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 Aug 2013 Sand
Dogfood Williams
anyone who says they
drink for the taste is
a *******
because if I let a demon
take a **** in my mouth
in exchange for forgetting
my aching blood on the
I’d say I drink for the taste too.
 Aug 2013 Sand
He is a puppet of great calibre,
This suffices his description,
Both anatomically and morally.

Always moving at the Queen's command,
Feeding himself only with her fed words,
Doing not the right thing but her bidding.

Words like 'We strongly condemn,'
Or 'We will take appropriate measures,'
Sit elegantly on his lips all the time.
Every time he sits alone for dinner,
Or every time he stands in front of mirror,
The Thin King Is Thinking what he succeeded to.

My HP Poem #390
©Atul Kaushal
 Aug 2013 Sand
Raj Arumugam
six blind elephants
disagreed over what a human is;
and they concluded
they’d have a direct experience
to resolve the matter

and so the first elephant
felt a human and declared:
“A human is flat”

And each other elephant
through its own direct encounter
concurred on the lack of human dimensions

And so there was an end to the discord
based on an online Buddhist joke
 Aug 2013 Sand
Raj Arumugam
the four monks are out in the open
the prayer flags are flapping

“The flags are flapping,”
hums the first monk

“The wind is there,”
intones the second

“It is the mind that
is flapping,”

observes the third

“Mouths are flapping
is all what I see and hear,”

says the last

the frog in the grass
is silent
...based on a Buddhist story, from online...
 Jul 2013 Sand
Jai Rho
He fell in love
with her make-up

She fell in love
with his clothes

They cooed and they wooed
and they danced in a trance

Until they fell
out of love when

She removed her make-up
and he took off his clothes
 Jul 2013 Sand
Diego Garcia
They told me I was gonna be
A big Star
They said that with a face like mine
I could get what I wanted
I wanted to go far
I wanted everyone to know my name

I started out as a model
But when people learned I could read
They put me in front of a different camera
It was all the same to me
Pose here
Say a line or two there
It came easily to me

Women wanted me
Men wanted to be me
Everyone idolized me
Perfect Teeth
Perfect Eyes
Perfect Hair
Perfect Tan
Perfect Body
I was the total package

But when you're the total package
They don't tell you how lonely it is
In the spotlight
At first it didn't bother me
I thought
Who needs friends when I could have

It was all fun and games
Until my fifteen minutes were up
You can't be the young new face forever
I've realized the hard way that
All fame does is
Chew you up
Bleed you dry
And Spit you out
You don't get any say in the matter

I still get recognized here and there
By people like you of course
Would you like a picture?
An autograph?
Ok, thats fine
How about I start you all off with some drinks?
The kettle whistles plaintively as if it knows it's time for tea
but the time is only five past three,
far too early
and she's the one who put the kettle on
she, went back to sleep
leaving me to keep my ears awake until I rise,get up and make a

I don't know what to do,
should I make the tea?
would she thank me If I woke her with some toast and tea upon a silver coaster?
I think not.
She's got me wrapped around her little finger,slinging me a crumb or two and leaving me to make the brew.
Sod the kettle
let it whistle on,
she chose the tune,she knows the song,meanwhile
this hungry boy is gone
to get some coffee and a scone, in a diner down the street.

Let her wake and wonder why
the kettle's dry,there is no tea
let her wonder
what became of me
will take it in her stride
she's got her pride and that won't slip.
I think this as I sip my drink and wonder if she'd ever think
just how much'brew a man can take
how many tea's a man can make
before he cracks.

I keep my back against the wall
lest she should fall from a great height and beat me senseless,
it would serve me right
but this I do not let her know
I go
to work
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