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 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
She smells like the following:
and baby powder,
but never at the same time.

She also thinks she kicked me out,
when in reality,
I was ready to leave.

She gives me looks of disgust,
like she's better than me.
But in all honesty,
she's the socially awkward one

who only has friends because they
were mine first.
She's the one who caused all our problems.

She left dirt in my bed
and denied it.
She touches and uses all my stuff
without asking me first.
Then she gets mad and offended
when I tell her not to do that.

She's a *****,
that's really all she is.
A smelly *****.
She's almost nineteen years old,
and smells and acts
like an infant.

My roommate is a *****,
and I hate her.
I am so glad I'm leaving.
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
Distance looms
In close proximity
A thousand miles away
Close enough to touch
Together alone
Alone Together
No words
Silence is deafening
A smile and a nod
Polite discomfort
Alone together
Together alone
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
Tracing the thoughts with a fingertip
Lining the clouds with silver
Present feelings from past mistakes
Proof that change is good
Perspicuity from a lazy dream
Thoughts like jumping beans
Bouncing off of shady corners
Waking what lies in quiescence
Scratching light into the darkness
With a stretch and a yawn
Folding what was into what is
Forming what will be
In the confines of four corners
lies the imagination of a child
the imagination becomes endless, it's own universe expanding about
and it is in this instance that the world is missing out

Missing out on the endless possibilities to attain
self control on levels of infinite realities
to seek itself in a mirror and to create what isn't, plain
old Joe they said, they didn't offer a chance

the chance to lay the identity on the table, rather it has been prescribed
ascribed, it has become- no longer seeking but just a glance
at which once was, but isn't no more

the four corners have contracted inward
no more imagination to draw
from, what happens now is not serene
the dark is welcomed, the light exiled
there's not much to reconcile
what was once a rose bush, now just thorns
the days are rejected, the night adorned

when words fade and objects come alive
mysticism arrives to die
i'd like to be a flower
               growing real tall off your wall-

                                     these nonsensical things,
                                          i keep thinking-
                       I don't need to hear any-much-more
                                     about your happy life,
                                       just go on and be it

I'd like to grow-a not-yet-blossomed flower,
real tall off your wall and then falling
i keep thinking-
           these nonsensical things
falling real soft onto the chest of your bed.
Take me to the peak,
Show me how to get there, I
trust you with my life.
Is this a haiku, or a senryu, or something else...? Not sure.
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