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 Mar 2013 ashley
we stole dandelions from the fields
like hard-time criminals
and watched as they melted
in the palms of our hands--

i should have realized it was a
perfect euphemism
for the months to follow.
i don't know where this came from
 Mar 2013 ashley
Jack Fitzgerald
It kills me that I can't keep you in words,
The more I write the more I seem to miss.
Like meaning from my pen is far off lured,
I can't put down your smile, your eyes, your kiss.
A kiss that for my life I can't describe,
despite how hard I try or oft I write.
Transform me hence into your willing scribe,
I'll work to make dark ink match your eyes light...
and though I know I'll fail I still write on,
hoping beyond hope that I'll succeed
in writing down some truth before I'm gone,
one truth might then find others and so breed.
Not unlike I found you and you found me
or how our I's met up to forge a we.
 Mar 2013 ashley
my mom always told me i was lazy
she was right; i never wanted to clean my room
or make my bed
or do my homework
i just wanted to go on the computer
or watch tv
or hang out with friends
because i wanted to be happy
and doing chores didn't make me happy

so when i went to college
i didn't clean my room
or make my bed
or do my homework
all i did was go on the computer
or watch tv
or hang out with friends
because i finally was on my own and had the chance to be happy

but rather than getting happier, my heart got heavier
things went from okay to bad
and then bad to worse
and now i'm tired

mom, you were right; i'm lazy
there are things that i don't want to do
because they are too much work
like cleaning my room, making my bed, doing my homework,
and waking up tomorrow morning
 Mar 2013 ashley
 Mar 2013 ashley
maybe people really were made
first as one large whole,
then cracked into pieces
and scattered, so that
if we ever lose our sense of
we could know that there is hope
in finding it in others.

maybe it is fate
that brought me to you,
something magnetic,
or just chance.
i don't care, all that matters
is that i have you--
sometimes i just wish i knew
who to thank.

it scares me how much i like
the feel of your hand gripping mine,
as though it was meant
to be there from the start
(when i'm with you, i always feel
that much more complete).

if you carry pieces of me
deep inside of you,
does that mean somewhere
i carry pieces of you too?
ugh.  this is cheesy and gross and i hate him for making me write love poetry all the time.
 Mar 2013 ashley
young love
 Mar 2013 ashley
she says she loves him to
p  i  e  c  e  s
but she won't admit
she's too scared to
put him back
i don't even know.  i don't believe in love right now.
 Mar 2013 ashley
as a child, i was more of a
hide-and-seek kind of girl;
i had no mind for playing

yet here i am now, and these
past three months have been
my greatest show yet--

but ****,


because i've been seeking for too long,
and i can't find you anywhere.
i'm so much different than i was back then.
 Mar 2013 ashley
tonight, he told of his scars-

drugs and parties and drinking
left no physical wounds,
but when his knuckles tapped
the podium
we could all see he was



look, i wanted to say,
*my story hurts too much to tell,
but i have scars
just like you,
just like you,
i hurt too.
**** it, jess.  i knew you had a story to you.  i just didn't know it'd remind me so much of mine.
 Mar 2013 ashley
scar tissue
 Mar 2013 ashley
i wonder what you'd look like
if you were stripped of your skin,
would your bones be as perfect
as your shell?

or would they be heavy with scars
etched into you slowly, filled with ink,
and laced with names you
wish you could forget?
i don't even know anymore ajdkalas.  i think writer's block is just around the bend
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