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 Oct 2013 Atrayee
Today I am
Today I am
Today I am

Today I should
drink tea.
Today I should
work out.
Today I should
Complete something.

But today,
I really don't
want to.
I think today I
will just be.
I will be what I

Some days,
(like today)
It's okay
It's okay to be
To be
and weak
and lazy.

I will be those things
But Tomorrow
I will be a new me.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Emily Tyler
I'm sorry that I love you
So much, yet
I can't express
One bit of it

I don't know whether to
Meet your eyes when
You walk past me because
Sometimes you look so caught up in your world
I'm not sure whether to invade it.

I don't know whether to
Give you a hug when
Your eyes travel some distance and
You go Oh so deep in thought.
As you sit there, worrying,
I too worry about you.

I don't know whether to
Answer you truthfully sometimes,
Because the truth would hurt you more and
Make you feel helpless because
My problems are impossible to handle
(I'm very sure)

I'm sorry I'm so
Caught up in my own problems always,
So we never get to talk about

 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Andrew McGinnis
Silent from his perspective,
but she, raging within,
gave him a glance furtive,
and in return he gave a grin.

Here there was a connection.
One felt never before.
No need for deception.
She saw his very core.

And conversely, he saw her.
Inside her heart, a guest.
Or maybe an intruder?
Time will tell best.


Well, maybe this is different.
Staying with him won't cost her rent,
and when to him her heart is lent,
a safer place it couldn't be sent.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
soul in torment
mature like fine wine



just become

Bitter a strong ale just playing with words lol
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
soul in torment
The moon she flies
through star lit skies
her journey never done

she seeks the love
of one above
with whom her race is run

Her pale eyes
weep lullabyes
to lover's watching on

and her heart grieves
for she believes
she'll never meet her one

For he is day and she is night
where she is dark he's always light
and so these starcrossed lover's form
the seasons change the tides the storm

Until one day when without warning
night brought face to face with morning
two skies made one by an eclipse
meeting of world, meeting of lips

So moon she flies
through summer skies
the sun touches the stars

and love at last
her arrows cast
and healed these lover's scars.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Lauren Ashley
A glance quickens the pulse
A smile reddens the face
A word rattles the mind
A touch speeds the pace

A laugh brightens the glow
An embrace heightens the heat
Invitation brings them closer
Until their can lips meet
I still remember
when you first kissed me
and said "I'm scared, why did I do that" with blushing cheeks
but few seconds later you did it again
smiled slowly
put your head down
then finally said
"promise me that even if we kiss 5 billion times it won't ruin our friendship"
I said
        "I promise"
but after 5 billion kisses passed I wish you said infinite kisses
so you        and         I
can still be friends

I close my eyes and picture our first kiss.
Passion, love, serenity and bliss
can all be tasted on your lips
felt corsing through your fingertips
as the world around us ceases to exist
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