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7d · 45
One Day
Barker 7d
One day I'll stop talking about them,
And the world will feel right again.
7d · 20
Barker 7d
My story will not end here,
Though my heart aches with silent tears.
The echoes of love linger near,
Yet in this pain, strength appears.

Broken pieces are not the end,
They form the path that I must mend.
Through the sorrow,
I find my way,
A brighter dawn, a brand-new day.

I will rise with resilience strong,
For even heartbreak moves along.
Hope remains, a steady light,
Guiding me beyond this night.
Mar 19 · 101
To Be Forgotten
Barker Mar 19
I wish to be forgotten,
Let time wash over any memories that you have left of me.
For my name to slip through the cracks of your memory,
Unnoticed, like a whisper lost in the wind.

Let the weight of what we were vanish from your heart and mind.
The moments we shared - the laughter, the silence,
Let them blur together so they can be washed away altogether.

Let me fade,
Into nothing at all.
Mar 17 · 27
What Are Friends For?
Barker Mar 17
Your tears speak louder than words, but silence is a thief, slipping into the cracks, threatening to carry you away unseen.

They don't want you to heal silently, alone in the emptiness of your own thoughts,
They want you to heal loudly, let your hurt show, let yourself be vulnerable,
Because they will be there to help pick up the shattered pieces of your heart.

They want you here, not swallowed by the guilt, the regret,
The weight of what could have been, or what wasn't said.
For they see your worth, and nothing you could have done would have changed her mind.

So, scream if you must, let the sound echo through the hollow spaces,
Let your pain take shape and find its voice,
For in its loudness, you will not be alone.

They are here to catch you when the silence tries to pull you under,
To remind you that your healing matters,
That you are more than your grief,
And the noise of your hurt is the anthem of your survival.

In breaking the silence, you reclaim yourself,
Piece by piece, sound by sound,
Until the echoes of your voice
Become the music of your healing.
Barker Mar 7
Through every shadow,
Every climb,
I’ll walk beside your heart,
Through time.

In whispers soft,
In skies so blue,
Know this,
My soul is tied to you.

When storms arise and doubts take hold,
I’ll be your warmth against the cold.
An unseen light,
A steady hand,
Forever yours,
I’ll always stand.

Through every tear and every cheer,
I’m never far,
I’m always near.
A quiet echo,
Strong and true,
No matter where,
I’ll always be with you.

Mar 7 · 28
Wilted Roses
Barker Mar 7
A hopeless romantic,
Who's had his heart broken,
One too many times,
Writes about  love,
He'll never find,

Then along comes a stranger,
Who'd turn his life upside down,
Shows him a side of love.
That cannot be easily found,

With a glance that speaks volumes,
And a touch that ignites,
She brings colours to his shadows,
Turns his days into nights,

Though wary he opens,
His heart beats anew,
For a chance that she might see him,
As love's chosen,

But love like a flame,
Can burn as it glows,
Her words turning into embers,

She held his heart gently,
Then let it slip through,
She drifts like the tide,
Slipping out of view,

Like footprints in the sand,
Leaving him stranded in the sorrow's undertow,

Yet in his madness,
He yearns and waits,
He clings to the love they once showed,

If she calls he'll be ready,
Though battered and broken,
His soul is true,
He waits in the shadows,
Should she ever renew,

So for now he waits,
Though the hours grow long,
His heart singing fragments,
Of a bittersweet song,

In the stillness he wonders if she'll ever return,
While the embers of hope,
Slowly burn.
Mon soleil. I will be here, always.

Jan 2023 · 197
Barker Jan 2023
“Go back to sleep love.”

I can’t

“What’s wrong?”

I’m not sure. I can’t tell if it’s one big thing or a million small things that is bothering me at the moment.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Not right now. Maybe in the morning.

“Alright, well come closer so I can cuddle you. That’s better. I can’t promise to solve all your problems my dear, although I wish I could. I can however, promise that you don’t need to face them alone. I’m always here, even if you can’t see me. “

I’m just not used to having someone with me.

“I know, but you don’t have to fight your problems alone anymore. You’ve got me.”

Thank you for staying up with me. I’m getting a bit tired now.

“Always. Goodnight darling.”

Goodnight...I love you

“I love you too”
Dec 2022 · 193
If Only...
Barker Dec 2022
If only you knew how much I want to be with you.
If only you knew how much you mean to me.
If only you knew how much I love you.
If only you knew how much I care for you.
If only you knew how much I am missing you.
If only you knew how great you are.
If only you knew how I feel about you
If only you knew what I'd do to be with you.
If only you knew I'd sacrifice my beating heart before I lose you.

Maybe you would start to love yourself as much as I love you.
Dec 2022 · 154
Barker Dec 2022
Roads lead people to a certain place,
Whether it be in the past, present or future

Roads sometimes split,
And you're faced with a decision,

Roads sometimes end,
And you have to wander alone lost before you find another,

Roads sometimes cross paths,
From there you find someone who means something to you,

My question is,
Will your road cross mine?
Dec 2022 · 135
Barker Dec 2022
I ran fast and far hoping that everything would fade away,
Hoping that if I ran far enough
Perhaps I'd be able to rest for a little bit,
At least before the storm caught up to me.

I ran until my legs became weak and my lungs started to burn,
I ran until tears were falling from the excruciating pain,
I ran until y body went numb and the storm swallowed me
Dec 2022 · 143
To My Love V
Barker Dec 2022
On a plane reading the message you sent me,
My heart feels so warm like I'm drinking a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold snowy night,
I feel at peace,
Such a rarity for me,
How can one person make me feel like this?
Dec 2022 · 156
To My Love IV
Barker Dec 2022
I have felt a resemblance of home with others,
But it always felt like I was missing something,
For some reason it seems like you hold it
Dec 2022 · 162
To My Love III
Barker Dec 2022
I've been feeling empty and misunderstood for so long,
And then you come along and suddenly everything is changing,
I find myself thinking about you constantly,
Ways that I can make you smile,
Ways that I can share your burden so that life will feel less heavy,
I want to be there for you,
If you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to talk to.
Dec 2022 · 139
To My Love II
Barker Dec 2022
I've been in many relationships, and there's only one which hasn't left any scars.
Sometimes things can trigger certain memories or feelings.
If that happens, do not worry, it is not you.
I'm still trying to work through some issues.
It may take time for me to be comfortable around you.
Many of my relationships have caused me to mask my true self and become someone else.
I want you to know that the more get to know me, the more you may not like what you see.
I'm still recovering from my past and so bad habits are still present.
I'm still changing and still learning.
If I ever do something that you don't like, please tell me.
Don't hide things from me, especially if it's something that I do that makes you uncomfortable.
Dec 2022 · 524
To My Love
Barker Dec 2022
My darling,

I apologize if I am not the same hopeless romantic poet I once was.
I am sorry to say that I have wasted my words on poems that were written for temporary romances.
I am sorry that I can no longer write poems that sweep you off your feet.
Dec 2022 · 138
Last Letter
Barker Dec 2022
If I would have known that this was the last letter to you
I would have written it differently.
I would ask you why.
What did I do that made you suddenly not want me anymore?
Why did we have to make things so tough between us.
If I had changed would you have stayed?
If I were able to mould into the version of me that you had in your head, would it have made things better?
Dec 2022 · 107
Just Hold On
Barker Dec 2022
Life moves on what can I say?
I've spent these last few months wishing that time would stop.
Hoping that it will let me readjust my grip,
Praying that it doesn't take me away.
Dec 2022 · 570
Barker Dec 2022
It's so peaceful and quiet at night,
It's as if the world just kind of fades away,
I'm laying on the pavement in the middle of the road,
No cars are around,
I can hear the wind flowing through,
The trees rustle in response,
And the sound of the river flowing.
It's peaceful and for once it seems as if all the worries and  responsibilities are lifted off of my shoulders.
I look up at the sky, but no stars can be seen tonight,
The clouds are pink from reflecting the city lights,
I watch as they slowly roll by.
I am not necessarily happy, nor sad, but rather alive.
All I know is that I never want this feeling to end,
I don't want to feel that weight on me,
Not when I finally know what it feels like to breathe.
Dec 2022 · 579
Barker Dec 2022
I've tried to play along,
I've tried to drown myself in work and things that keep me busy,
But the truth is I'm dying inside,
I mask my emotions with a smile and a laugh,
But I just want to cry and breakdown,

Why am I still going?
Why am I still here?
What's the point?
Dec 2022 · 118
I'm Not Okay
Barker Dec 2022
Do you ever just hurt so much inside,
But no one knows,
Because you just smile through it and say
"I'm just tired".

It's hard to keep going,
It's this constant battle of trying to get through the day,
I constantly wake up tired,
It feels as though the world just whirls by and I'm just trying to hold on.
May 2022 · 319
Lessons In Life
Barker May 2022
I'm cautious with my heart as it has been broken and rebuilt too many times,
I'm sorry if I'm skeptical at times,
Or if I read too much into things,
I'm sorry that I'm overly observant and that I misinterpret the smallest movements,
I'm trying my best to not let it interfere,
But if there's one thing I've learned in life,
It's that you can't trust everyone
May 2022 · 240
Barker May 2022
I've forgotten what love feels like,
More so
I've forgotten what it meant
Apr 2022 · 153
Home III
Barker Apr 2022
I’m just here,
Waiting for you to come home
Apr 2022 · 197
Barker Apr 2022
Don’t be so foolish as to mistake who I am,
With who I was
Apr 2022 · 350
Barker Apr 2022
Writing has not come easy to me lately,
Maybe it’s because I’m older now and the routines of life has gotten me in a constant looping state of mind,
Maybe it’s because I no longer feel comfortable talking about my troubles,
I’ve become more reserved,
More cautious,
Afraid of being too transparent
And having my heart broken
Nov 2021 · 119
A simple text
Barker Nov 2021
"Hey, how are you?"


"I'm not doing too well to be honest. I feel like a cold dark blanket has been wrapped around me, slowly suffocating me. I want the world to just stop for a second so I can catch my breath, instead of feeling like I am hanging on by a single thread. I want to run far away from here and go somewhere, where I am a stranger… I — I want to be free."


"I'm alright, you?"
May 2021 · 267
Barker May 2021
My thoughts are like the ocean.
Deep, vast and easy to get lost in.
When my thoughts get restless it is easy to drown away in them,
And when I call out for help,
The sea of my thoughts drown out my voice,
And I am once again alone,
Unable to defend myself
May 2021 · 241
Barker May 2021
One day,
When no one is around and I’m all alone
I’m going to drown in my own thoughts,
And that’ll be the end of me
May 2021 · 212
I should’ve known
Barker May 2021
What was supposed to be 15 min turned into 30
And then to 1 hour
And then to 2
And by the time you finally showed up
It was too late.

I was gone
May 2021 · 812
Barker May 2021
I feel too much.
People say that that’s good,
But I spend most my nights
Crying over pointless things
And wanting to **** myself over them.
May 2021 · 228
Painful memories
Barker May 2021
You replaced all the butterflies in my stomach with wasps,
And now every time I think of you,
I get stung
May 2021 · 164
Barker May 2021
I wish that one day we'll cross paths
Walking along the street
And you'll hug me like you did
The last time we saw each other
May 2021 · 185
Barker May 2021
I have lived a hundred lives within this one life,

I'm still not sure which one was the real me.
May 2021 · 175
Barker May 2021
I missed my chance with a girl that I wanted to spend forever with.
May 2021 · 1.5k
Barker May 2021
May 2021 · 197
A drop
Barker May 2021
In a world full of black and white
She’s the only colour I need
May 2021 · 150
Barker May 2021
And as blood dripped down her battered face,
The sun shone through the clouds;
Ending her long suffering night.
A new day emerges and as she prepares for her next battle,
She stops and looks around,
For the demons that once haunted her had vanished,
And there stood in shinning armour,
Were those whom she now calls
Feb 2021 · 175
This One's For You
Barker Feb 2021
I am never good at apologies,
But this one is long over due.

I was bitter when we broke up,
But I shouldn't have taken it out on you.

The circumstances we were stuck in were unfortunate,
And I know that our love took a toll on both of our wellbeing.

There's a lot that I wish I could say to you,
But I know that I severed the connection we had.

I want to say that I do not regret the time we had together,
Perhaps our paths will cross again,

Although I hope that it will happen sooner rather than later,
So I can tell you everything that I never said.

And perhaps by some miracle you will forgive me for the mistakes that I made.

I was so caught up in my own depression that I forgot how much you meant to me.

I am sorry for closing up and shutting you out,
I know that I hurt you.

I never meant to and I know that sounds like an over used line,
But I mean it, I pinky promise.

I just want to say that I am sorry,
From the bottom of my tattered and torn apart heart.

If I could give the remains of my heart I would,
Although I know you deserve more.
Jan 2021 · 418
You Don't Know
Barker Jan 2021
You never knew because you never had the time,
And when you let me talk,
You would never listen,
Perhaps it was my fault that I didn't speak louder,
But you should've been there for me
Nov 2020 · 167
(Work In Progress)
Barker Nov 2020
I haven’t written in so long,
My hands have forgotten the way the words move.

The last thing I wrote about was a girl who I thought would be mine.

It is no secret that I’m blinded by love.
Every sane thought tends to disappear without a trace.

I try to lie myself by stating that it’s okay that I’ll never find someone like you.

But the truth is, I keep looking for someone like you.

Someone who understands me like you do,
Someone who knows me.

But there will never be another you.
Because you’re the only person who can fill this hole in my chest.

You’re the only one who can stitch all my wounds closed.
The only one that can pick up the pieces of my shattered heart and help me piece it back together.

You’re the only one who isn’t scared of seeing my dark side.
The only one who doesn’t turn away when things get tough.

Darling, the truth is, you’re the one that I want.
Nov 2020 · 144
Barker Nov 2020
I am not good with words or people.
The thoughts I have seem to never come out the way I want them too.
That’s why I find different ways to communicate.
Yet no one seems to understand,
Well no one except you
Oct 2020 · 149
Barker Oct 2020
A true poet at heart,
I’ve been trying to find someone who can untangle my messy thoughts and create something beautiful with them.

A true poet at heart,
I know you’ve been looking for the same. Every poem you’ve written has somehow been able to unravel my thoughts.

True poets at heart,
You’re the only one who knows me
Oct 2020 · 168
Barker Oct 2020
I've been hiding behind my walls,
Afraid of coming out,
Even when the person of my dreams is in front of me.

I am scared to get in a relationship because I've been in so many abusive ones.

I tell myself that I don't need love and that my best friend is all that I need,
But deep down I know that I want something more.
Jul 2020 · 153
Lens (Work In Progress)
Barker Jul 2020
I was born with a Lens of detachment towards the world.
It’s superficial ideologies never really caught my eye.
I saw the world and it’s people for what it is.
Plastic, fake, a man made product of false ideas and irrational decisions.
That despite the claim that we are superior beings
We are nothing like this.
Jul 2020 · 136
Barker Jul 2020
I spend the day working on things that keep me busy.
I spend the night working in an empty garage, repairing cars.
I do this to distract myself, but sometimes my mind just stops when I’m working and thinks about that nagging thought that never seems to go away.

I notice it and I think to myself.
I am enough
I am enough
I am enough
I am enough
I am enough
But no matter how many times I say it
It doesn’t change the feeling of worthlessness

Because deep down I know that if I was enough.
Things would be different.
My life would mean something to someone
Or just general
Jul 2020 · 173
Diamond in the Rough
Barker Jul 2020
Beneath my hard edges.
Beneath my torn, battered heart.
Beneath my sunbathed flesh 
and these worn bones

Please believe, 
that somewhere in me,
there is a love song
and it is the kind you listen to
while driving back home
Jul 2020 · 137
(Work In Progress)
Barker Jul 2020
Life just slips away.
Maybe you didn’t mean it to,
Maybe you just got lost in the ocean of your own thoughts,
Maybe the voices of others bothered you, so you dunked your head under water to drown out the noise,
Maybe it’s all of those moments you wasted on work
Maybe it’s all the times you’ve changed yourself to please someone.
Maybe, you were too busy dreaming of the future, that you forgot to live in the present.
Jul 2020 · 127
Barker Jul 2020
I prayed to god
After you broke my heart.
I prayed for him to make the pain stop.
At first nothing happened.
I started to hate the pain.
I started to feel hopeless.
But one day I was able to get out of bed.
I was able to eat.
And suddenly the pain became manageable.
Until it was barely even there
Barker Jun 2020
Love isn’t worth the pain anymore.
I’m a hopeless romantic and maybe that’s all I’ll ever be.
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