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 Mar 2012 Audrey Howitt
In my striving to be
Life's proven somewhat
 Mar 2012 Audrey Howitt
Melissa S
It's your birthday and I so wish I could be there
but I am sending your birthday wish and kiss on a balloon full of hot air
The balloon goes straight up to heaven and it's from my heart
Cause that is where all the best wishes do start
Wishing you your happiest birthday yet ..
A birthday and person too special to ever forget
LOVE YOU MOM and HAPPY 60th!!!
the evening sky
returned the last star
to it's assigned cartesian
and the night calm of barn owls
sank talons of silence
into modern

in the pit
is having
the last

of mesquite  

reading today's newspaper
from last week.
relaxed reeds catching spiders
and baseballs
all this

all this is dreaming

bruise hemp
over sand

backdrop for my wine glass.


i could see god getting the job done. wearing house shoes.

he's bumping into things
but catching anything that falls
  always always
been good at that
however weary
absolute Love

bottle of wine, breathing
won't tell a soul
by telegraph
when a light buzz
encrypts a moment of clarity
and every little thing
about right now
is true

wild sage landing helicopters with glass blades

black smearing blue, jackson *******
with van gogh's soul,

in the palm
of my
A smoking barrel hangs loose in my hand
Fallen butterflies at my feet
As her eyes beckoned mine
Pushing hard to get inside
A familiar yet forgotten feeling
Bubbled quietly within
My stomach felt wings begin
First only slowly ...
And then
A rush of wind
My heart pounding
Like after a child’s first kiss
A second or two of bliss
Then confusion and tumbling
Like a dryer full of cotton candy
Loss of vision and thought
And then it hits me
Oh, no
Out of fear
And half swallowed desperation
I draw my pistol and fire
Bullet after bullet
As beauty and innocence
Fall lifeless to the ground
Until there is no sound
Just a muffled beat
Still on my feet
My heart safe
From the imminent attack
A close call
As her tears fall
I walk away
And live to love
Another day
This poem was inspired by a friend who envisioned a painting of this subject matter.
 Mar 2012 Audrey Howitt
Trinity O
We will calculate
the weight of your last few months
by measuring the angles
of afternoon sunlight—
fiber-optic puddles with receding shorelines,

and we’ll rain dance every night
for more time.
In my quiet house, I’ll make you
a deep bed with seven layers
of patterned sheets and pink pillows.
Those little bunk beds
that dad built for us,
remember? That we kept
well after our feet dangled over
the edge.

I’ll say to you, remember
hula hooping until our hips bruised.
Remember sneaking out in our pajamas
to the night grass
and calling after constellations
who were not yet born,
who would never be.
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