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I tripped and stumbled in my head
And almost fell right out of bed
But oh so still, I still fell into laughter
For realities and dreams, it seems
Can both burst open at the seams
Contaminating every ever after
Sometimes in ways of poisoned woes
Sometimes in cures we suffer slow
While either way destroying our perceptions
Until the plans we’ve so long made
Are lost in much unwanted trade
As we learn yet again from self deception
Believing things could never be
Much worse or better in between
While never quite preparing for each reckoning
Sometimes when we have at all
We fail to understand the flaws
The only thing that’s missing now is everything
I can feel a song in this one. I may have to expand......
 Feb 2014 Bean
Child of the Word
There is no such thing as true silence
At least not on this earth
For the earth itself has sound
It hums
But it is often covered

By the sounds of people and of grass or pavement under feet
Of water or cars rushing by
Of the wind whispering through leaves of trees

But in the lonely places of the world
Where for miles and miles there is nothing but dirt
and nothing -or almost nothing-grows
Where, if you stand on a hill and listen closely
You can hear the muffled voices of those a mile away

In those places you can hear the earth
Deep and low and full
A sound silenced by the culmination of other sounds
Which are themselves mistaken for silence
A sound that when heard, though quiet enough to be drowned out by whispering  trees, fills the void with sound
The sound of Earth singing
 Feb 2014 Bean
Mary R Short
 Feb 2014 Bean
Mary R Short

There's a monster in my home
With a soul as black as death
He's lurking somewhere nearby
Waiting with baited breath

He'll jump out and attack me
When things don't go just right
He's waiting for just the moment
He wants to start a fight

This monster I know from childhood
Although his face has changed
And yet I let him in again
Am I the one deranged?

This monster hid it well this time
A devil in disguise
Until he reared his ugly head
It was too late when I got wise.

And now I'm stuck here in this house
He'll never let me get away
This monster thinks I owe him
A debt I can never repay.

I slowly descend into hopelessness
Wishing the day would come
When I could go away from here
And find my hearts true home

The monster lives off my pain you see
Built a wall I can never get through
The saddest thing is you'll never believe
The monster with me is YOU
And he calls this love.
 Feb 2014 Bean
in the small towns with unknown names, mothers drive vans with grass stains painted across the backseats. in the winters coated with snowfall, mothers make hot chocolate for frozen fingers to grasp and sip, letting it settle on little tongues like some untold secret. in the storms, mothers bring a candle and a story from the past to light the darkness.

and what can a mother do when she does not hear the rain on the rooftops? how does one illuminate pale walls and faded curtains without a guide of light? you could never sense the darkness. you could never hold my hand. mother, my fingertips are poisoned. you weren't going to touch them anyways. you know he says there's a forest in my eyes. but you prefer the city skyline, don't you?

I told father I never wanted to see you again. besides, he doesn't have to. why should I stick to this cracked leather couch when you rest on some beautiful bed down the street? mother, you can only **** a married man for so long. the stones on his ring are brighter than you. I might've kissed you, mother, but there have been too many lips pressed to mine, and you're immune to this sickness, and what is a sign of love without a flicker of pain?

when is the last time I smiled at you? there is a photo somewhere and I am nestled in your arms, and I'm wearing a red dress, and I think I would have slipped away if I knew who you really were. mother, do you want to see the cuts on my wrist? I should've given you that suicide note. remember that day you thought I was sick? I guess you never saw the pills were gone. you shouldn't have kept the matches so far away when you knew I loved the fire. you know, mother, I bet you don't know what a trigger feels like. you know, I was ten when I decided that I did not love you. I am the sliver of moon starving to vanish in the sky and mother, I swear I'll be new.
this ones for you, ma.
 Feb 2014 Bean
ellie danes
 Feb 2014 Bean
ellie danes
When you said goodbye, you told me
"Love is a garden; it goes in and out of season."
Now as I slather my toast with orange marmalade,
Mon Amie La Rose plays in my head
And I can't help but cry as it reminds me of you.
this poem had to include metaphor, color, spoken words, a song title, and something sticky in 5 lines
 Feb 2014 Bean
ishaan khandpur
 Feb 2014 Bean
ishaan khandpur
You stole my words,
And made them yours.
You broke me up,
Without remorse.

I lost through you,
Not just love.
But the sense of knowing,
What friendship was.

The tides were high,
As people changed.
But you I prayed,
Would still remain.

But the grave was mine,
Dug too by me,
Deep enough,
For you to leave.

You found your exit,
You took it and ran.
And stole from me,
My reminisce.

My sweet memories,
Were now just yours.
You left me alone,
Without my thoughts.

But I did fight,
That tainted heart.
I spat it out,
As I drew guard.

Of people who loved,
And friends alike.
You taught me dear,
How to survive.

I thank you now,
As my ashes feed,
My new life,
The one just for me.
My heart loves the eyes of time
and inside I feel that I know I hold the soul
which looks into the life of each and every word
holding the light of my life each day.  
The world hears my mind and sees my eyes
when night places a smile on my face.

My heart sees the sweet dreams of the sun
when my tears hand my spirit
to the song of the air
and my thoughts hand my pain to truth
and the winds of the moon.  
Still,  I wonder,
what right do my wings have
to silence the beauty of my breath so soon.  

Your voice walks softly
as it sings to the shadows of the sea
and I wonder
if I will sleep with the thought of your lies
touching my skies
and if I will feel your kiss speaking to me.  
While I watch the places
where your memories rain on the peace
your lips deceived so free.

I thought I heard you dancing to the left of the winds
and I thought hope would listen
and be filled with the music of change
wishing I'd known I could forget the sound.
Because  I saw the sight of darkness
and still remembered the light
I had found.

I now rest in the coldness of what I write
and stop your arms from burning the sweetness
of the end of my years
with your clouds and your flowers that are broken so gently.  
the waves of your flames
seek the silent softness
within the paths of me.
Copyright @2014- Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
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