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caroline Sep 2015
i haven't deleted our pictures yet, and really i don't know if it's because i cant, or because im still stuck on us. and sometimes when i give up on fighting, i admit i wasn't ready. because we both know it wasn't supposed to end this way.
caroline Sep 2015
im not sure where my heart is anymore, but something in me knows it's wherever you are
caroline Mar 2016
you're always so busy. me even busier. seeing you for five, even ten minutes, throughout the day is the only thing ever keeping me going anymore. you being graduated, and me being a year short, makes school somedays unbearable. because i stare at couples and miss holding your hand down the halls too, and the look you used to give me when i beat you to your class to be there when you got out. so when someone asks "why so much? today, yesterday, the day before?..don't you get tired?" that's when i wish their feet could fit in my shoes so they could walk around in them a while. to see and feel all the things i do, to understand the magnitude of your affection. i feel this obligation to explain that i need you. like an addict needs drugs, i need you. like plants need rain, i need you. and of course it's not always beautiful, you and i, but that's what makes it beautiful. that's what makes it worth it.
caroline May 2015
i can't stop thinking about you
and when i sleep
all i do is dream about you

i guess
(i know)
i miss you

and now i realize alot of me
depends on a little you
caroline Oct 2015
and i realized it wasn't love,
when i reached to touch your heart,
and you reached to touch my *******.
caroline Aug 2014
i want to feel your body against mine, run my fingers through the thickness of your hair, feel you strain to keep quiet, grab the sheets, curl your toes, and release your body. permitting full control to be taken. i want to intertwine my fingers with yours, feel you tremble and shake, while your lips find their way to my neck. i want to hear your heartbeat speed up, your breathing become uncontrollable. inhale, exhale, repeat. i want to watch your eyes roll back and see your back arch while sweet sounds of pleasure tell me to keep going. i want to do more than just touch your body...
i want to leave my mark on your soul, and sin with you in the most beautiful way.
caroline Oct 2015
i always knew it would be you who i gave myself to, but i never thought i'd let you **** me on your bathroom sink. and when you did, i left my heart there. in between your bed sheets, too. i always wanted fireworks to go off when we kissed, but i only felt the burn.
caroline Aug 2014
i crave so badly to sleep with you. and i mean that in the most innocent way. i want to sleep with you, but not in the sense that our bodies are naked and we make love in the mess of my sheets. i want to sleep with you and and learn the pattern of your heartbeat, the rise and fall in your chest when you breathe, how you move in the late hours of the night when you dream.
i want to sleep with you and roll over to find your body beside mine, if at 3 AM i wake from the habit of missing you. i want to sleep with you and i mean that *in the most innocent way.
caroline Sep 2014
i don't need promises or to discuss the idea of forever, maybe someday, but not now. and if you need honesty, yes, i have always been terrified of love. although, for the first time i find myself wanting now, this moment, my right hand in your left. i want our love in the rawest form, our hearts on the line, even with the knowledge that this could save me or completely drown me. i want you to hold me as if letting go would shatter every fiber of my being. i want to know what makes you whole when you feel empty, all the secrets you keep tucked away under your skin, and why you keep them there. i want to hear the stories of every scar that covers your body, if you cried when you got them. i want to hold your hand when 4AM comes and you've had another nightmare about your father. i want persuasive kisses (god it works each time) and morning breath whispers of "five more minutes" when i wake up to the sound of my alarm to leave. my love, my eyes have grown tired of searching and would not mind being set on you. (is that like saying forever?) for the first time, i am letting down my barriers that separate us, *i want to fall and be caught.
caroline Dec 2015
my hands are trembling,
along with my body.
and im tired of keeping my head down
when you come around.
so let's play pretend,
ill tell you im okay,
and that we were never happy anyways.
caroline Oct 2017
how is it
that in a crowded room
i still
feel alone
caroline Jul 2014
i miss you like the water misses waves.

no, not like that.
not like anything.

i miss you madly.
that's how i miss you.
my favorite e.s
caroline Jul 2017
i hope someday i can love you enough that you forget the names of all the girls before me
caroline Jan 2017
i dont hate you- i just hate that you made me hate her, and im starting to feel like i will never be happy. i cant blame you for what you did, but i can be upset, right? im allowed to look at her and not want to touch you, right? nothing really makes sense when i feel this way, and i wish i could scream until it no longer burned in my chest to hear her name, to think of you in bed with her. anyways, im getting better, so please stop treating me like im broken.
caroline Jul 2017
you don't know me. i mean you do, but you don't really know me. and i'm sorry i push you away and yell when you don't understand, because lately i'm just too tired to explain.
caroline Dec 2015
you're holding my hand as we go 90 mph in the pouring rain, and i could care less about anything else right now, i could care less if we even make it or not.
caroline Jul 2017
it's been awhile since i felt
and oh my
how it *feels so good
caroline Jan 2015
i can hear
the neighbors next door
falling in love,
while we lay here together
falling apart.
caroline Jan 2018
nobody tells you how hard love is,
they just tell you "it's worth it,"
and that it's "so beautiful."
but nobody tells you how much
it can also all hurt.
because why would you want to know
the truth about love is
how it's not all that beautiful
sleeping next to the person you love,
just to feel miles apart.
caroline Jul 2014
"if you didn't care, you
wouldn't say what you say,
do what you do, write what you
write. so see, you care. you need
me. tell me im wrong..
i dare you"*

i guess that's what frightens me
the most.
how much i really *do
need you.

and i hate how quickly you figured me out. how easily you crawled up and broke down every wall i built up. brick by brick. as if they were never cemented together in the first place.

i fight myself to hate you but i am finding it more and more impossible.
(kissing your lips was always easier than pushing you away)

funny thing is, i don't hate you.
not even the slightest bit.
because i am madly in
love with you. and i gave up
the fight long ago.
you win.
caroline Jul 2017
i know
you don't crave me every second
its inevitable for the fire to fade in and out
but then there are days
you pull me into a bathroom
to kiss me up my neck
"god, i want to do things to you"
and i know
i want you forever
caroline Jan 2016
ive come to realize there just isn't enough hours in the day for me to stare at you, and i wish there was, because my god you're beautiful
caroline Jan 2016
im frustrated at all the times
i belittled myself,
using fear and doubt as an excuse,
making me believe that i
couldn't do anything
i didnt set my mind to.
as simple as x+y.
and im sorry
somedays im so quiet
and also so hard to figure out.
and just like math, so am i.
one big problem to solve.
caroline Aug 2014
i feel like maybe if i keep writing,
no matter this distance between us, you'll hear me.
i am somewhere between feeling empty and feeling whole and i really don't know how much longer i can miss you
caroline Apr 2017
it's so late i've lost track of the time
and by this point, i don't care.
i don't care what time i'm supposed to be awake, and i don't care that i won't get sleep anyways.

some days i wonder where we went wrong, where we took the wrong turn, and then i remember i never was any good at reading maps, and you don't follow directions well.
caroline Jan 2017
im thankful for all the wrong turns i took, because they gave me more time to stare at you
caroline Jul 2017
it's two in the morning and i can't stop thinking about how afraid i am for july to be over. how afraid i am for change, to move in with someone so unfamiliar to me, and leave behind everything i've ever known, everything that keeps me sane.

it's two in the morning and i keep thinking
how ready i thought i was for this. the graduation high made me feel unstoppable. now all i feel is my feet underneath me, like i'm standing at the edge of a cliff and the only way to the bottom is to jump. and maybe that seems like just a simple leap into air, but i hate heights, and i don't care for cliffs.

it's two in the morning and all i can think of is sleeping alone for the next two years and how ******* lonely i'll be when my roommate begs me to go out and i choose to stay in. because a girl who can't look at people when she speaks does not belong at college parties.

it's two in the morning and i thought this is what i waited my whole life for, but now, i don't ever want it to come.
don't tell me change is good. i realize that, i just don't want it. i'm comfortable. happy where i am.
caroline Aug 2017
i feel like my chest is going to cave in

why am i so afraid
why am i so afraid
why am i so ******* afraid

every time i go to sleep and wake up
it's a brand new day
a day closer to the next
of leaving everything i know behind
and starting back over
my apologies about the ****** word but it makes me feel better when i don't feel good
caroline Oct 2017
I dream of you
I dream of rolling over into your warmth before the sun rises
biting on your lip while I pull at the collar of your shirt

I dream of a little girl
I dream of braiding her hair every day to "be like mommy"
watching her grow and carry my strength
but mostly your tenderness

I dream of bus 17
I dream of the first moment my eyes met yours
I dream of our forever

I dream of being the perfect version of me
I dream of my wandering heart settling into yours
I dream of us
I dream of you
caroline Jan 2018
ill admit
i didn't know how to love myself anymore,
and i couldn't drag you around
until i figured it out.
but my love, i'm so ready to try again.
caroline Mar 2017
while driving away
i typed in a song that would make me cry the most

if i had been half a second later
we would've surely collided

hitting as hard as your screams feel

and the thing is
even after i looked up
i thought twice about stopping
caroline Sep 2014
"you better be writing something nice down.."*

nice (
in your words*) adj.:  something that doesn't say you are depressed, sad, want to shoot the world, yourself, your mother, or anything in that category.

but, i think sometimes those things need to be written down. i think sometimes writings need to be as dark as the ink you write with, because those thoughts matter too.
caroline Dec 2014
waiting in a airport
crowded with thousands of people
yet here i am
scribbling down poems about you
im terribly lonely and miss you
caroline Oct 2014
caroline May 2015
i wish
like all of you, that i could laugh, and have stupid inside jokes of the times nobody else would find funny.
i wish
like all of you, that i could be invited
to the sleepovers, the parties, the fun things you all do.
i wish
like all of you, that i could laugh and not wonder if my laugh is too loud, or too annoying. speak without looking down, or pulling at the ends of my hair. surround myself with people without feeling like the air around me is suffocating me, rather than helping me breathe.
i wish*
but, until then, i'll just sit close by and wish.
caroline Aug 2017
lately, death is always on mind
and not in the sense
that i think about killing myself
or have lost anyone
but since you've been gone
you might as well have left
with the others
whose time has ran out
because it feels like you left
to rest forever  
and a piece of me went with you
and i'm so tired of this longing
this sadness
missing you
when you aren't dead
only missing from me
caroline Oct 2017
please stop telling me you love me
and want me to meet your mother
because I only slept with you because I missed my lover
because I miss the one who my heart belongs to
so please stop texting me at midnight
and pulling for my hand
caroline Jul 2017
i want to write things for you as
beautifully as the songs that remind me
of the first time you kissed my lips, or
made love to me three summers ago.
this doesn't make sense, i know, but it does to me, and either way all i need you to understand is that you make me feel infinite.
caroline Sep 2015
ever since you left, it all feels different.
the stars are just stars. the wind just wind.
along with the moon, and sunsets, the ripples in the water, and everything in between.
without you everything is just as it was before and i don't feel like writing about them anymore.
caroline Mar 2018
that's the time you drove to see her.
that's the time you decided she needed you more in that moment
than i've ever meant to you.

that's the time i asked you to drive to me.
that's the time you told me you were too tired.
caroline Apr 2018
i hate that when i miss you
you’re always there
but what i hate most
is that i love it
caroline Apr 2018
this morning i looked in the mirror
and loved who i saw
caroline Dec 2017
how do i tell the person in my bed
i'm in love with someone else?
caroline Sep 2017
do i really want to sleep with him
or do i really just ******* miss you
caroline Jul 2014
"just friends"
harmless. innocent. right?
although the voice inside
my head whispers and
persuades me otherwise.
              because i also never forget how
              we once were "just friends"
and i also know "just friends"
seems to run deeper with someone
you've once called a lover.
             please know, im sorry :
understand that it's difficult to see
past the past of you two, and trust
the future you present and promise
to me everyday, when your actions
don't comfort me as much as your words seem to.
caroline Feb 2018
ill admit
i had way too much to drink
but i begged you
i said no
i even used my manners
and said please
more than once

ill admit
i also didnt stop you
but i trusted you
and i realize now
that didn't mean much of anything
at least not to you

i bit through the skin on my knuckles
as water ran down my back
and you dug your lips into my neck
i imagined myself somewhere in Oregon
to forget the pain of you
to be quiet
for you

i still wonder if you heard me crying
or just disregarded it
because by the morning
when i wiped the blood from between my legs
you reminded me i wanted it

and although you took from me
you did not keep
caroline Nov 2015
all it took
was for you to look at me
to remind me of all the reasons
why i fell in love
caroline Nov 2015
death* *(in your words) : the end of one's life.
but growing up has showed me that you don't have to be dead to actually be dead.
and since you've left ive found more
ways to die each night.
making a home out of our memories, stuck in summer when you told me you'd never leave, and here i am now searching for someone no longer here, hanging up all your i love you's on the wall to remind me. because at one point you did love me.
to be alive, and dead, is
like screaming your name over and over, and how much i never needed you, in hopes that eventually i will believe it myself.
i know you are doing better, i know you expected i could make it, like i could do this all alone, but all it feels like is as if you pulled my oxygen plug knowing i couldn't breathe on my own.
it's okay. im not blaming you. and at least in my dreams you still love me and we are okay.
caroline Oct 2014
i still remember my shaken up nerves, and god my shaking body, after our lips pressed against each other's for the first time. still, months later, my hands tremble when you reach for mine and ****** i can't help but kiss you and taste the names of our unborn children we've named, along with the rest of the plans i swore for you to never make with me. and it's crazy (or maybe i am) because i find myself wishing on 11:11, AM and PM, for "i do" to someday be exchanged between us two.
my mother always warned me about the boys with soft eyes and sugared words, but never did she warn me about the girl with long hair and cold hands.
caroline Dec 2015
your little fingers wrapped around mine, and little toes peeking out from the blankets covering us. in this moment nothing matters more than what cartoon is coming on next, and how many nuggets you have left. between each yawn you rub your eyes and i can tell sleep is taking over your small body. you've had a big day, and tomorrow holds more. you whisper you love me and tell me you are ready, and i watch your eyes close for the night, my sweet sweet baby.
little mak don't ever grow up
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