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 Jan 2013 Ashmita
Taylor Stein
I cannot speak enough of how

When you strode into my life
Instantly, my chains and vices shattered
You taught me how to stand unbound
And healed my many scars

My new strength let me
Prevail against all that before had felled me
Unimaginable was the change you brought

But I still feel pain, still struggle
New trials still pierce my heart

I thought that if I shed my old scars
That I would feel less pain
And walk though the world, unharmed
But you have revealed
My heart is ever open, exposed

This new hurt shall again become my strength
But for now

I long for you to be here.

 Jan 2013 Ashmita
Taylor Stein
Come with me
To home you've never entered
Grief and pain
Will swiftly be washed away
Joy and gladness here
My love will take you
And you'll see
You're now in a new day

Come with me
My darling, my beloved
And now we
Will live together always
Leave behind
Everything that plagues you
From now on
Only ever be free

Come with me
And learn to sing a new song
Learn to fly
On higher, fairer wings
And you shall find
You are now like the sparrows
Soaring high, above
And ever free

And many years will pass in this new haven
You shall rest like you have never before
And your shall look back upon your sorrows
And see that they are as just a dream.

 Jan 2013 Ashmita
Raj Arumugam
it has been long, this voyage unintended;
one like a branch thrown into waters, into the currents of time
taken on, pushed on to unseen shores
from one continent across oceans to islands and continents
afloat always on the merciless drive and unfeeling, impassionate forces -
though sometimes the shores seemed clear, there seemed to be a destiny,
there seemed to be a will and things bent to it, and things shaped to a plan
it appeared one has arrived, one had arrived, the journey ended
one’s destination come –
but there was no announcement for passengers to disembark;
each clutches a valid ticket, but each ticket blank
the signs and boards all blank, all unmarked
and yet one was carried, one is falling, falling, one is afloat
in perpetual motion, seeming
like the leave that falls
like the sparrow that falls
like the maverick meteor that flies
and  I am so;
and I have given, I have received, I am done -
but is it done?
Are we there yet?
Are we home yet?

Oh it has been long, it has been exhaustive
But is my work done? Is it time?
Drowning in cake
and strawberry
smoothies Ah,
what a
way to go
Thanks a lot to linda w for her help. :)
(She's EPIC at this shaping stuff)
While everyone was busy ******* around

(Hey, she's a *****. That dude? So hot.
That chick is so **** ****, it's crazy
I want her. I want him. Just kidding. L-O-L
Dude, she was so harsh on me, like W-T-F
She was a major wannabe *****. ***** her
He was ugly as sin. What the hell did I ever
See in a ******* like him?
I am going to ruin his/her life),

I was busy ******* my own life up
Guzzling up words, words, words
Drinking them in, guilty as a desperado
Bad, good- hardly made a ******* difference
When I'd been at it for a few minutes already
(whatever, hours to you)

Insatiable- that's me
I want more. Give me more.
I want to read more-more-more
Going to combust
More words! More!
This is too less already! More!
Everyday- 16 hours straight
I need to read more
It's all that I have, am
No one can take it away from me
No one!
I won't let them!
I'll go at them with knives, blades, guns
I'll **** myself up
I barely give a ****.
I just need more.
 Jan 2013 Ashmita
My angel...
I don't know what tomorrow holds
Or how the future may unfold
But when the eulogy is told
I want them to say I lived
Don't shed somber tears
Reflect throughout the years
The laughter and love we had together
And how thru thick and thin
I held your hand until the end
Through any storm with u I weathered
It breaks my heart to leave you here
I cant look back for it causes me pain
I'd take my heart out
Give it to you without a doubt
If I thought that would keep u sane
But ill move on and so will u
You'll have joy laughter and love
And when u sleep tonight
Dreaming your sweet dreams
Just know with all my might
I'm smiling down on you from above
Humans befuddle me
I befuddle myself
I wonder if that makes me human.
Today -
It is a Winter's day
The sun is burning so brightly
It sears my eyes
The temperature is perfect
The weather
Is reminiscent of Spring

Today -  
I buried someone
All clothed in black
And weariness

*I buried myself
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