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Apr 2013 · 478
I'm Sorry for Fading Away
ashley Apr 2013
I know how bad it hurts you
To see me break inside,
But I just can't help myself;
All i want to do is cry.
My life is a big old mess
And I wish you really knew
How hard I've been trying
To match your point of view.
I hate the look on your face
When I tell you I'm cutting again
I hate to see the pain
Etched within days end.
And my heart can't help but break
At the thought of your worry
But I can't see into the future
Because my eyes have gone blurry.
I want to get better
And stop being so sad.
But it seems like that goal is hopeless
And gone completely off track.
You have so much hope in me;
You say you know I'll be okay,
But I'm sorry to tell you
That I've begun to fade away.

Apr 2013 · 816
Your Flaws
ashley Apr 2013
you may not have faith
in yourself

you might think that
you're unattractive
or weird
or simply just
don't belong

but when i look at you
i don't see any of that

i see some flaws,
but definitely not in a bad way

your flaws are what make you
who you are,
and I'll always accept
you no matter
how think of yourself

Apr 2013 · 437
One Second
ashley Apr 2013
it's amazing to know
how quickly
a life can be taken

in particular

just grab that sharp knife
with the splitting blade
that's resting in the drawer;
just swipe that gun
stashed underneath
your dad's bed;
just grab that rope you used
for a friendly game of
that's lying on your closet floor

all it takes is one second -

one single second
and your life will be over for good

the fate of your life
rests in the palms
of your frail, shaking

it's incredibly fascinating
how simple
it really is

Apr 2013 · 354
I'll Never Go
ashley Apr 2013
i want you to know
that no matter what obstacles
we may face,
we'll face them together

I'll never leave you -

Apr 2013 · 325
Still and Quiet
ashley Apr 2013
isn't it amazing
how the world
continues to go on
even in your times
of despair?

flowers still grow
leaves still change
the sun keeps shining
people keep living


as if that small little change
that's occurred in your life
is nothing -

not even a dent -

in the world
of heartache

Apr 2013 · 681
My Addiction
ashley Apr 2013
your kisses -
the ones that start at the cheek
and trail all the way down my neck
and onto my collar bones -
are enough
to make my knees weak
to the point where i
can barely stand

the feel
of your lips pressed against my neck
send chills -

yes, actual chills -

across my
olive skin

it's as if your kisses
were tinged with pure
that ignite
once they touch my skin

that would explain a lot;
especially my crazy addiction
to your gentle kisses

my obsession with the thought
of being so close to you -
skin to skin,
chest to chest,
heart to heart

just the thought of you
is enough
to get me
Apr 2013 · 270
Searching Desperately
ashley Apr 2013
it's times like these where i wish
i could be beside you -
when i'm feeling hopeless,
stressed, like everything i want
is slipping completely
from my reach

my hands reach out in search
of you, but
all my fingers seem to catch is
the feel of too-familiar air
circulating all around me,

in the place where
you should be

baby, please come;
hold me, whisper in my ear that
everything will eventually be alright

let your low, calming voice
guide my heart to a wonderful place

let your lips carry my thoughts
away from here

let your hands take me away
and make me forget

all that has gone,
all that is forming,
and all of

what's left of me
Apr 2013 · 2.1k
ashley Apr 2013

like a bad taste
in your mouth


something of a


the perfect word
to describe such
an imperfect

Apr 2013 · 1.2k
ashley Apr 2013
pale skin
rosebud lips
dark freckles
blue eyes

a heavy posture
long golden locks
bold eyelashes
small, gentle fingers

everything about her
was as close to perfect
as anyone could ever get

just below her neck
on the right side of her chest,

a deep blue and purple
hickey is planted
on her collar bone

despite this,
her imperfections
made her even more
than anyone ever thought
she could be
Apr 2013 · 389
Teardrops in the Sky
ashley Apr 2013
if i look out my window,
you can see
how hard the sky
is crying,
see the pain mixed
with ugly dark greys,
blacks, and a few patches
of white

(it makes me think
of how lonely I really am,
of how much I miss you)

but then i look down
and sniff your jacket,
the one that smells exactly like
so much that it's dripping
in your unique scent

(and then i remember
that maybe i'm not
so alone
after all)
Apr 2013 · 339
You're Whoreable (20w)
ashley Apr 2013
she walks around
the halls
with a steady bounce
like she
owns the place

little does she know:
**she doesn't
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
i love you (10w)
ashley Apr 2013
i promise you
i'll love you
and ever;
a  l  w  a  y  *s
my first 10w poem. too bad it *****.
Apr 2013 · 884
Dandelion Awakening
ashley Apr 2013
you were a dandelion
in a garden
of roses and

amongst them,
i did not see you
sprouting up from
the moist and heavy
dirt to greet
the world with
a smile

it was then
that i absolutely
could not
take my eyes
off of you

Apr 2013 · 3.1k
Distant Memory [Short Story]
ashley Apr 2013
Description: Sam's not at all who people think he is. He might be quiet, he might be shy, but he also was diagnosed with cancer. When Briar moves to town, she catches Sam's eye. What will happen once the two get closer? Will Briar light a spark in Sam's heart?


Distant Memory

Dedicated to my cousin, Blake, who is currently fighting a horrific battle of Lymphoma.

You're probably thinking this is just some clichè love story, one about a girl having a crush on her best friend's brother, or how two people fall madly in love, but it's anything but. This is my story, with a twist unlike any other.


It all started in our Junior year of high school. You were new to Wakefield High, just moving here the previous year from New York City. On the first day of school, you were so unsure of yourself, not knowing what to do or where to go. I watched as you made your way through the halls, nudging your way through the crowded bodies as students made their way to class. Even though the halls were tremendously over-crowded, you were easy to spot. Your blonde hair and strikingly blue eyes stood out by the school's bland beige walls. You were more radiant, more powerful and glowing, than anything or anyone in the whole school.

Eventually, you made friends in all the clubs you'd joined - culinary club, photography club, and ASL. I don't know what made you stand out from all the other girls at Wakefield High, but whatever it was, it was strong. I felt drawn to you, like we shared a connection deeper than either of us knew. And it was then when I made it my goal to get to know you.

For the first few weeks, I'd tried bulking up the courage to speak to you. I had planned it all out in my mind. I would talk to you at lunch, right as you gathered your food and headed off to the library like you do every day. That was my chance, and I was determined to stick with it.

On that day, I was behind you in the lunch line. Once you got up there, you ordered a chicken empanada, then headed off to the library in the West wing. I quickly grabbed my lunch, a light Cesar salad, and trailed behind you.

You were walking faster than expected, and I was just too weak. I stopped, holding my knees as I gasped for breath. That was my chance to talk to you, to finally hear your beautiful voice, and I blew it.

It wasn't because of what you think. I couldn't keep up because I was lazy or out of shape, because I was neither of those.

I was diagnosed with Leukemia last October, and after tons of treatment, my doctor said I could try going back to school. I decided it would probably be best for me to live a normal life - as much as normal can get for a boy with cancer. Knowing that I was going to die soon - my doctor predicted I would only last for another year, tops - made me want to get to know you more.

After many wasted days of trying - but failing - to get your attention, I gave up. You were too wrapped up in your new life to even acknowledge my existence. Too busy maintaining your new found reputation, too busy dating a new guy every week. I always thought you were a ***** because of it, that you took advantage of different guys and then left them to crumble to pieces, but all of that changed on that faithful day.

I had gotten dropped off late to school because I had to get tests run at the hospital that morning. I tried to get to class on time, running as fast as I could. Only that didn't work because before you knew it, I was out of breath once again.

I headed over to the restroom, hoping a cool splash of water on my face would do the trick, when I heard wailing in the girls bathroom. I looked over my shoulder before entering, just to be safe. As I closed the door, I locked it behind me.

You were leaning against the wall, knees drawn to your chest as you cried. Noticing a presence, you looked up at me, thick black mascara running down your rosy cheeks. Your eyes were puffy, and I could tell you'd been crying for quite a while.

I didn't know what to say or do at that point, so I did what my heart told me I should do. I held you.

I sat next to you and wrapped my arms around you. Your body seemed small and weak, heaving in my arms. You cradled your head into my neck as tears fell from your bright blue eyes. I didn't bother asking what was wrong. Figured I would at a better time.

Just then, you looked up at me, face flushed and blotchy, and grabbed my hand. It seemed to fit perfectly within yours, our frail fingers intertwined in each others.

I tucked a few of your light blonde strands behind your ears as your cries dwindled. Even after you'd finished crying, you sat with me.

"What's your name?" Your eyes shone with curiosity.


"I'm Briar."

Briar. What a beautiful name. I smiled in your tangled hair. I never in a million years thought I would ever talk to you, and even if I had, I never would have expected it to be quite like this.

"You like Ed Sheeran too?" You asked, your eyes widening in delight as you scanned my shirt. I watched a smile creep to your face, lighting up your gorgeous eyes.

"Yeah, he's my favorite singer," I smile shyly. I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, and I feel embarrassed for acting this way.

Ever since then, we began talking. The more we talked, the more I knew how wrong I was about you. You weren't a ***** at all; all the guys you've dated broke up with you, but blamed it on you every time. That's how you got the title as biggest ***** of the school. I felt bad because you were one of the sweetest people I'd ever met, portraying someone you weren't.

I felt like that Ed Sheeran shirt brought me luck. It was the start to our budding friendship.

After a while, you completely changed. You stopped hanging out with the populars, claiming they were never into you anyway. And I found you enjoyed yourself more. I ended up joining the photography club later that year. Whenever we would go out on weekends, I was always taking pictures of you, catching the memories within a moment of time.

You always loved my pictures. As we sat in my bedroom, I'd let you pick out your favorites for you to keep, writing little notes on the back of each picture. Your absolute favorite one was that one of the two of us.

We were in a huge field, smiling as I held you in my arms wedding style. Your blonde hair flew around in all different directions and your eyes held happiness and joy. That was my favorite one too.

I had always had feelings for you, ever since that day in the bathroom, but I'd never have the chance to show you how I really feel. Even if I did, why would you love me back? I have no hair anymore since going through chemotherapy. My body's frail and weak, barely able to stand up on my own.

I had went to the doctors two days ago for more tests, and the doctor found that the tumor in my brain was growing more and more rapidly by the second. Therefore, I would be dying sooner than expected. I only had four days left. My mother held me in her arms as she cried, her wet tears staning my t-shirt.

That night, I called you and told you the news. You cried into the phone, and I wish I was there to hold you, tell you that everything would be okay, that I would be better soon. It was a lie, but I didn't want to hear you sad. I felt bad for being the cause of it.

The next day, I was rushed to the hospital after my mother found my collapsed in my room.

It was then I knew my life was coming to a close. I grabbed a pen and piece of paper, and wrote you a letter.


Dear Briar,

If you're reading this, I'm probably gone by now. I just woke up to the dimly lit lights flooding into my room, tubes and needles inside of me. My heart monitor is beeping weakly next to me, and I feel very frail. Cold, frail, and in tremendous pain. You're alseep on the couch right next to my bed and I watch you, take in your beauty for the last time. Your blonde hair is flowing around your head like a halo, your lips look like delicate red rosebuds. Even though I am weak, getting skinnier by the second, I make my way over to your side, kissing you lightly on the forehead.

I never told you about my cancer, and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for causing you the pain of me leaving you. I never meant for it to be this way. All I wanted was to live a normal life, and you showed me that there's happiness even in the smallest of places.

When you miss me, look at the pictures of us, pinned to a board on your bedrooom wall. Remember the memories we've had together. Remember the way you always made me smile, the dozens of laughs you filled me with. You showed me how to enjoy life, Briar. And I could never ask for anything more.

You filled my gloomy days with so much laughter I could barely contain myself. Remember me like that, Briar. Remember me happy.

I never realized it before, but I've fallen in love with you; your glowing smile, eyes the color of the raging ocean. I'd never known what love felt like, but I found it with you.

I love you so much, Briar. Never forget that. And remember I'll always be with you.

Love forever and always,



Briar's POV

I woke up to Sam's heart monitor, constantly beeping.Looking at the monitor, I noticed his breaths were slowing.

I made my way over to his bedside, rubbing my thumb gently across his cheek. His eyes were closed as his chest rose every so often.

"If only you knew how much I love you, Sam," I whispered, a single tear falling from my eyes. I watched him smile as he dwindled away.

"Sam? Sam?" My eyes filled with panic as I shook him lightly. "Sam?" My voice rose as I looked at the monitor, seeing the thin red line.

"Help! Somebody help!" I cried. As soon as those words escaped my lips, his hospital room flooded with doctors and nurses. They surrounded him, pushing me away to see what had happened. But they didn't need to. I already knew.

A doctor with black curly hair came rushing over to me. "I'm sorry, but he's gone.."

He's gone... He's gone... He's gone...

Those words rung in my ears, filling my head. I ran over to your bedside, crying my eyes out and practically screaming your name, hoping you'd come back to me.

I lay my head on your unmoving chest, letting my tears soak into your shirt. I noticed a small white envelope on the table next to you, To my sweet love, Briar, was written on it in your handwriting. I stuck it in the back pocket of my jeans before heading out of the hospital, feeling numb and empty.

I reread the letter over and over, tears staining the white lined paper.

"I love you, Sammy," I said, looking up at the bright blue sky. Even though the world seemed empty without you, I know I had to be strong. For you.

On days where I feel I can't bear your absence, I look at the pictures you took, just like you'd asked. I never knew you would change my life in such a drastic way.
A short story I wrote on Wattpad; not that it's any good, but yeah.
ashley Apr 2013

i've determined a word
that is so small,
yet holds each and every
weight, every ounce of
i've been feeling
the past few weeks



n  u  m  b

even the way it lifts
off of your lips
makes your tongue feel
heavy and outweighted
by the whole earth

a feeling i've grown
to have
more and more

a feeling that has become
something like
**my best friend
speaks for itself.
Apr 2013 · 694
Grey Seasons
ashley Apr 2013
your kisses
are enticed with gold
that drips from my skin

your touch
send shivers down my spine
like the first snowflake
or a cool breeze
in the wintertime

your hugs
wrap me in never-ending warmth,
just like how the sun begins
to peak put over the horizon
in the dazzling start
of summer

your laugh
is like the sound of crisp leaves
in autumn;
full, light,

you are the seasons
that make up
my life

idk; i need a title for this, any suggestions?
Apr 2013 · 551
Craving You
ashley Apr 2013
i would give

to be in your
right this

for me to be
by the immense
amount of
love you
through my

my veins,
my heart,
my soul.

just come
to me,
hold me
like i'm your
favorite sweater
on a cold,
sunday morning;

sweet nothings
into my ear,
across my skin;
your breath
sends chills
my heart.

but most
of all

i want you
to say that
one phrase:

eight letters

three words;

i love you.
Apr 2013 · 503
My Dearest Aubree
ashley Apr 2013
oh, aubree,
how i miss you so;
your curly hair,
perfect laugh,
the way you love
and grow.

oh, aubree,
do i miss the
times we had;
visiting Ma,
going fising,
all moments
that made me
feel glad.

oh, aubree,
it's a shame
you had to go;
off into the navy
to start a new life,
a way to show
you're grown.

oh, big sister,
when will i see
you again?
hopefully soon
so my harshful
tears can end.
Wrote this for my older sister who's currently in the Navy.
Mar 2013 · 798
ashley Mar 2013
My mind is an attic
And I have locked it for safe keeping
I will no longer be an addict
I will no longer be weeping.
I’ve locked the attic
And thrown away the key
For my thoughts are too traumatic,
To harsh and cruel for me.
I cannot endure this pain
I cannot keep thinking of these horrible sights
I want to become happy again
To take away all the fright.
I need you to save me
To help me through
I need you to love me
And for you to promise you will be true.
Wrote this when I was depressed. I used to write a lot when I was depressed, actually...
ashley Mar 2013
Don't be fooled by the face I wear,
For it is nothing but a mask.
My mask is a covering, a hiding place
And beneath it is my true self.

Pretending is what I do for a living,
It is my second nature,
But please darling, don't be fooled
By how well I am hidden.

I give you the impression that I am okay,
The smile on my face and the blush on my cheeks
Says it all.
I give you the impression that I am happy,
That everything is great and beautiful in the world
And that I am truly invincible.
But please darling, don't be fooled
By what is hiding underneath.

I panic at the thought that I could be exposed
And this is what makes me hide.
This is why I am afraid.
The fear builds up inside me
Like tall brick walls.

My feelings shall forever be shielded
By the walls in which are built in my mind.
Only you can tear down those walls
With strong, but gentle hands.

What I crave is love,
But most of all acceptance
For who I am.
I need to know that I am worth something
But I cannot assure myself of that feeling.

I want to tell you.
I want you to listen
I want to pour my heart out to you.
I want to cry while your arms are tightly holding me
Assuring me that everything will be okay,
But I cannot. I don't dare to.

The thing is, I don't like hiding behind the mask.
I don't like the image that it sends,
Of how happy I am, how I am brave
And confident and completely sure of myself.
I need you to see the real me,
Beneath the mask.

I am afraid that you will think less of me
And doubt who I have become.
But first, you must help.
Guide me with your gentle touch
And your presence.
Lead me to a better place,
One that exists without judgement
And one with praise and acceptance.

Can you do that for me?
It is all I ask of you.
And for God's sake,
Please darling, don't be fooled.
Mar 2013 · 621
A Stoner's Addiction
ashley Mar 2013
Once my parents leave I lock my bedroom door
And then I plop down and sit on the floor.
Under my bed is where the **** is stored
I think, At least I'm not out on the streets like a ***** *****.
I beg you, please, give me more.

I roll the joint with gentle care
As if it were the only one left to share.
Go and light it if you dare,
You whisper. I light the joint and watch it flare.

I take a hit, one full of delight
As I absorb the smoke and look out into the night.
My head feels light and my body goes numb.
The buzz in my veins is more than enough
To get me high after a well-given smoke.
I've used up all my cash, now I am broke
But at least I still have a decent amount of ****
To satisfy my cravings and control my need.
ashley Mar 2013
I whisper a secret in your ear

And you turn away. I try to tell


something, but you never listen.

It's like I'm invisible to you. Do

you even hear me when I speak?


you even the slightest bit concerned?

Do you even care? I thought we were

friends. I thought I could trust you.

But maybe I was wrong. Maybe



aquantance - someone close to you

But not close enough to tell secrets to.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're an


That I haven't noticed. I was too blinded

to see. But now I realize you were never

good to me, never good for me. To me

you are nothing. Nothing but my enemy.
Mar 2013 · 693
A Budding Rose
ashley Mar 2013
I want you to hold me, love me, give me attention.
To guide me, engulf me, kiss me with affection.
I crave the touch of your soft lips on mine,
The adrenalin in my veins will be a sign
of our love.
Do you love me as much as I love you?
I love you a lot, that much is true.
Your gorgeous eyes and soft caring smile
can make me swoon for quite a while.
Maybe you're in denial
of your love for me.
When I see you my heart skips a beat.
I get flushed and want to retreat,
but instead I stand there, admiring your grace,
the cute little freckles scattered on your face.
If I run would you chase
Although we are young, our love is pure.
I know you're the one, I'm honestly sure.
Our love blooms like a budding rose
As delicate as the white specks called snow.
It's a miracle how our love is so close
To being so real.
I wrote this when I was "in love" with my best friend. Turns out, I wasn't of course. It was just one of those phases where you think every little thing is turning into love.
Mar 2013 · 497
Saranade to Autumn
ashley Mar 2013
I woke up to
the sound of the earth
whispering sweet nothings
into my ear,
gliding its gentle breath
across my flesh
dotted with

The trees,
with their delicate
grainy arms
stand naked
in the cool
autumn morning;
they blow gently
in the breeze,
as if their limbs
are waving to
greet me

Fragile leaves
its trunk,
in dazzling yellows,
outstanding oranges,
raging reds,
and deep browns;
the ground acts
as a blank canvas
that displays
a sea of colors
that the earth
has to offer

As I walk out
the front door
to greet the outside
crisp leaves
crunch under my
the sun bathes
me in a sweet
warmth that isn't
and a gust of
wind carries
my soul
to heaven

oh, how beautiful
is thee,
this gorgeous
filled with
great laughter,
joyous times,
and amazing weather

ashley Mar 2013
i'm afraid one day
you're gonna wake up
and realize

i'm not as
pretty /
sweet /
thoughtful /
worth it /

as you thought
i was.
Mar 2013 · 3.9k
His Touch
ashley Mar 2013
in my dreams
your fingertips run
down my spine
and you trail kisses
on my collarbones

they sting,
like a flame that's just
been ignited for the first time
and my soul turns
into dark ash

your kisses like gold
and your touch like silver
i'm engulfed in your love,
passion, and warmth;
your touch makes me quiver

our skin never breaks contact,
your hands explore my body
as i lie there,
head arched,
and let you have your way
with me

my body feels alive
with the touch of your fingertips
running down my cheeks,
collarbones, *******, stomach;
all the way down my thighs
and into the cool depths
of my sanity.

you whisper sweet nothings
into my neck,
your breath hot against
my icy skin

"i love you"
"you're perfect"
"you're beautiful"
and in that moment of time,
i believe them;
i believe your thoughts,
your whispers.

i know it won't last
for long,
but it was great
while it lasted;
my heart like a flame
that you've ignited
with just one simple touch,
one spark,
of your hands
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
The Mermaid's Wish
ashley Mar 2013
The crashing waves roar
And the stormy winds blow,
The tide drowning out
And becoming low.

The sunset peaks
From across the sky
As the dolphins jump
And leap so high.

A woman emerges-
More like half woman, half fish.
She helds a seashell close to her heart
And makes a wish.

"Oh let my father see I belong
In the shore, not the sea."
She whimpers a cry
And whispers her plea.

The waves are roaring
And lightning strikes,
Signaling King Triton's arrival.
He has come forth to fight.

The mermaid cries
And starts back into the sea,
Where her father thinks
Is the right place to be.

She wants to be human,
That is her only wish.
If only her father would see
And grant her the gift.

She wants legs
To roam free,
But all she will be is a mermaid,
Lost at sea.
I actually really like this poem.
Mar 2013 · 2.3k
Questioning Faith
ashley Mar 2013
I've never seen God,
Nor have I heard him call.
Maybe he's a myth.
Maybe he's not real at all.

My mother always tells me
To pray at night;
For my sins, thoughts, and items;
To talk to him in the night.

But talking to someone I don't know exists
Feels like talking to a brick wall.
Therefore I don't speak to him,
Not ever, not at all.

When I am in bed
And think about feelings I've felt,
My friends say,
"Pray to God, I know he can help."

I just nod lightly
And give them a small smile.
They mirror my image
While holding the Bible.

I don't know what to think.
Is this God really real?
I truly am confused
And don't know what to feel.
Mar 2013 · 350
ashley Mar 2013
Here she lies, trapped in her own mind,

a constant battle of the bad and the kind.

He fights inside of her, wanting to be free.

But it is only she who sees

him, on the inside of her soul.

Without him, she is not whole.

She truly hates him

she finds him a sin,

but no matter what she does,

she'll never be the person she once was.

He lives inside of her, controls her, fights her,

She tries to find him, but all she sees is a blur.

Sometimes, she makes out his blonde hair and blue eyes,

but finds it is simply just a disguise

of the man he really is.

He is her and she is him.

He's trapped inside and will live there forever;

she believes he will never forget her.
Mar 2013 · 349
The Ocean Blue
ashley Mar 2013
The waves crashed wildly upon the sandy shore,

floating around her toes.

She felt like a bird, ready to soar

into the bright blue sky, where the soft wind blows.

She looks out into the open sea

and sees what lies ahead.

Could the sea ever be

something she could dread?

The thought makes her laugh,

for the sea is nothing but great.

More like her other half,

it is. A little something like fate.

     The breeze rushes by in a whisper,

     almost as if it had kissed her.
Mar 2013 · 513
Alphabetical: Helpless
ashley Mar 2013
A young girl sits alone, scrunched in a corner of her room. She

Bawls her eyes out as tears fall onto her little blue dress.

Crying has become somewhat normal for her now.

Days like these, she tries to shut out the scenes of her father's raging

Eyes, dark and cold as he comes to attack her once again. For years, her

Father has been doing this to her. The worst thing is that she can't do anything about it.

Growing up without her mother to protect her, she doesn't see the point in living anymore.

Hatred fills her father's eyes as he looks her over.

In an instant, his fist connects with her tear-stained face, cheeks aching from the pain of his

Jolting actions. She holds her cheek as it pulsates under her fingertips. Her father's

Knuckles are ****** and bruised from impact, but he just shruggs it off as if it's nothing.

Looking around the room helplessly, the girl clasps onto her locket, dangling around her neck.

Mommy, she whispers, why aren't you here? Why can't you save me from Daddy?

Now is when the tears come flooding back, pouring down her face. If

Only she could run away. If only someone would notice the bruises that cover her

Pale skin. Why can't they see it?

Questions race through her mind: Why me? Who will save me? She

Realizes she doesn't know the answer to either of them. She doesn't know what else to do but

Sit in that corner, curled in a fetal position on the hardwood floor.

Time passes by before her eyes, each and every day.

Under her, she hears her father's footsteps inching closer and closer. At first they're soft,

Very, very soft. Almost as quiet as a whisper. Then, they increase speed, coming forth.

When he suddenly approaches, a smirk plays on his lips. She plays with the small

Xylophone perched by her frail legs, hoping the sound will drown out her father's.

You can only pray, a voice whispers in her ear. She focuses on that voice,

Zoning out the voices of terror inside her head.
Mar 2013 · 423
A Dying Flame
ashley Mar 2013
it's true, what they say
that everyone is broken
darkness covers day
and clouds the heartbroken

the light tries
to outshine the dark
your weary cries
create a bright spark

the stars shine bright
and strike to take aim
they shine down upon the night
thee raging red flame

your bones are crushed,
and thy soul captured
thy whispers hushed
a heart still fractured

to repair the pain
you have to dig deep
you have that to gain
thy soul to keep

now look up at the sky
and into the flaming sun
diminish thy trapped cries
because now, you have won
Mar 2013 · 562
The Art of Being Different
ashley Mar 2013
I stroll through the halls,

surrounded by boring beige walls.

Students pass by

and don't even wonder why

I'm so down,

or why my smile has turned into a frown.

But it's not like they care.

All they do is stare

in my direction.

I shield myself for dear protection.

They know I'm different.

It's almost like they can feel it.

She's not one of us, they say,

We have to make her suffer and pay.

They shout words at me left and right,

trying to scare me and cause fright.

My eyes water until I can no longer see

the pain that is being lashed at me.

I run into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall.

They once saw me rise; now they see me fall.

I cry into my blotchy hands until I can take no more.

I scream and shout, and kick the door.

The lock breaks from the impact of my shoe.

The girl that walks in doesn't have a clue

that I'm behind this bathroom door,

crying because I can't take anymore.

My whimpers and cries

no longer hide my disguise.

I am weak.

A loser, so to speak.

Mar 2013 · 553
His Icy Glare
ashley Mar 2013
His dark silver eyes glance over at me from across the room,

bearing into my soul, stripping me with his mind.

I feel his eyes scan my body, and I fold my hands

over my chest, feeling violated from the intesity of his gaze.

His jet black hair falls to his forehead, grazing the skin

of his upper eyelids. I can see him sneaking glances

at me from time to time and I cringe. Goosebumps

rose to my pale skin as if from the chilly air.

Once the bell rings, I grab my binder,

along with my notebook and lined paper,

and shove them deep into my bag.

I sling it over my shoulder and began walking at a

rough pace. Students crowd the hallways,

pressing into me from all sides. I feel small in comparison.

Not looking back, I continue to my destination

out through the school doors, but before I had the chance

to reach them, a cold, bony hand latches onto my arm.

He leans into me, his pale lips grazing against my earlobe.

I'm always watching, he whispers,

a cold huff of air sending shivers down my spine,

making my bright blue eyes turn icy.

He drops his frail fingers away from his grasp

and walks off, out into the frosty winter day.
Mar 2013 · 471
ashley Mar 2013
Looking at the reflection in front of me,
I see a mirrored image of someone,
someone far from myself.

The person looking back at me
looks tired, dark circles under her eyes,
lids growing heavier with each second.

She looks drained,
physically, emotionally, and mentally

Hidden behind her eyes are
undiscovered secrets,
tucked away, never to be seen.

Lies hide behind her tears,
behind her glossy eyes
that cover her fears.

Her soul appears to be shattered,
but no one will ever notice.

No one will ever say anything,
because no one will ever care.

No one will care to find the secrets
hidden behind closed doors,

No one will see deep enough
into her soul to discover it's pain,
the desperation to be free.

She will continue to live as she is -
hidden, trapped, and broken.
I wrote this when I was depressed... thank goodness I'm not there anymore.
Mar 2013 · 461
Trapped in Silence
ashley Mar 2013
your words are distant
your screams are trapped
the thoughts are consistant
your pale lips chapped
from constant persistance

you shed wet tears
that stain your cheeks
the frightening fears
that appear when you sleep
they sting your ears,
the whispers from over the years

they cannot see what you hide
but deep down you want them to see
the cause of your silent cries,
for your demons to be free;
free of the pain and dreadful lies.
happiness is the winning prize
This one's an oldie. I'll be posting some of my older works.
Mar 2013 · 588
I Don't Care, Really
ashley Mar 2013
when i get really down and empty feeling
i just think about pulling out
the bottle of ***** under the cabinet
and downing the whole thing
or smoking a pack and a half
of freshly bought cigarettes.

and the sad part is
that i don't care
what it'll do to me in the long run.

i don't care
if the ***** will burn
as it travels down
my throat,
an enticing river
that corrupts in

i don't care
if the cigarettes
will end up giving me
a disease
i won't be able
to get rid of.

i'm beginning to wonder
and why
i started
not caring

not giving a ****
is a part of me
that's been here

all along.

Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Flower Garden
ashley Mar 2013
we're all different,
sort of like flowers.

there's dandelions,

but most of all,
i think i resemble
the wallflower.

in the shadows.

but i know
they don't:

the quiet ones
are the ones
that always
have the most
to say.
Mar 2013 · 606
If Only They Knew
ashley Mar 2013
if only they knew
of how we spend
our days;
stealing everlasting
dandelions from
the moist earth soil
of the meadow,
making wishes
on their tiny little
frollocks of magic
and watching them
blow endlessly
in the earth's
forgiving breath.

if only they knew
of the times
we escaped
to the beach,
running frantically
through the rough
grains of sand
and tangled seaweed,
through the
ongoing depths
of the ocean
and into the
earth's burning core.

if only they knew
of how we hid
silently beneath
the shadows
of unguarded areas;
of how we'd
go there whenever
things got tough
or just wanted to
get away from it all.

if only they knew
of all the places
you've explored
on the adventures
of my own body;
how your fingertips,
cold and endless,
discovered my
how your warm
palms led to
my *******,
how your gentle
found their way
to mine.

if only they knew
the secrets we shared
among the
both of us.

Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Deathly Chills
ashley Mar 2013
that's what happens
when you
that run all
over my body;
down my arms,
even my
frozen fingertips.

are what happen
when you
my body;
trail your fingers
across my
get your whispers
tangled in my
when you
touch me in
just the right way
to make me
scream your name.

are what happen
when you snuggle
close to me,
head nestled into
my neck,
your body my
savior from
the haunting cold,
when you let
your thumb
graze across my
flushed cheeks.

are what you
give me;
but baby,
don't stop.

Mar 2013 · 2.4k
Hummingbird Heartbeat
ashley Mar 2013
every time you
touch me,
kiss me,
love me,
it feels
like the first

with you
my stomach
turns into
a butterfly
my hands become
slick with sweat,
my eyes shimmer
and glow.

you make
me have a
it races a million
beats, a gazillion
per second;
travels all
across the states,
all around the
world and
through the
I don't even know...
Mar 2013 · 596
ashley Mar 2013
we dug our toes
in the sand
and lie on
our backs
as the thick
palm trees
blow in the
earth's breath.

children laugh
and run as the
cool blue sea
calls their name.

and there
we continue
to lie
under the
bright smiling
as the clouds
glide overhead.
went to the beach today, so just a random beachy poem, i suppose. not that it's any good, but yeah.
Mar 2013 · 510
I Remember
ashley Mar 2013
i remember.
you may not
think i do,
but how could
i forget
someone so

i remember
how i thought
i loved you,
how i thought
the only way
i could survive
is if you were
by my side.

i remember
when you were
my one and only,
my world --
or at least,
you were.

i remember
our first kiss,
and how
it really was;
i remember
how your lips
tasted like
sour apple,
and how you
asked -- yes,
asked --
if you could
kiss me

i remember
craving your
even when
your hands
were stiff
and your heart
was frozen solid,
and your
eyes were
nothing but
glass marbles.

i remember
the day you
hurt me,
when "my world"
was gone,
you left.

i remember
asking for
a reason,
a simple reason,
and you told
me that
i was never
to you;
with a voice
as cold
and bitter
as your own,
you told me
you never
loved me.

i remember
that you
were right;
that i was
a joke,
of complete

i remember
not coming
to school the
next day.

i remember
how many
tissue boxes
i went through,
trying to soak
up the many
puddles of tears
that you
tears i wanted
to drown myself

i remember
it all.
i remember
how much
you hurt me.

so don't expect
me to walk by
you and wilst
you away with
my mind
or the flick
of my finger.

while i might





Mar 2013 · 276
Falling For You
ashley Mar 2013
and every
I come
to find
that I am
and more
in love
with you.

That's the
thing about
you fall
and expect
someone to
be there to
catch you.

Thank you
for holding
your arms
for me.
Mar 2013 · 422
A World Without Pain
ashley Mar 2013
Somewhere right before my eyes,
encased in a thick sheet of glass,
holds an undescribable world.
One where no one gets harmed,
one where being yourself
is appreciated,
as well as accepted.

I've tried my hardest to find
this world,
but it seems as though it is
lost within the depths
of my imagination,
or maybe it escaped in the heavy
winds that cast themselves
upon the land;
or maybe it is simply
a dream,
one only visible when I
close my eyes.

One way or another,
wherever it may be,
I can go visit my land,
my own imaginary land,
as real as any other,
without having to travel
the endless sea
or the vast natural green forrests
of the Amazon,
or even travel
through all the clouds
in the sky.

this world is easily accessable
through my own mind,
one that haunts my dreams
and becomes a reality.

A world where no one
can be harmed,
a world where all the stars
shine as bright as intricate diamonds,
where the sun
always greets you with a
warming smile.

A world of magic
and mysterious discoveries.

A world of adventure.

Mar 2013 · 288
Tell Me You Love Me
ashley Mar 2013
tell me you love me.

whisper it into my neck
and keep it mustered there

breathe it into me
after each gentle kiss.

let it dance across
my body.

let it shower
me in warmth.

make it your last
delicate, breath.

just please,
tell me you love me.

Mar 2013 · 1.3k
Our Love
ashley Mar 2013
I don't know how I could tell you I love you,
because everything --
every word, every phrase,
will never be quite enough.
Even the words themselves --
I love you --
seem small, despite how much
emotion they may carry.

I suppose I'll try my best to tell you,
with the littlest words,
the littlest phrases,
all blended into one,
just like a painting on a canvas.

My love for you burns
with the intensity of a thousand
This phrase in particular
is about as close as it will get.
Except... even this,
with it's beautiful words
and deep meaning,
isn't enough.

My love for you burns
with the intensity of
a billion
suns, stars, lights, planets;
shines brigher than all the
electricity, all the light
that is ever produced.

I love you more than
all the flowers in May;
roses, sunflowers, dasies,
and how they seem to
be greeted by the sun
and corrupt from underneath
the moist, earthly soil.

I love you more than
the color of the sunset;
blended shades of
ravishing reds,
outstanding oranges,
and bright yellows,
even some pinks
and purples
that appear as twilight
comes near.

I love you more than
all the words in the whole
world combined
into one, huge
mass of crumpled paper,
dented words,
and broken dreams.

I love you more than
the feel of the beach;
of the miles and miles
of ocean and moist sand;
more than the foam
that grips my toes
or the cool feel of the water
on my body;
more than the sun as it
smiles down upon my skin,
and the way it makes me glow.

When I tell you I love you,
I do not lie,
although it is still
a complete understatement
of what I truly feel inside.
This feeling --
this burning desire to always
be around you,
for your hand to be entertwined
with mine, for your arms
to embrace me tightly;
this feeling of being high
off of love
is a feeling that cannot
possibly be described;
no matter how hard
one may try.

What they say about love
is true --
it can make you do crazy things.
But no situation
will ever seem crazy,
because I have a valid


Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Oh, How the Waves Roared
ashley Mar 2013
I went to the beach.
As I walked down the hill,
I saw all of our friends
swimming, jumping, and laughing
in the ocean.
Once you layed eyes on me,
you ran out,
water dripping from your shirt
and swimming trunks
and glistening on your olive skin.
You insisted on spending time with me,
even though you could've been in the water
with the rest of them.

We walked all the way down the ocean
and climbed steadily onto
the wet rocks.
Ocean foam splashed upon them
as we sat there, hand in hand,
sometimes with your arm
slung over my shoulder.
We talked and laughed and had fun,
and at that moment it was so relaxing.
I didn't want to be anywhere else
except there, with you, in your arms,
surrounded by the beautiful scenery.

We stayed there for a while
until a family politely asked us to move
so they could snap a family picture.
I remember they were all dressed
in a light blue -- one that accented
their forms against the roaring waves
of the ocean.
We climbed back off,
and every time I thought I was going to
slip, you caught me or helped me
by grabbing my hand and leading me
along, all the way down to the pier.

All of us went to watch the cruise
ships pass by.
We waved frantically
and watched their smiling faces wave back,
a nice, warm growth of their departure.
Then, Hannah said,
"This is such a Titanic moment,"
which I then realized once
I stood on the concrete,
the waves just below me,
as you grabbed onto my waist.
Hannah and Todd,
Me and You,
Josh and Alecia.
We all let our arms flair out,
as if we were little birds getting
ready for flight.
Behind us, you hummed
'My Heart Will Go On'
which made us all laugh
like hyenas.

After, we walked back and played
vollyball for a while.
I have to admit, I wasn't good at it
at all.
I never could hit the ball high enough
over the net, and I was actually
making our team lose.
Thank goodness for Todd;
he was on a roll,
slapping the ball onto the sand
with a hard tuff,
making us score 5 points in a row.

After a while,
I gave up and decided to
go into the water.
I didn't go all the way in;
just up to mid-calf.
I stayed there and
dug my toes into the moist
sand as clumps of seaweed
floated past, and looked out into
the deep blue sea that stood
before me.
I couldn't help but think of freedom,
of wondering what it would be like
to be a bird.
The wind smelled slightly of
old people, salt, and fish,
which was typical for our
Florida beaches.

You thought something was upset
or something, I suppose,
because you came and swooped me up
from behind.
You wrapped your arms around
my waist
and nuzzled your head into
my neck. The wind
wouldn't stop blowing,
so all my curls flew into your face,
but I don't think you really minded.
You stayed there with me,
abandoning the game,
and at that moment,
I kissed you.
I turned around and planted
one on your lips,
which were wet and
tasted like salt from the ocean.

Once we left,
I could still taste the salt
on my lips. It was like
a reminder of some sort
of what a wonderful time we'd had.

Definitely a night I
never want to forget.

Mar 2013 · 1.7k
Broken Generation
ashley Mar 2013
you know,
when you're younger,
you think boys are icky.
mean boys that push you
in the sand on the playground,
stupid boys that call
you names
and make fun of you for
being a '*****.'

when you're younger,
you think girls have cooties.
silly girls that play
on the swings
and talk about
the wind,
girls you try to avoid
at all costs.

but once you grow up
and stop being so small,
you come to realize that
boys are far from icky,
except for the fact
that they still pick their
noses and chew
with their mouths full;
and girls are far
from having cooties,
unless you consider
STD's as cooties, these days.

girls and boys
are attracted to each other
by an unmistaken force,
one that's so strong
it feels like a magnet
is conjoining the both
of you.

or at least,
that's what they claim.

but really,
our generation is
obsessed with the
of being rebellious,
of not caring about the rules,
or doing what they want
whenever they want.
we're obsessed with
the motto that
having *** at 16,
getting drunk at parties,
and doing drugs
is okay.

the problem?
we'll never know.
everyone will always
have different thoughts,
views, opinions
on how our generation
came to be as
disasterous as it is:
the media: music videos,
movies; the music,
what kinds of messages
rappers are conveying
in their songs;
but no matter
what we think
or what we say,
we'll never know.

we're the kids
your parents
warned you about --
or rather, didn't.

losing your virginity
is becoming something
of a contest to see
who can lose it first,
who can get this girl
laid, who can
sleep with the most
girls in their entire school.
today, girls are willing
to lose it, all because they're
under pressure, or being
influenced by the wrong

going to ravid parties
and having
'a few drinks'
is something to celebrate.
"come on, have a drink,"
and even if they don't want one,
even if they don't want
to accept,
they somehow get convinced
then 'just a few drinks'
turns into a rollercoaster
that gets you spiraling
out of the earth's
gravitational control.
your mind goes haywire
and you might even do
something you never imagined
you'd do. all because of
'a few drinks.'

rolling a blunt
and smoking ****
is something
everyone does;
if you don't smoke,
if you aren't a stoner,
then you're considered
'abnormal,' or 'odd,'
or even 'weird.'
roll a blunt,
pass it around,
take a hit
or two
or three,
until it feels like your
soul is being detached
from your body,
floating into the
being swallowed by
vanishing into the

trying to **** themselves
from the harsh words
being thrown at them
like daggers to the heart.
cutting themselves,
a temporary way
to solve a problem
that seems
incapable of living through.

no one has any respect
for themselves.
no one cares
if they don't get into
a decent college;
most don't even go.
no one cares
if alcohol is
causing them to become
they disregard the signs
no one cares
if smoking ****
or doing drugs
is illegal;
now, they'll
expose it in the open.
no one cares
how their words
can affect people;
"fat," "ugly.'
they'll call people
***** that are still

our generation
has turned into
something to be avoided,
an example of how bad
the world can become.

Mar 2013 · 327
I See Right Through You
ashley Mar 2013
you tell me you don't care,
that you're better off without me.
and I know, I see it,
that you're trying;
trying to get the memories
out of your head,
trying to forget the love
we thought we shared,
trying to erase the memory
of me completely.

I see that you're trying
but you're not trying hard enough.

I see the hurt in your eyes
when you see me laugh
with another girl;
I see the pain plastered
on your gentle face
knowing that I can survive
without you.

I see the real you,
inside and out;
so don't bother
trying to keep it a secret.

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