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Come lay beneath the skylight
At a time when it's calm and quiet
There's always a strangeness within the silence
It heightens as the contiguous melodies crescendo without a pilot

Thoughts embraced are pushed aside for this moment
To catch the breath in the night with rhythm as a component
Still like the stem, of a flower unveiling the crown
Deepening down as time is frozen  to claim the golden exponent

Midnight brings whimsical strings plucked by the creatures that hail
Nature springs underneath man's dreams; Those clouds that we sail
Through aural communication comes the cerebral provocation
That latent faculties synchronize and incite with an inhale, then exhale
Anticipation, say it s-l-o-w-l-y
Allow it to linger, feel it wholly
Place your heart upon your hand
Or the other way around
Hand over heart
Feel, hear, see your flesh pound
Rhythmic *chaos
contracting inside
Expectations building, rising
Higher and higher (along with anxiety levels)
Anticipation is a rude guest
Overstays his welcome, always outstandingly overdressed
Beckons silly *fantasies
to sit next to him on the couch
Leaves drops of contemplation on the carpet
Broken hearts, shattered expectations
Or best case scenario, a dream come true
Beautiful visualizations of contentment
The joy of fulfilled hopes
No sensation equals receiving
All the ideas you dare to believe
Can a cranium explode from the pressure of a hundred- thousand untamed thoughts?
The agony of uncertainty
Being in the pitch dark
Only speculations
No actualities
Merely the human **imagination
 Nov 2013 autumn colours
one day i felt lost in silence,
unknowing of the good of the world;
i pushed everything away,
lost all control,
and stayed hidden in the dark.
i feel like i'm falling apart.

i let you come in, expecting a visit,
didn't know you'd want to stay.
but the distance between us,
it jabbed at my heart,
wasn't long before i knew
i wouldn't be falling apart.

who knew i'd fall in love
with you and everything about you?
who knew i'd have a happy ending
with you?
feels like i'm falling for you.
i won't let this fall apart.
 Nov 2013 autumn colours
I want to share a story, a tale of sorts
One that makes the heart break and revive, twist and turn, yearn and crave
Without spoiling too much, let’s start at the very end
See sometimes something is simply not enough
Sometimes the status quo has to be changed
Altered, formed into a new being
A new creation
That very new specimen can make everything flip on in
Which is why in the end, when the last piece falls into order
It must be exactly as it should be
By that I mean, it must be as fate or destiny prophesized
I hope I have not lost any
Like I said I don’t want to spoil too much
But let’s say this ending, this one in particular, came from another spectrum
That it somehow escaped fate
Can something escape the pretenses of which it is ordained?
Yes, yes it can
So let’s begin
How do you begin to tell a story?
Do you start right from the beginning?
You can, but that’s so boring and overused
But we can’t start in the middle either
So we’ll pick a random place
It’s much more fun that way
It was the end of summer
The leaves were still green, sky still blue
The air, still possessed that humid and sticky quality to it
Not yet had it reached that perfect evening breeze
And she was still the same girl
Same blue eyes, same personality, same family, same way
Same girl who could make anyone laugh with just one saying
She had this very easy way of being
Relaxed, one could say, down to earth
But still spontaneous and outgoing
She let time slowly trickle by
Enjoy life
Simple, outgoing, funny, smart, clumsy, talented, and beautiful
She was
And then there was him
Now, I know what you are thinking
So let’s go ahead and let the cat out of the bag
One could call this a story of love or romance
But I hate those words
I like simple terms
When love comes in the picture, things get complicated
So let’s just say there was a boy
And there was girl
The boy, well, he was funny too
A short fellow he was, but a funny one
A caring one too, supportive, encouraging, sensitive
Optimistic and easy going
He attained a charm about him
He had a way with words
Of making one feel special
In such a big universe
Chocolate brown eyes that seemed to be the window of his soul
Oh, how cheesy
He did have brown eyes though
Girls thought him to be very attractive
A handsome young man
Short, strong, charismatic, kind, noble, sensitive, funny and handsome
What a great blend of qualities to have
Now that I’ve introduced these lovely two
What do you think their story is?
How did they come to be?
What makes it so heartbreaking?
I guess the matter at hand is
Do we really want to know?
It’s like an itch you scratch
Isn’t it?
It’s bothering the heck out of you
But no matter how many times your finger nails
Scrap across the delicate skin
It just continues to inflame and aggravate
Maybe that’s why I started with the ending
Then proceeded to pick a random spot in time
Introduce a boy and a girl
Then leave it there
Hanging on end
Where the reader fills in the blanks
Makes up their own story
Of how they escaped fate
Because maybe you’re ending
Isn’t be as heartbreaking as mine…..
my journal is two
inches thick with
words about your
eyes and I wonder
if you love me
that much.
I found you in between days of childhood and days of old age.
I found you in the pages of all of my favorite books.
I found you singing quietly in the back of the class,
thinking no one could hear you but I did.
I did, and I saw your face and I thought,
if there is a god up there,
he's smiling on those blue eyes and that grin.
That grin of yours that made my knees buckle into each other and
filled my heart with so much blood
I thought it would burst when it beat.

But what I didn't see was behind that grin
you were hurting.
You were hurting and you didn't want to tell anybody
because you felt weak and big boys don't cry
but I found you and
I knew you before I even learned your name
and when I did learn your name I loved you
It hurt me that you didn't love you too.
It hurt me how you said no I'm not every time I kissed your face and said you were beautiful.
It hurt me that you said
you're too nice to me, I don't deserve this.
You deserve love this night and every kiss upon your lips
until the day your heart trembles for the last time.
Until you die you deserve this.

There is nothing wrong,
there is nothing *****,
there is nothing un-beautiful
about you just being you.
Cause you, you are my everything.
You're it.  
Sometimes I want to swallow you whole
and have you walk around my skin for days,
walk around with you in me burning like a star,
walk around with the taste of your heart in my mouth
because I am so moved by you some days
I can taste it.
I can taste it and its beautiful.
I want your sticky nasty sweaty days,
I want your tears that you pretend don't fall,
I want your teeth sinking into the soft spots
you are holy.
You are holy, you are like religion
and I don't need a church to tell me
that there is faith in your mouth and
all encompassing love in your scars and
forgiveness and hope
in the way you fit with me
you are holy.

I know you have fought
wars with yourself and
wars with me and
wars with everyone else.
I know you are a soldier fighting yourself,
I know that your favorite color is blue
cause it matches the veins in my wrists
and I know, I know that I'll never find more joy than in your lips
saying my name in your sleep

Sometimes I just think about your hands
and all the things you do with them
when you aren't talking.
Your hands are my favorite piece of you
If you press your chest to mine
if we hold each other for a bit of time,
our hearts will start to beat in sync.
Our hearts will start to beat into each other like
marching drums tapping out each measure.
I want our hearts to beat together.
I want the bells of your laughter.
I want to swing from the rafters like kids on monkey bars.
I want to spend my years counting all the stars
in your eyes
You called me at three in the morning.
I was too sleepy to comprehend I love you
but I'm sure glad you said it
Figments of my imagination seem to be the only things I live for at this point. What I once thought, what I once felt and held onto with warm hands, was never what I presumed. Life is simply sand grasped in my hands. No matter how tightly I squeeze my fingers together, no matter how firmly I wrap my palm around, the particles slowly fall and escape me.

I need the light of day to fill me to the brim
To emerge the life out of me again
Before the imagination teases me to death
Casting astronomical aspirations into the perpetual abyss;
is like playing with fire and an arsenal of arrows
You can hit your target or by a mile you'll miss.
You swiftly fall into the trappings
of saving coppers for a rainy day
Unopened boxes still in their wrappings.
It's easier to look ahead,
Don't you dare turn your head around
to confront the lingering regrets palpable  instead.
Give me hope, future, give me dancing dreams
but I aim at the mountains zenith
and nothing is as it seems.
Blindly,stumbling into darkness
Hand reached out for something-
to anchor me to this realness.
I ache to be the pioneer
for anyone who's hid behind
the pasts cloak and disappeared
To bow out of their performance before it's curtain call
Come back. give yourself a chance
to show them all-
that they were wrong
and your future is bright
because you
learn from whats been and throw yourself into this unwritten song.
So let this be my prophecy
We'll leave our stars more polished and repaired then before
To trust in tomorrow and hold hope dear
we'll make them see.
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