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 Feb 2014 Bean
David Lewis Paget
The children wanted a puppy dog
But I always told them no,
We only had an apartment, with
No place for it to grow,
They groaned and wailed ‘til the wife had paled,
‘You’ll have to shut them up!
They’re driving me stone crazy,
All they want is a tiny pup.’

‘It can’t be done, they make a mess
And they’re always underfoot,
I’ll get them something inanimate
From the net, I’ll look it up.’
I finally found a Russian site
Where they sold some crystal seed,
‘Try growing your own Dorazamite,
It’s the only pet you’ll need!’

I sent away for a starter kit
And it took a week to come,
A couple of packets of crystals
So I bought an aquarium,
The screed said ‘Just add water, then
Sit back to watch it grow,’
The kids weren’t very impressed, they said:
‘It seems to grow so slow!’

‘It takes a while,’ I began to smile,
‘But Rome wasn’t built in a day!’
‘We only wanted a puppy dog
To take outside, and play.’
It had started forming crystals, but
I gradually forgot,
And failed to check the aquarium,
Whether it grew, or not.

One day the kids were excited, said:
‘It’s starting to move about,
It ate the couple of skinks we found,
And keeps on getting out,
I found it down on the kitchen rug
In its blues and greens and golds,
But cut my hands when I picked it up,
Too sharp for me to hold.

A week went by and I heard them cry
‘It’s taken a lizard shape,
Has run right under the microwave,
It’s trying to escape.’
‘It’s only a pile of crystals, it
Can’t walk, or snap its jaws…’
‘It can,’ they said, when they went to bed,
‘It’s become a Dorazasaur!’

That night, the sounds of a tinkling had
Prevented me from sleep,
Like chandeliers in the wind, the sound
Was making my flesh creep,
The door burst open at three o’clock
With a jangling-wrangling roar,
And there was a glittering lizard, standing
There at the shattered door.

With a crystal eye, and four foot high
Its teeth were red, and sharp,
Its claws were very like amethysts
That tore at me in the dark,
It chased me out to the balcony
When I stood aside, it leapt,
Down to the concrete driveway
Where it shattered across the steps.

We live in a dangerous neighbourhood
Where we have to be on guard,
Where crystal birds, and crystal rats
Run out in your own backyard,
There are crystal dogs and crystal cats
That attack, and eat, and fight,
All from that lousy crystal pack
They called Dorazamite!

David Lewis Paget
 Feb 2014 Bean
Savannah Charlish
They sat at the big bay windows
Her head resting against it like a pillow
He watched her
While she watched the rain
He wished for the courage
To grab her hand and take her out to dance
She looked over at him
And knowingly smiled at his hopeful glance
She looked back to the rain
And slid her hand in his
Because though she loved to dance
He did not know the songs she sung in her head
 Feb 2014 Bean
Nathan Young
I was poking a piece of paper with a pen out of sheer boredom.
Thus, a rough sketch of a heart was born
by a simple series of ink blots with repetition.
Then I thought: why did I do that?
At first glance, it was just a random assortment
of ink spots that seemingly have no meaning,
but as it catches my eye every now and then,
I realize it has seduced every nerve in my brain.
I figuratively try to imagine what my mind
looks like, but all I see is an enveloping mist
that my subconscious has sent forth
in an attempt to end my pervasiveness;
to uncover what I deem as truth.
Although, I can tell that the more I try to understand
why my subconscious is doing this,
the thinner this metaphorical blockage becomes.

I can see a silhouette of a person, a woman to be exact.
Her feminine figure exhibiting serenity in it's rawest form,
down to even the smallest of details.
Dare I approach this woman to uncover the secrets she holds
Or should I stand here, jaw agape, as I stand in awe?
Perhaps I may do both.

Please body, grant me the courage to move.
The longer I wait, the chance of her fading increases
and frankly, I do not wish for this to occur.
I feel that every step I make closer to her,
The stiffness of this paralysis only grows exponentially.
Curse these infernal bonds, I cast off these chains,
but it appears it's too late for now,
This apparition is approaching me.

In the beginning we made small talk, but I have to say,
those itty-bitty conversations were worth it.
They manifested into an array of discussions,
portraying our various ideals and goals;
It laid down our foundation,
but what really caught my attention
was the wisdom you so blissfully displayed.
It wasn't forceful in the slightest, but
rather all natural. My infatuation grew.

A dimly lit courtyard.
Flavored tobacco up in the air.

A table amongst friends.
Their chatter all tuned out.

A shoulder to lay on.
Causation of drug induced slumber.

Upon mountains high.
Walkers of the sky.

Ocean of lights below.
Hands clasp tight.

Still night in the park.
No more second guessing.

Gliding across ice.
Cancerous sin now ended.

Sleep tight, together now.
A kiss upon the forehead.


The longer I continue with this addicting contemplation,
a greater feeling of soothing realization
conquers this brooding mist and I feel uplifted.
There is one thing comes to mind:
I cannot stop adoring you.
PD 2/19/2014
 Feb 2014 Bean
Lila Timson
 Feb 2014 Bean
Lila Timson
Hits like pen on parchment
Chalk on stone
Rubs like pineapple on gums
Gulf and blood
Grey like bad meat or slugs
Lines of blue
Like the stench of garbage
Hold in breath
Take in.
Take in.
 Feb 2014 Bean
Kirsten Lovely
Stick your arm through your chest
And pull out your heart
I guess forgetting all love
Is a good place to start.
Keep your hands ******
Leave your chest bare
And if somebody shut it
I guess they might care.
But until they can prove it
Keep shining your sheath
Apply some dark eyeliner
And sharpen your teeth.
Keep your friends close
And nobody closer
Lonely sounds better
Than whiny push over.
Preach what you practice
Take your advice
Bad pastor, good cop
Either way, don't play nice.
Because look where that got you
All this anger and hate
I guess if they loved you
You wouldn't be in this place.
So be ruthless and heartless
All the 'less-es' out there
Keep the blood on your hands
If that makes them care.
Throw your heart on the floor
And love with it, too
They wouldn't have laughed
If they truly loved you.
I don't know. Just, don't laugh at people and stuff.
 Feb 2014 Bean
Kirsten Lovely
He gave her the look
Not the look that his friends gave her
Not the suggestive look
Not the kind of look
That someone took with their eyes
But the kind of look used only
With their brain
A brain that saw more than a chest
And more than mere legs
A brain that recognized another brain
One on fire for curiosity
With a drive for discovery
And a lust for the unknown
This look was not intended to put out the fire
Or to hit the brakes
Or to **** the mood
But to douse flames with lighter fluid,
Step on the gas,
And love the lust.
 Feb 2014 Bean
 Feb 2014 Bean
I wonder
Do you have any idea
The lengths I would go to
Just to see you smile?
What I would give up
Just to have you
Cuddle up against me for an hour?
It's been so many months
But I still feel excited every time
That I see your amazing
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