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She lays down in her down
Pulling covers to cover
My arms wrap like a gown
Legs entwine like a lover

A light kiss on her spine
Deep breath of her scent
Her body is thine
When the day has been spent

As her spirit sets adrift
Through her dreams to roam
I watch over this gift
Until she comes again home

Let free troubles you keep
I am with you in sleep
Robin Hood's Ball

there is a stretch of land
built by ancient calloused hand
4000 years before the year of the Lord
just north of Stonehenge in that accord

and nearly one thousand years before
on Salisbury Plain and right next door
a part of Wiltshire England town
and shares a name of the renown

folklored bandit who helped the poor
though no real connection of that they're sure
it's purpose of use not really very clear
a neolithic causewayed enclosure here

a circuit of ditches encasing each on the sides
meeting in the center for a gathering of tribes
built in the transitional period before the pyramids
from hunter gatherers to permanent settle with kids
Gomer LePoet ....
I have it in

my hand

keeping it for


the next day


I whisper what is

your name

Silence, then

a calm serenity

I am hope

your future

hold tight

I will light

your way .
I wrote this within a minute tonight after viewing a portrait done by another artist friend of  a coloured girl looking down at her clasped hands as if holding something in them. (c)andypenman2011
Life is a diverse garden
filled with many different plants
all trying their best to survive
some are ground covering gems
others weeds strangulating the masses
and depriving them of the nourishment
that allows them to blossom into beautiful
bouquets within shared plots.

the strong looking after the weak
the young respecting the old
where they are tolerant of each others
environment and; the need to exist
learning about each others growth and culture
what nutrients they all need to survive
in close proximity to one another
given food from the same ***.

the flowers are the colour of the rainbow
learning to bloom in equal measure
in a place where they are all beautiful
not shunned because they are slow to blossom
or were not given the right start as seedlings
nurtured into strong upright plants
organic matter that does matter
within the diverse garden of life.
copyright: andrew penman 2010
 Oct 2011 Audrey Howitt
The They
Between the words we speak,
The ambiguity asserts itself
In the lack we try to conceal
Through the flow of conversation.

Here truth always lives anew:  
Dancing from one lie to the next
Escaping the stability created
By arguments that struggle to their next conclusion.

Absorbed by these false summits,
Meaning slips away
As we look past its fleeting visage
Towards the endless climb ahead.

But these lies give understanding
About the truth they conceal:
About the falsity of our self-imprisonment
Within the differences we’ve created.

So when I tell you this love is infinite
Do not ponder the meaning of the words
But let them go in silence:
Free yourself and dance with me.
this is originally from my blog
Her long brown hair hung
occluding forty-seven percent of her face
and her one eye
looked a little manic.

It was slow and sweet
for a while
but she had been
gradually gaining momentum.

I am watching her
carefully and
waiting, really
for that moment.

Suddenly she stops.

She raises her hands up
It looks like she is going to
pull her own hair
and then her right fist
slams into my ribs
followed by a left
and a right and a left.
A barrage of little hurts
pouring out
machine gun frenzied.

She digs her nails into my chest,
her mouth is twisted,
her teeth clenched,
I can see muscles
in one jaw line twitch.
More hair falls over her
Her hips move furious  

and then
Sensuous wails of red light,
screams of sumptuous green,
bright yellow trembling,
and electric blue rippling
like bright neon

She cools and dims
she collapses
into me
and I can feel
salty wet
itchy dripping down my skin

I cry too
never having seen someone

Michael L Sutter
 Oct 2011 Audrey Howitt
Melissa S
We are mesmerized as the purple twilight darkens the day to night
So serene as the sun radiates its last beams of light

The holes in my heart that once reminded me of the sandy shore
Have now been washed away by your love forevermore

Lay down with me on the colorful coral beds all aglow
Lets hide out from the world in the soundless surface below

Alluring tongue brings forth this lustrous pearl of mine
The sea calls out but has no hold in my lapse of time

You drink in the cool dark depths of me
And then you permeate in your very own sodden sea
Xenophiles see it all the time.

The transubstantiation of matter
causing hysteria among every culture.

One alchemical shift from lead to gold
and you have empaths weeping over asps,
telekinetics dropping things on fairy's heads.

A tiny fusion of atoms and the next thing you know
satyrs are dancing with dingos, sphinxes are doing the two step.

Who knows what the next time/space shift is going to bring?

Sigh...........makes for a long day at work.  Ya know?
Words provided by Sir Frank:  
Asp.  Fusion.  Dingo.  Empath.  
Hysteria.  Xenophile.  Satyr.  
If ever there were no secret depths
inside the corners
of a heart,
perhaps lips would not
whisper words
with no preconceptions.
We could paint the air we breathe,
gentle colors that softly speak
to the mind
in a misty lullaby’s reflection.  

If we could swim within our words
touching gray areas
with kisses of time
perhaps, we could gather waves
to last throughout the years.
In the dark of night,
our hearts' would blush,
as they existed side by side
on the edges
of our atmosphere.

Wherever our hands desired to wander,
unnoticed they would never be,
flaming winds stirring
precious hours.
Once again, we could sleep on beds
of soft words raining down
into all of our emotions
and dream
in poetic showers.
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