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 Aug 2013 Sand
Dogfood Williams
she’s kind of like a ghost
in that she’ll float in and out of the room
and touch the clock
that is so silly now

she’s kind of like a ghost
because she’s often
scared and lost
and she disappears
when you touch her

she’s kind of like a ghost
that I want to help
with her unfinished
but she can’t hear me say
her name

she’s kind of like a ghost
of a little girl who just needs
a friend

she’s kind of like a ghost
that dances with me under
that sheet she’s wearing

she’s kind of like a ghost
who can see how transparent
I am too

she’s kind of like a ghost
and I will wait for days
in the same spot
to see her pass through just

she’s kind of like a ghost
that makes me want to die
so I can maybe hold her

she’s kind of like a ghost
and people tell me ghosts
aren’t real
This is a much older poem, almost over a year.
 Aug 2013 Sand
 Aug 2013 Sand
The pleasant voice
Was muted up by

The outgoing guy
Was holed up by

The guy aged 19-years
Was shattered up by

The parents' only child
Was then threatened by

The belief in love
Was broken up by

The die-hard lover
Was stirred up by

The poet inside me*
Was woken up by
There's no sun each day that rises or sets for me sans your name on my mind.

The guy aged 19 years as mentioned above is now aged 22 years and is in love with a girl aged barely 16 years.

7 Paragraphs of My Biography moulded to poetry.

My HP Poem #396
©Atul Kaushal
 Aug 2013 Sand
Raj Arumugam
Ikkyu dropped
his Grand Master’s teacup -
the cup broke into pieces
And Ikkyu’s jaws dropped
Would the Grand Master now break
a thing or two of Ikkyu’s body parts?

“O Master,” says Ikkyu
when the Grand Master arrives
“I am contemplating Death;
please enlighten me on Death”

“All things pass, O Ikkyu,”
answers the Grand Master
“Death is inevitable
And only the foolish mourn
or are swayed by emotion –
the wise know
Death is in the nature of all things”

“Indeed, O Wise Master,” replies Ikkyu
“It is no wonder then that your teacup
passed away today, as you can see here -
and you, O Grand Master,
have most wisely expounded on this grave matter”

The Grand Master loses his Grand look
"Ikkyū (一休宗純 Ikkyū Sōjun?, 1394–1481) (self-named: "Crazy Cloud") was an eccentric, iconoclastic Japanese Zen Buddhist monk and poet. He had a great impact on the infusion of Japanese art and literature with Zen attitudes and ideals." - note on Ikkyu from wikipedia
 Aug 2013 Sand
Sean Antonio Tyson
You mustn't fall in Love
with every pretty face you see,
cause sometimes Love
just aint meant to be.
So keep your feelings to yourselves
because you never know
the person you love might be  
******* someone else.

Use your brain before you speak
and Rehearse before you act
because once you say I Love You
It's hard to take it back and
Love is not just physical
it's deeper than that,
As is my poetry
its deeper than rap.
Poem by Sean Antonio Tyson
 Aug 2013 Sand
Sean Antonio Tyson
One Life, One Casket
Afterlife is everlasting.
The universe expands like elastic
while the world turns into plastic.
We observe traumatic events
like automatic guns clip after clip.
Some hit, some miss,
We die with honor, other snitch.
Traitors can tragically
bring down an empire dramatically.
I AM GOD Calvary, demons try to battle me.
I know they're snakes off in the grass
but I don't let them rattle me.
I'm psychologically
transitioning into a god state
notice the lowercase,
A Protege to my Sensei
 Aug 2013 Sand
Sean Antonio Tyson
Capone in a cell
Vonnie in a casket
I ripped my heart out
and I put it in a basket.

Feelings no attachments
in this cold world.
Always watch my six
Fellas protect your girls.
Always love your mother
in her womb you were curled
through her canal you were birthed,
So know a woman's worth.
Stay alert in a city
where the vices can be tempting
Fast money, drugs, ***
and evil women.
You see
It's full of snakes and villains,
plotting on the children,
bribing politicians
while claiming they are Christian.

There's always something missing
skeptics discredit religion,
I write what's on my mind
to escape this mental prison.
11/12/13 1:32AM Sean Antonio Tyson
 Aug 2013 Sand
Sean Antonio Tyson
Flat Line
Arrange the first letter in each word and it will spell the word "Flesh". Strictly Coincidental.
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