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Failed Again
Did I try too hard?
Did I not try hard enough?
Did I want it too badly?
Did I not want it badly enough?
Your words of encouragement drive me crazy
Your criticism is making me lose my mind
Winners get some false congratulations from jealous colleagues
Losers have lots of friends
I don’t know what is better
being alone a winner
  or going insane
while your friends buy you a couple of drinks to cheer you up
You can either vent or tell them all is fine
it doesn't matter
they aren't really listening
In reality you are the one making them feel better
 May 2015 Ashley Gray
 May 2015 Ashley Gray
There was a picture in my phone of me sleeping ,
i live alone
 May 2015 Ashley Gray
I kept apologising,
I didn't know for what exactly,
I kept saying I was sorry,
I felt I'd wronged you,
I'm not sure how,
But I'm sure I had,
So I kept apologising,
You were angry at me,
You refused to tell me over what exactly,
Maybe you didn't know either...
So there I was,
And there you were,
And here we both are,

— The End —