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in fear I would tremble--
but I looked him in his eye
and saw nothing more
nothing less
than man at gunpoint
like a cold, heaving
mind awakening
a collection of words spilled from mouth
leaves dissipating underfoot
a race to the end of nothing
I wait
and wait
but the turn of the air does not arrive
my lady
has been lost
to the heat
of the day.
Poet asleep,
Moonlight dancing on a face
Worn away by life.
The poet has smiled,
The poet loved-
The poet lost.
But until the beams of the sun illuminate motes of dust at the break of morn,
Poet sleeps,
Poet is one of us.
Losing my humanity
As I drift further and further away from those I love.
Star smattered gazes lost
To the catatonic stares-
Hours and hours on end.
Am I alive?
Or am I just breathing?
Who am I?
Questions, filling my mind, drowning me in a sea of emotions I can't even begin to register,
A false god.
Built on a pedestal of lies.
A monument to the sins of mankind.
I am eternal-
But until the day I may be freed from this skin that binds me
I will walk among you
Growing distant
As my fate swallows me.
Are you breathing, child?
Are you traipsing through the wild-
Barreling like a shadow through the city streets at night?

Are you alive, little one?
Are you feet carrying you for as long as you may run-
Do you weep like the moon at the rise of the sun?

Are you sleeping, sweetheart?
Are you staring at the sky with a wandering heart-
Will you grow old, will we be torn apart?

Are you here, child?
Are you here?
A mother cow watches her calf being taken from her.
Furry beast; perched on my bed,
I ask him, why do you rush,
Why do you hurry as if your days are numbered?
He turns his head to me,
And with a heavy voice he speaks:
"Human, you are eternal,
But my pawprints will only live as long as I dare tread them."
A poem I wrote about my cat.
Such a feeling
That I have
Inside me
About you.
Like the howling wind
Rushing and wailing, but-
Peaceful in its own way,
Hurtling through the
Mountains, like
An oversized
Dog when
His man
:-) Good vibes.
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