eyes

The harsh reality that I was a speed bump,
On your journey to find the one

I thought there was love between us,
But I should've known that before it even started we were already done.
Collab., by Star Gazer and myself. By the way, go check Star Gazer out! It was a pleasure working with him (:
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
Go and hide,
I'll get the shovel,
Where's your pride,
Why the scuffle?

The police are coming,
I said conceal yourself,
Stop your bumbling,
You need my help.

Police will find us,
If you don't vanish,
You have my trust,
Forget the anguish.

Behind the trees,
Don't make a noise,
Don't even sneeze,
Where's your boys?


Guess I'll count to 20.

You guys go hide.

Seekers are cops

Hiders are robbers.

Welcome to a cross between cop seekers and robber hiders.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
I was at the doctors and had an injection,
In between needles I pondered about life,
Of how a needle lived its life in perfection,
It lived it in absolute lack of strife.

I was never more jealous of an inanimate object,
It was perfect for its purpose unlike me,
I was reminded of all the time I was a reject,
And that was when I began to see.

That every rejection just made me closer,
To being the perfect fit for my purpose,
So I discarded the life of a lame poser,
And started brainstorming at first.

What was my real purpose in life?
Then I realised, it was to live without strife.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
He spoke of his love for her constantly,
She did the same repeatedly,
But when a storm had arrived,
She used his body as a shield,
And he felt a part of him die in the impact.
The part that fell in love with her...

      His heart was never the right,
size, shape, form or colour,

        Ever again. ...
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
No there are no roses at the doorstep,
No gifts or chocolates to be kept.
Just another day amongst the many,
While the stars are in assembly.
Just me and the stars of the night sky,
Coated in the flow of a lonely eye.
The constellations tell me one thing,
I will never have any duo to sing,
Forever destined to be alone,
Just me and my next door neighbours moan....
Happy Valentines day to them,
They sure sound wet with excitement.
Oh how I miss you.
Your sweet brown eyes
The smile you give me when I'm staring at you for to long.
The way you tell me about your day and how it all got better because you got to hear my voice.
I miss how you touch me and everything seems just fine.
Your dimple on the left side of your cheek when I tell you I love you.
The way you hold my hand and kiss me
Just the way I catch you looking at me from the corner of my eye.
God I miss you.
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