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 Oct 2013 Atlas
 Oct 2013 Atlas
Screams won't ever do justice
to what i'm left feeling.
No more
pity talks.

Golden ornaments
circling my vision
became a cycle of falling
all over you.

My fingers
can't hold the times
you've dropped me.
****** and bruised.

of dying plants
sitting in the corner.
Beautifully decomposing.

what more is there to say?

My eyes won't stay shut.
Overflowing with tears,
and every broken promise.
Haunting shadows.

This is a nightmare.
This is today.
 Oct 2013 Atlas
 Oct 2013 Atlas
I went home.
Body swore
from you slamming into me.
Gliding my hands
over the cactus,
become another face
that forgot.
Summer melted away while
friendships froze,
just as they said.
Sticky fingers
placing prints on new skin.
Everything diseased.
Crossed legs;
bottle of whiskey,
face dripping
with battle wounds
from a war like storm.
We should have broken the mirrors.

Stand in the street.
Four hours of Wednesday
marking me with gray bags
on my not so innocent teenage face
and tears painted across my forearms.
A canvas.

Letting candle wax
burn my crooked skin,
cigarettes are sewn together
one by one.  

Sloppy handshakes,
cold coffee.

It's covered my toes now.

A piece of art
is never finished

So what am I becoming?
 Oct 2013 Atlas
Jimmy King
Sitting on a rock
In the middle of a little pond
With a girl I met just once before,
I looked at the treetops
(All ash trees;
All ash soon)
And thought about kissing

But the weight
Of all the lips I’d kissed before
Kept my mouth from hers;
Kept ‘her’
From becoming ‘you’

And as the first drops of rain
Began to fall like thunder
And I fled that little swamp,
Leaving the almost ash
Ash trees behind,
I felt a twinge of sadness
Despite my better judgment
And I thought
More about kissing
 Oct 2013 Atlas
True Colors
 Oct 2013 Atlas
The smell of burnt goodbyes
and strawberries
surrounded her

Battle scars displayed
down her arms
up her legs
across her hips

The smile on her face
didn't match
the blue in her eyes
and the red on her skin

She had lost the war
Her mind turned purple
and it all went black
 Oct 2013 Atlas
 Oct 2013 Atlas
When you've reached the point
Where you can't even cry
And you don't feel anything anymore

It's more frightening
Than the most sorrowful of sorrows
Because it means you've given up
 Oct 2013 Atlas
 Oct 2013 Atlas
weekly episodes of panic attacks.
minimal motivation.
what have I become.

what have we become.

I love you.

and all three of those words
create an uneven frame,
hanging you up closest to my heart.

each night
before I leave,
I reread the sweetest combination of words
anyone has written to me,
and I pretend that you love me too.

I've been blinded
by your sweet eyes,
and forgiving embraces.
I'll never let myself  
look away.

Rivers of tears stream down my face
as I wait for a response
of any kind.
because your company kills me,
but I much rather prefer it
than being alone
on these cold
winter nights.
 Oct 2013 Atlas
thank you for
broken promises.

saturday nights keeping me up late
only to discover
that you're loving someone else.

with how far
i've fallen
for another

I once set out
to write you a love poem,
but found that all the reasons
I had come to love you
were a lie,

so I should have known then.

I can't wait
until I'm millions of

so that I can forget
that this poem is ****,
and so are you.
(I'm all knotted up by my own words and all of this is ****.)
 Oct 2013 Atlas
I can't stop fidgeting.

My stomach is going through a repetitive cycle of being turned inside out.

The voices of bratty adolescents are muffled through the floor.

In front of me are three self portraits.
None of which are happy.
What are you doing.

It's not time to go out yet.
I don't think i'll shower, either,
because there's no real reason.
I wont be seeing you tonight.

My nine year old sister and her friend are cackling in the room over.
Your smile comes to mind.

All these medications are driving me insane,
but in a way i've come to love it.
Being able to talk about things,
even though I really don't want to.

Why do so many people say live every day like it's your last,
yet judge the ones that do.

I feel like I'm sinking in a ocean of growing up,
and doing work.
With only a slice of playfulness out of the corner of my eye.  

what on earth is going on outside my door.

I've chosen to stay in
because today,
I like the company of my thoughts.
Even if they're not pleasant.

Right now
at desk
can't stay still
ankles crossed
light blue jeans
on the edge of her chair
gray shirt
long blonde wavy hair
energetic fingers
makeup run down her face.

Being in love with you has slowly killed me over the years,
but I still don't mind it.

I only wish that I could be for you
what you are to me.
that this is
so bad.

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