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Hello Poetry

For so long, for a community,
That values the ineffable wonder
Of a wordsmith's creations, intended to
Repair himself and the world with bullets of

And here you are.

Like/Dislike, matters not,
So long as we value each others work,
And the the heart echoes within
What the eyes read and the mouth whispers.

The array and disparity of your names,
A delight,
Each name a poem
In its own right.

So I resubmit a question for your consideration,
The answer is now known,
The answer is all of us.
May 2013

­Who's Who In Poetry  

T'is a curious thing,
these verbal peddlers, tribal members,
famously well known to no one,
perhaps at best,
a kindred few, fellow-travelers.

Each a troop,
bloodied, purple hearted,
anonymous unto each other,
yet all bonded intimates,
in solitary struggle united,
yet sea-parted by the very nature
of the solitude of composition.

All poets are Cain scar-marked,
purposed for everyone to see,
a warning to rabbled boors,
imagination suppressors!


cherish these flawed ones,
gentle these frail but gritty,
the Lord has tasked them
to be prophets in one tongue untied,
undo the strife of Babel's division.


Be the harpooners
of the unexamined life,
with unfettered rhapsody,
comfort caress us,
exhort the loopy
to light their illusionary candles,
turn the sad eyed lowlanders
into crinkly eye-lined smilers.

With clinical observation,
dense and demanding,
make us laugh at
the comedy of our situation,
teach us our free-to-see peep show,
reveal, unseal us
with **** empathy!

For who's who in poetry
is all of us!
saviors and failures,
recorders and decoders,
night writers of the oohs and aahs
of dreams and nightmares.

When this poet cannot,
no longer, anymore,
tastes his poems upon your lips,
keep your poems within his heart,
then he breathes no more,
and becomes one who was,
yet is,
because of you,
in poetry.
Postscript (1/25/17)

Even more true today, than four years ago.
Thank You.
a revised, minor modestly different, version was published in Feb 2016 as
Orphans and Poets, Peddlers & Members

and then finally another different variant, more personal was published in
Aug 2016 as

the harpooner of the unexamined life

"Be the harpooner of the unexamined life,
with unfettered rhapsody, comfort caress us,
exhort the loopy to light their illusionary candles,
turn the sad eyed lowlanders into crinkly eye-lined smilers."

writ many years past, just another dusted off phrasing,
composed from life's lecture notes, collected by eyes tired
from the hazing,
eyes wearied by the addict-strong,
incessant observational needing,
of celebrating the loopy,
they who make this planet
capable of laughing at itself,
a helping habit for mutual survival...

should you spot a man ungainly wrought,
weighted down by a harpoon cross
cursed  'pon his Cain-marked back,
you need not move to the other side,
'tis only a make-believe poet,
with his recording device,
seizing your rhapsodies to rhyme,
his collected artifacts, your crinkly smiles,
his meat, his metier, his chosen career,
a comfort caresser of your illusions into
a shapely sculpture of words for you to keep,
a token of your now examined worth,
a celebration for the keeping...

special thanks to those who rediscovered these poems recently and brought them back to me for refreshing cherishing these old word friends.
Like the moon calls the sea
I wish you to be with mea
we meet and part
each time a pain in my heart

Without you my eyes grow dull
and my muscles ache
you give me liveliness and soul
every morning leaving you is a mistake

Each night you ****** me with sweet nothings
Each night your embrace warms and soothes the stings
We don't talk to each other but travel to worlds surreal
Five senses for my heart and hands to feel

Every summer night we were between the seams
Showing each other's dreams
my love a fire, I'm ready to commit
burning red to orange and dull but to never quit

Tonight I want to sleep with none other
but you

my bed

Bright spots shine against sweet oblivion
The only source of illumination;
They dance to the beat of the sun and moon
Twinkling, swirling, I think I’ll swoon;
Awe-inspiring for those who deem to look
Though I pray they can be my pers’nal nook;
All look, but I hope that only I see
The true beauty, held deep within for me.
Your eyes are like the dazzling stars I see
Flitting from one emotion to the next
They, unwav’ring in their feeling for me;
Reverent, I reach out to claim you as mine
But no one can ever claim something so free;
You remain far away, and I vexed.
do you wanna know what love is to me?

it's this funny feeling,
that not even god can explain.
it causes desire, need and hatred..
but most of all pain.

but what is love?
is it a phase?
can we break its cycle?
is there an end?

for those who fall into it,
do not choose.
some may win,
but most of them lose.
stitched and knitted,
sown and grown.
I'm so fragile,
on my own.

you can easily break me,
whenever you want to.
I'm under your control,
my life revolves around you.

you see,
you can drop me,
break me,
shatter me,
and **** me.
but I will forever be under your control,
for I am your ragdoll and you are my curse.
this feeling of calmness,
it won't always last.
breathe in the fresh air,
and take off your mask.

show your true identity,
for tonight is simply for you.
make it spectacular,
and learn something new.

darling, why are you shy?
this feeling won't last forever.
just look up to the sky,
catch the birds first feather.

these drugs are only temporary,
so make the most of them while you can.
for tomorrow will be back to normal,
and your final song will be sang.
 May 2013 Ashley Dennis
Where is the elixir that will make me forget?
I need to find it I need to drink it.
For I need to flee,
for I want to be free.
Free from the burden,
free from the torture and guilt.
I just want to run,
To a place far away.
Away from the corruption,
Away from the sins.
To place where I will know,
Know the meaning of peace.
So help me forget the memories good and bad.
All I need, all I want,
Is freedom that I lust in a land far far away.
Alabaster Affair

her skin was like a pure driven snow
laid behind the deepest blue eyes  
and the brightest ruby red lips

you could not look at her and not
want to kiss those soft velvet lips
want to stare into those eyes
want to touch that skin

feel her run her long fingernail
up the spine of your back
to the back of your neck and chest
the nerve endings all over your body
exploding messages of pleasure

the chance meeting in the park
in an early spring warming sun
flowers beginning to burst with life
trees reaching up with their new leaves

you could not take your eyes off
sitting on the edge of the fountain
spewing a water spray from an angels mouth

two angels together in one slice of time
you waited as long as you could
it was time to return to work from lunch
and you had already run 10 minutes over

you walked past her dreading leaving
she looked up with those big blue eyes
and those ruby red lips began to move
you transfixed not realizing she was speaking

you stopped abruptly trying to clear your mind
but still no sound could be heard
only her big rimmed straw hat of white
the the bluest blue eyes
and reddest red lips
and her white alabaster skin

luckily she recognized the symptoms
and smiling put her hand on your arm
and waited patiently for the blood
to return to your brain

oddly she spoke with an island accent
how could this creature come from the islands
the sun and sand and alabaster
she was a princess mandated to sanctuary
on a holiday with her father
who was on business stop here in Atlanta

she knew no one here and the park
was just across the street from her sky suite
for some reason she felt okay speaking with me

now I was 30 minutes late as I took
a quick peek at my watch
you must go she asked?
Yes but can I show you the city later
Yes she smiled to me
I think I would like that

after getting her room number
I triple skipped, jumped and hopped
back to my office my head still abuzz
I stared into dreamland for the next 4 hours

you gonna stay over my boss yelled to me
I shook my head *** it was 5:05
he yelled you gotta date Rob
yes an affair to attend to I said
an alabaster affair
Gomer LePoet ....
the the bluest blue eyes
and reddest red lips
and her white alabaster skin
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