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 Jun 2013 ballard midyette
Your lips were dew-kissed
Under the velvety sky
The air smelled
Of a June rose
Dancing in the meadow
The sky was studded
With twinkling stars
Like diamonds and crystals
I danced through the mist
And waltzed through the trees
And balled on the shimmering lake
I played my Harp with the Fairies
Who showed me the way to Fairyland
I came here through the hidden-secret door
So now I'm in Fairyland
At least I imagine it's so
Listening to the Enchanted music
Played with the most beautiful
Instruments ever
Perhaps, even some you've
Never heard before
Like bluebells kissed in dew
Chiming like crystals across the stream
Oh, how I'd long to soar
And be a Fairy
With a Key
To Wonderland
And to Fairyland
Even in illusions
I'd love to see this place
Called: Fairyland
Where all the Fae Folk dwell
But this is just
A Fantasy
Written in the sand

My Leah was lovely
in her pearl bedecked dress.
as she circled the chuppah
seven times , not one less.

In the presence of friends
I gave Leah my ring.
That how we were wed,
it's the nature of things.

Our party was loud
and in truth seemed a blur.
My bride filled my vision,
such was my love of her.

At some point, the Steward,
our wine sommelier ,
grew concerned at the drinking-
Running out was a fear.

As we both have large families,
and they like to drink wine.
your supply may run dry
at inopportune times.

Cousin Jesus was there,
with Mary, his Mother,
a studious soul
and devout like few others.

When they heard our plight;
learned the shame we would face.
That's when cousin Jesus
got up from his place.

I don't know what transpired,
I'll just say what I heard-
How he made wine from water
by the strength of his word.

A superior vintage
My palate proclaimed!
The guests were all pleased
and the party was saved.

Even our wine Sommelier
was impressed
He wondered why we
saved the best wine for last.

These three years that followed
filled with sadness, not mirth.
Jesus died on a cross,
Leah died giving birth.

I sit here alone,
as the last of my line.
Now sleep only comes
with the last of the wine.
Musings of the Bridegroom from Cana.
Shining brighter than the sun
My only words spoken to none
Falling faster than the rain
The pitter patter of my gain

Doors will open, doors will shut
A wild rose, and nothing but
Searching still for something less
The deadly gaze of happiness

Brighter yet, the fire grows
More dangerous, experience shows
Tread carefully through unseen sand
Reaching for some unknown hand

The icy chill draws strangers in
Throws them back to the cold again
The gentle smile calms the heart
Just enough time to find a start

I'd care for you if I knew how
Curtain's open, take a bow
Secrets lie, and truths revealed
In confidence, my lips are sealed
The small blue Arab stallion dances on the hill
like a glancing breaker, like a storm rearing in the sky,
In his *****-ears,the wind, that wanderer and spy,
sings of the dunes of Arabia, lion-coloured still.

The small blue stallion poses like a centaur-god,
netting the sun in his sea-spray mane, forgetting
his stalwart mares for a phantom galloping unshod;
changing for a heat-mirage his tall and velvet hill.

— The End —