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Avery Gifford Jul 2014
The alarm goes off!
You jump up and realize you're late!
No time to get pretty...
you find the cloths that smell the least like dead animals and throw them on then you fly out the door!

Oh crap!
you forgot your keys!

You've locked yourself out of your house so you luckily go through an open window.
You've got your keys and you go to your car.  

You make it to the parking lot just in time and you rush to the door to fast to notice no one else is there.
You jar on the door and it's locked.

Oh wait,
it's Saturday.
Having to much fun thinking about this one.
  Jul 2014 Avery Gifford
When you're feeling really horrible
All you have to say when someone asks what's wrong is I'm tired.
It's always believable and no one cares enough to check further
When really all I think is how badly
I just need someone
To be there for me
Avery Gifford Jul 2014
Half the battle
Is waiting for her to call you.
Looking into her eyes
And seeing sadness you can do nothing about.
Jumping up and down
When she calls your name from afar.
When she jumps into your arms
And you both shed tears of joy.
From the first kiss to those three words:
I love you.

The other half
Is watching her walk away.
Leaving and never coming back,
And only to take apart of you with her.
Finding out you only made her life worse.
You look at her, into those eyes...
Those eyes you once saw as spectacular,
Now filled with a dead look of hate
And ask why?
You get nothing...

And then the battle is over
With a bittersweet ending.
This goes to all who have loved and then lost.
  Jul 2014 Avery Gifford
Libby Duncan
You won't want me anymore.
Once you leave it'll close the door.
I'll be left in the cold... My hearts already sold.
My eyes will go dull and yours... Well they'll brighten with me gone.
Each day for you will be new, for me my days will slip into a darker hue.
You'll move on to a better love... I'll stay here... My heart still won.
But go ahead.
Go on to better dreams.... I'll go on being yours, only this time falling apart at the seams.
I wrote this last night, scared that I was gonna have to watch someone I love leave.
Avery Gifford Jul 2014
She smiles like no other,
She dresses like a queen
And dances with such emotion
To make the whole room move.

Her giggle is enough to make
Anyone smile and laugh.
She'll look into your eyes and
Make your heart beat faster.

But the tears shed,
Would tell a different story.

— The End —