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His eyes never lie
At least they try
They don’t disguise
and never cry

They are the door
to his fragile soul
Like a secret passage
just a tiny hole

His soul  twinkles
coup de main
Like a sprinkle
not the rain

It is gentle
and it is frail
Like the wind
with no trail

His eyes never lie
and his soul too
They make me smile
when I feel blue

They raise me up
far from the floor
They make me dream
and wish for some more
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
The girls with rusty voices are so poetic
And I am neither a song bird, nor a gutsy girl who just finished her 5th cigarette
I’m a little too nasally and high pitched
For even words to make me beautiful
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
I touched Your eyes,
in Your sleep.
the dream was
beyond my reach...
I can have You, only this much!
He asked
"Why do you continue to be sad?"

Considering that for a moment

I replied
*"Because being sad is the only thing I'm good at"
I kiss the moon
Lips melting onto mine
The cold seeping beneath my ivory skin
Wrapping around my glass ribs
Heavy fog resting in my lungs
Breathing out icicles
Frost lacing my eyelashes
Stars drinking me in
Cliffs taunting me to dance
Off into the dreamy haze
Crisp night air swirls in my violet veins
The night is my ecstacy
Oh and I have never felt so high
Isnt it amazing
To think of everything?

We breath the same oxygen as the wilderness
We drink the tears of the mountains
Provide carbon dioxide for the flowers
We feel
Its all so amazing
Isnt it?
The way we are star dust
Part of an amazing world
The amazing feeling of love?
The way we embrace

Although we destroy everthing
The flowers
The trees
The animals homes?
We knock down and carve out the mountains
We even destroy each other
We carve into our own skin
Just to escape the pain we feel
Phsyical pain is more enjoyable
Then the emotional pains
More enjoyable then the demons
In which whisper in the back of our minds

Why do we do this to everything?
Everything beautiful?

I hate it.
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