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So happy that you proposed
and i said "I do". Now all that's
left is to wait till we graduate
so I can move in with you* ~
Coming into his dreams
seducing him for fun.
Stripping the clothes
off her skin to make him
turned on. Starting to kiss
his neck while he sits on bed
with his legs wide spread.
Coming into his dream
seducing him with her silky
chocolate brown hair. The way
it falls down covering her *******
resembles the same way the
angels fell from the heavens
above. Kissing him there and
there marking his skin every
where while he takes off her watermelon coloured
underwear she kisses him
deep and hard before the sun
rise and before its time for him
to wake up and open his hazelnut coloured brown eyes. She comes
to his dreams to ****** him in
the dead of every single night* ~
I wanted to learn how to swim back then.
I was a little chubby and my skin was white
as milk. I wore my favorite red Speedo swim
suit. My couch told me to swim to him in the
pool when no one was looking he touched my
upper thigh. “If you scream or cry I’ll hurt you”
he said. In a blink of an eye he pinched and
twisted the skin on my thigh. Out of the water
I went showing my mom bruised and blue skin.
She grabbed me by the hand and into the manager’s
office we went. I showed him the blue mark on
my skin telling him your coach touched me with
his hand he told me not to tell. With anger and
shame my coach came in before he spoke or tried to
turn what he’d done to me into a joke he was told
that he’s been fired and not allowed to be near the
pool ever again. Despite the bruise on my skin I
was happy to get my revenge to speak out and not
let the fear take over me from within* ~
Overdosing on dark
chocolates while holding
hands , laughing and kissing
as well is part of our Valentine’s
day epic plans* ~
Fold me like a paper
plane. Teach me how
to face the wild winds
and heavy rain. Write
me love letters on both
of my pretty wings. Stamp
my metal body with the
initials of your name*  ~
I have misplaced my wine

Seems to happen
All the time

I set it down
Walk around
Forget about it
And then...

At very last,
It appears again
My wine
My liquid friend.

Very queer
I don't remember leaving it here.

I take a sip
Set it down
Get up
Gone again.
Some silliness
You lose a job
the lover you tied your life with drifts elsewhere
the place you grew root seems not home anymore
the days are vacuous and nights a crawler
your head echoes with the deafening groan

I deserve no love, even from me.

Surely it’s the worst portrait you drew of yourself
and an erroneous one.

The job was filling your purse but emptying your purpose
the lover was no fairy but a fair weather friend
the home was only a harbor you anchored before sail.

There’s a world at your doorstep begging your attention
withering without your love.

Pick up and hold them to your breast
see how quickly unburdens your chest
your spirits soar.

From thence you would never cease
to love yourself from the core!
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