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Jan 2018 · 1.3k
Ashish Gupta Jan 2018
Stuck between war and peace
Can’t win the fight
Won’t bend the knees

Stuck between cradle and grave
Can’t be a prince
Won’t be a knave

Stuck between the earth and sky
Can’t plant some roots
Won’t let it fly

Stuck between night and day
Can’t silence it
Won’t let it say

Stuck between the head and toe
Can’t keep it in
Won’t let it show

Stuck between a truth and lie
Can’t breathe in life
Won’t let it die

Stuck between joy and woe
Can’t burn it down
Won’t let it grow

Stuck between a yes and no
Can’t make it up
Won’t let it go
Aug 2015 · 928
In Darkness
Ashish Gupta Aug 2015
But then there is the abyss to keep him company
Gnawing at his heart
The demons in his memory
Tearing his mind apart


Still his conquest in solitude
His dance in the dark
Inspire a new sunrise
On a world yet unborn
Aug 2015 · 835
The Rabbit Hole
Ashish Gupta Aug 2015
His dream was buried under
So excavating down he went
But 'twas his mind that split asunder
And his solitary heart rent

He was forced to rediscover his way
With no hope left in sight
Past treacherous rocks of obloquy
Back to a place of light

The settling dust reveal in the end
That a laurel wreath or a thorny crown
Is for the one who would dare contend
For the one who would not stay down
Nov 2014 · 839
My Three Cats
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
I've a cat in my window;
It's the apple of my eyes.
My naughty Mr. Winnow,
Likes to snarl and gnaw at guise.

I've a cat on my head;
It purrs when I face rejection.
My crazy Mr. Instead,
Is always facing another direction.

I've a cat on my breast,
Listening to the beats of my heart.
My wise Mr. Obsessed,
Wakes me up to play my part.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Nov 2014 · 933
Dauntless Blossom
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
No matter which way the wind will blow
No matter if its strong or if its slow
If the seed of love in the wind you throw
Then the tree of love from that seed will grow

Even if the world gets covered in snow
And there isn't a sign of life to show
The little frost covered bud will still know
When to break through to the world and glow

No matter how much sorrow, pain and woe
Winter in her abandoned heart may bring in tow
The ebb of life in the veins will not cease to flow
And the tree of love will never let her go
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Nov 2014 · 676
Will She?
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
Will this flower always doubt this bee
And think it to be the same
As many a small buzzing fool
Who in passing before it came?

Will this ocean always be a loss,
To this hapless seeker for a way,
Alternating doldrums and stirring storms
To keep this shipwrecked one at bay?

Will this moon always draw a veil
When this wolf opens his heart
And call upon an untimely wind
Before this lonesomes' song can start?

Will this beautiful universe always twinkle
Mesmerising in sight, then gone again
But keep this star gazer bound to a hope
Of sparkling clear skies after the rain?
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Nov 2014 · 753
That Smile
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
From that moment when she smiled at me, my whole world came apart,
I had finally found my reason, but concomitantly lost my heart.

I realized, I'd have to venture out, to see her face again,
So I could recover my own, and hopefully end this pain.

I marched with poise to her house, but then I never knocked.
Although my arms were open, my joints it seemed were locked.

I had brought her some petals, that the hands of fate has chosen.
Although my heart was melting, my lips, they were frozen.

I wanted to shout out to her, but I failed, even to try.
Although my brow was dripping wet, my throat was totally dry.

I prayed that somehow, she may think to look out and see,
This wretched lost creature waiting under her window is me,

And without a word betwixt us spoken, she'd assuredly know,
That thoughts of her have me enthralled, my greatest joy and woe,

And perchance decide in her dainty mind, to end my misery,
With her smile that could embrace my soul, straight into eternity.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Nov 2014 · 653
Are all to me dear
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
Her dream and her fear,
Her smile and her tear,
After the fog of pride does clear,
I realize, are all to me dear.
Nov 2014 · 586
You're like those things
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
You're like sunrise to me.
I may not always wake up to greet you,
But if I feel you are not there,
It turns my world upside down.

You're like water to me.
I may not always pick you over free beer,
But whenever my world turns to a desert,
I need to know that you are near.

You're like sleep to me.
I may not always want you when I'm at work,
But when the coffee drip trip is done,
Your absence drives me berserk.

You're like a Picasso to me.
I may not always immediately understand what you say,
But as your convoluted logic rolls in me,
I'm satisfied, I'll get you at the end of the day.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Nov 2014 · 665
To Miss Jane ZOmbiE
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
Miss Jane Zoe
666 Selfish way,

Subject: I'd ask you to go to hell, but then I realized you never left.

Dear Jane Zoe,

You're dead in all the ways that it matters to be alive.
The fruits and flowers aim to give, the virus merely to survive.

If blind selfishness were the world's way,
We would still have only single cells.
But life chose to lose itself for a lonesome misunderstood other:
Starting the multi-cellular diversity we cherish today.

Now, I am not a psychic, so I simply cannot converse with the dead,
So in future, take your parasitic crap to your fellow ZOmbiEs instead.

Yours Sin sear lie,
Mr. Ex Necrophilic
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Nov 2014 · 538
Lost and not Found
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
I know that someday I will be found
By someone who believes in me,
And not like, the others, who bound
Themselves, to the jacks of mediocrity.

Someone who can dream blindingly clear
In the reflection of the face of persecution
And keep their selfless vision, through a tear
And stir up in their wake a revolution.

In my search I have nearly lost my mind
And all the while I may still have a choice.
But to be one, with one of their kind,
I will have to somehow lose myself twice.

So, for now I can only brave this test
Before my Answer comes around
That I may at last happily rest
And my long lost heart be found.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Sand Castle
Ashish Gupta Nov 2014
I smile to the sound of her voice,
yet grimace to the waves of her choice,
that may wash away this swain.

I miss the sight of her smile,
but hold a fear all the while,
as I try to build my sand castle again.
(c) Ashish Gupta 2014
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Gilded Pebble
Ashish Gupta Oct 2014
A spark takes a second
The fire lasts a little more
But a pebble is shaped over ages,
By waves beating upon their shore.

What the tide brings under the Sun,
It takes away under the Moon.
The scent of the roses in Spring
Was lost to the winds too soon.

Of what use now is watering a flower
Which already withered to nightly rains?
Of what good are the pardons you shower
Upon a slave who has died in your chains?

This bridge I was building
Collapsed before the mail van could cross
With this pebble I was gilding
That shall remain to you, an unknown loss.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Aug 2014 · 709
Partition ... no more!
Ashish Gupta Aug 2014
They may have drawn a dark line
But we can erase it and shine

They may have unleashed discord
But this rift our hearts can ford

Since we sigh upon the same Moon
We can yet harmonize our tune

The adversary may have been clever
But no division bell rings forever

Our broken dreams can still mend
Since, love conquers hate in the end
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Inspired upon reading a poem "Partition" by WH Auden

Unbiased at least he was when he arrived on his mission,
Having never set eyes on this land he was called to partition
Between two peoples fanatically at odds,
With their different diets and incompatible gods.
'Time,' they had briefed him in London, 'is short. It's too late
For mutual reconciliation or rational debate:
The only solution now lies in separation.
The Viceroy thinks, as you will see from his letter,
That the less you are seen in his company the better,
So we've arranged to provide you with other accommodation.
We can give you four judges, two Moslem and two Hindu,
To consult with, but the final decision must rest with you.'

Shut up in a lonely mansion, with police night and day
Patrolling the gardens to keep assassins away,
He got down to work, to the task of settling the fate
Of millions. The maps at his disposal were out of date
And the Census Returns almost certainly incorrect,
But there was no time to check them, no time to inspect
Contested areas. The weather was frightfully hot,
And a bout of dysentery kept him constantly on the trot,
But in seven weeks it was done, the frontiers decided,
A continent for better or worse divided.

The next day he sailed for England, where he quickly forgot
The case, as a good lawyer must. Return he would not,
Afraid, as he told his Club, that he might get shot.

Partition, 1966 by WH Auden.
Aug 2014 · 540
Flaming Fowls
Ashish Gupta Aug 2014
A beautiful fowl took refuge behind a fender
Learnt too late, that nature shall render
A stranger called change, that knows no wall,
In the rising flames before her final fall.

A quotidian fowl braved out in the thunder
To rescue a spark which the winds rent asunder
In the gloom of darkness descending from above
discovered a stranger called flame of love.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Aug 2014 · 775
Dawn of Insurrection
Ashish Gupta Aug 2014
Sometime I’ve to snap
Something has to give
The way I have been
Is just no way to live

Out there in the black
Somewhere in my blue
Lies my way back, to
Where my dreams knew

Shackles are gilded, in freedom
But mediocrity serves as key
Here brave are usually lonesome
And genius oft on its knee

I did not ask them directions
Still they put blinders on me
Now my ride is insurrection
And tariff of payback is free
© 2014 Ashish Gupta
Jul 2014 · 569
Twilight rescinded
Ashish Gupta Jul 2014
At first there was life
and it thought it'd live it whole.
But later it teetered on the edge of a knife
as it steadily descended into a twilight of the soul.

Nevertheless, from this void can bloom a flower
if only, it but courages the mirror in sight
and choose to believe in its power
to be the spring of its light.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Jul 2014 · 437
Ashish Gupta Jul 2014
It is very difficult to choose,
That which you can not afford to lose,

Which is the rose you behold, when your eyes are closed
Whose thorns draw blood, when your arms do not hold

It is the dream that you whisper, but never dare told
The last name you will call before your lips turn cold

A visceral ruse and an abstract muse
The only soul which you wish to fuse.

Days turns to months as you delve and dwell
on the opportune moment to hold and tell

Your heart of hearts that its only choice
Is to embrace the music of the inner voice.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Jun 2014 · 474
Ashish Gupta Jun 2014
A stranger in a strange land,
He fails to see or understand,
How he could ever be one with the fold,
And so reconcile the new with his old.
Wondering if he should fight or flee,
When even victory will find him on his knee.
Will she love him and would her embrace
Have the power to give his inner demons chase?
Would he burn brighter each passing day,
Or in the multitude merely dissolve away?
His principles here are contraband,
He is a stranger in a strange land.
(c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
May 2014 · 582
Doggy Fog
Ashish Gupta May 2014
A dog is a dog is a dog,
And of the dog is for the dog.
But if one is of another kind,
Who to the lion spirit his soul bind,
Then this one lies, as if in a fog,
to the discriminating eyes of a dog.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Ashish Gupta May 2014
I want to hear your heart speak,
Even if you’re afraid of what it might say.
I want you breaking free from your clique,
And return to yourself, but only,
After you first run away.

That originality is oft misunderstood, is true.
But ‘tis a sin to voice mediocrity in its lieu.
Yes! You’ll be ostracized and generally hated,
But your heart will sing a song, for which
Some ears have longingly, long waited.

The order of the world is to enslave,
So rave, rebel, and misbehave.
Before you draw your last and ride the hearse
Free your mind, clear your throat,
Then stand firm and rock your whole universe.
© Ashish Gupta 2014
May 2014 · 544
Ashish Gupta May 2014
I was not turned down, I was not sent back,
I was propelled forward.
The world saw me slapped in the face,
I saw the world tap me on my shoulder.
What I was told was, I could not walk through that door.
But what I heard was, that I should fly over the wall.

No matter how utterly you fail, how deep you sink,
You will never end deeper than anyone else,
Exactly six feet from where you are right now.
But the mighty Himalayas are always rising into the sky
So everyone who dares to, will always be
The very first to climb higher than anyone before him.

It’s not the chair you sit on, it’s the dream.
It’s not the door you walk through, it’s the wall.
If you are good, they will put a piece of metal, on your chest.
If you are great, they will put a piece of metal, in your chest.
Now, do you still choose to be denied?!
Copyright © 2014 Ashish Gupta
Ashish Gupta May 2014
The hands of time tied my hands,
And held me from holding you.
With each grain of passing sands
I wish, Oh! Could not we begin anew?

A proud tongue concealed, a deaf me
To the beating of your, heart breaking.
My open eyes, were still blind to see
Tragic music, your eyes were making.

My words and tears now trudge together,
Holding, a broken man on, a broken bridge,
To summer! Away from this untimely weather
So end not in dark chasms, but the warm ridge!

To tomorrow’s love yesterday! I could not see my way,
So not her, but walls held, and souls ne'er meld away
For in my hand a timepiece swung and the principles thereof
But what she held in her heart was a piece of timeless love.
Copyright © 2014 Ashish Gupta
May 2014 · 1.0k
Men, all the same
Ashish Gupta May 2014
If, all men are born equal, were true
No Songs would have ‘ere been written.
The difference between men shines through,
By their conduct when they are smitten.

Some adopt the use of pedestrian tools, like avarice,
Safely transmuting many a love to single edged blades.
Some few fools instead choose to believe their own lies
That a single story writ in blood and tears never fades.
Copyright © 2014 Ashish Gupta
May 2014 · 597
Resonating Echoes
Ashish Gupta May 2014
It will take more than
what is similar between
she and me
to get
her to here.

More than a letter
Perhaps my word
The one,
echoing in her soul.
(c) Ashish Gupta 2014
May 2014 · 374
Miss Butterfly
Ashish Gupta May 2014
I miss my beautiful butterfly
I call to her, she won’t reply
What fashion of bait could I vie,
To net me that money can’t buy?
But robbed of freedom love would die
Of what use is a pie in the sky?

So with a song in my heart
And hope in my eye
I wait patiently for the return
Of my beautiful butterfly.
© Ashish Gupta 2014
May 2014 · 598
Espresso or Tea?
Ashish Gupta May 2014
Another day the quill lies alone
A flickering flame above is all but gone
Scribbles on the back of a sheet
Pondering if all this talk of love
And this yearning for it entirely its own
Or some socially inflicted addiction
A restriction on feelings for loneliness
By this unwelcome relationship,
That between solitude and emptiness
But who should fill this sheet?
For what texture and hue does love imbue?
Can ink and blood meld?
The quill stares wondering upon the sheet
If its love will run fast or infuse slow?
© Ashish Gupta 2014
May 2014 · 629
Bastards in space
Ashish Gupta May 2014
******* children of a sordid affair
Between corporatism and consumerism
Enslaved by the shackles of misinformation
Sinking each year baser yet
At the speed of light
In the information age
The world is eclipsed
Tangled in a worldwide snare
of fast-food conversation with men in space
and yet deaf to the voice
resonating in the space within
If I screamed and cried in space
Would they hear my voice?
But if I screamed and cried on earth
Would they hear my voice!
© Ashish Gupta 2014
Apr 2014 · 590
Ashish Gupta Apr 2014
He wonders what manner of grim,
Staves her from writing back to him,
Whilst he waits and muses forlorn:
Why in lieu of roses have cacti grown?

When or where or what nature of blunder,
Has conspired to rift peas of a pod asunder.
With flagging quill on soaked parchment
He slowly bleeds as his young heart is rent.

Perhaps his slumping state my stir the angels,
To rush and gently whisper in her dainty ears,
That like the depths of ocean its surface tumult quell,
Their embrace will dispel their little-big fears.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Apr 2014 · 401
Ashish Gupta Apr 2014
It's a vast wide empty featureless sky
And no bird in it knows how or why

One zips frantically from tree A to B
Another floats aimlessly looking for a place to be

Some gather in a flock and just sing a happy song
While some solitary search for a perch to belong

Some show their colours at hello, some at goodbye
Some survive with pride, some thrive on the sly

Some stay grounded, for them the sky is a wretched thing
While some yet learn to soar again with a broken wing

Some are born with talons, some destined to be prey
Some see the light in the morning, some at close of day

Some see as the worm, some from up on high
Still, no bird in it really knows how or why.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Feb 2014 · 520
The absconder
Ashish Gupta Feb 2014
I apologize for my elusive attitude,
I’ve been in my fortress of solitude.
I’m sorry to those I’ve been remiss,
My reason for that, is simply this:
Beyond the how and what, a guy,
Must sit and meditate on the why.
To the dreamers lost in their own world, sometimes to the consternation of their friends.
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
Swarm Intelligence
Ashish Gupta Jan 2014
The dainty feathers all knew their perch,
As the leaves changed their hue, and again.
Until a fire, born of green lust, did besmirch,
The order of the forest held in timeless reign.

The delicate birds were all forced to flight,
Only some sought within, midst fiery storm,
For an uncharted course in misty sight,
Most of a feather banded together to a swarm.

But where does that feathery flock aim to go?
In the clasp of perfidious smoke quick to smother
Does every or any in that confident band know?
That absolutely everyone in a swarm follows another!
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Jan 2014 · 921
Dusk and Dawn
Ashish Gupta Jan 2014
You're settling down to drink in your sunset
I am bubbling up to breathe in the morning light

The best of you frolics in your past
I'm stepping, and up, to a future dance

You're grounded to your reality, to your end
I've leaped off my edge, to give flight a chance

Were the world to stop spinning, I'd walk over
And see the world from you point of view

But I cannot cease my march into the Sun
I cannot halt the dew drops upon my face

You crave a sanctuary, a cave behind a waterfall
I brave the wild currents of that river to the sea

I wish both Sun and Moon in my sky to be
But alas that is not the way

So with heavy heart I must depart, but say
Unto you is you and to me is me.

If I could change the world at all,
I'd change it in a heartbeat,

So total darkness could never fall
That dusk and dawn may meet.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Jan 2014 · 698
The Beach and her Tide
Ashish Gupta Jan 2014
The tide comes silently sweeping in
And embraces the warm sands in sight

The beach is lost beneath the water thin
As throes of waves thresh left and right

But soon with woe the beach is beset
For after its fill the tides' soon to take flight

To the lonely burning beach is owed a debt
Its winged messengers who beseech at closing light

Are found to rejoice the return in an aerial banquet
Of the tide to her beach in the night.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Jan 2014 · 612
Dig Deeper Within
Ashish Gupta Jan 2014
Your life won't matter,
until you shatter
the shackles of prejudices,
that bind your noble soul
in the dungeon of delusions.

Commercial enterprise
is consumed with avarice,
it does not seek to enlighten
you, but merely to frighten
and facts are nought but profiting lies.

Question what you presumed,
for the truth must be exhumed.
Spend your life digging deep
for diamonds you will reap
under lots of time and pressure.

When you finally see the light,
you will be blessed by the sight.
Your life transformed to a song
with courage to right the wrong.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
Jan 2014 · 945
Awe Summit in Life
Ashish Gupta Jan 2014
There is no such thing as life!
Not as it is made out to be anyway- something different.
Life! it's merely a label ascribed to aggregation of little particles.
That is what the sum total of all human drama is,
in the annals of human history, like both, a movement of a whole people
to get rid of ******* fascism, or the struggle of one person
to get rid of bowel movement - seemed like a good idea in the darkness
but with dawning of light, comes back to bite you in the *** -
just aggregates of little particles aggregating in different ways,
evolving to make a better aggregate,
War is a part of this – for a better aggregate, so is Love.

Why not a selfish materialistic weasel be then? Some ask,
After all it would not matter if I were to risk being heroic, would it!
Aye! it would not matter. But then, so also doesn't failure,
complete utter – never finding a lover – failure.
It simply does not matter, so why not?! Why not try?
Why not go up, or down if you will, in a blaze of glory.
You really have no excuse, not to scale your summit,
not to awe every moment of your so-called life.
When your story is finally writ, before your pyre lit,
the only question for the coins will be
Did that stiff ever say **** it and then awesome it?
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashish Gupta
(This one is  an experiment off the beaten track of my poetry style. Sardonic and motivating, with dark humour. It's a lemon sundae with hot dark chocolate syrup. Critique welcome!)
Jan 2014 · 674
Spring never more
Ashish Gupta Jan 2014
Under grey clouds in her garden
Her briny pond still larger grew.
To cacophony turned her wren
And her white rabbit into shrew.

The passing seasons, she did not heed
For wintry dusk was all she knew.
But then in that throng of ****
A little rose bud sprang into view

Its petals white, then pink, then red
But she had eyes for only its thorn
Not water, but lopper she turned instead
And nipped the blossom ere it was born

Which fell, on weeds that ne'er seek pardon
As chopping blocks to winter buds they mew
Under grey clouds in her garden
Her briny pond still larger grew
Copyright (c) CC BY-NC-SA 2014 Ashish Gupta
Aug 2013 · 962
Lie the best to rest
Ashish Gupta Aug 2013
A constancy of **** lies
Is their ****** disguise

Adamant their shadows to shun
Are blinded by a perfidious sun

Till these tranced beguiled abide
To His self-righteous "suicide"

Though the charges are absurd
Ne'er a word of inquiry heard

Before seditious truths emerge
They corral to sound His dirge

A puppet procession in a stream
Do they of electric sheep dream?

The invisible chains in silence stay
Until ascension sunders them some day
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
If Salvador Dali dabbled in poetry!
Aug 2013 · 852
A new age
Ashish Gupta Aug 2013
The heaviest of fall shall not bid him crawl.
The phobes will bawl, the machine will maul,
But the spirit shall hold; through it all.

The daggers of hate, the arrows of fate,
reflected by the soul, sparkle anew facet,
diamonds they are all, for he is the state.

In tears of a warrior trickle words of a sage,
His grand last stand, heralds a new age.
CopyRight (c) 2013 Ashish Gupta
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Is the ocean bottomless?
Ashish Gupta Jul 2013
A fire blazes beneath the waves.
That bright light, that once blinded,
gets dimmer as it slowly drowns
in the distant depths of yesterdays.

A squid and a whale motion ignorantly,
escorting the diminishing light down.
A school of barracuda look on obliviously.
Echoes of silence reply from the dark depths.

It begins on the Moon, bright and blue,
the ground has Spring and the light is new.
Until it comes crashing, splashing some brine,
sinking down to the bottomless heart of the ocean?
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
Jun 2013 · 449
Talk of many things
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
"The time has come," (the Walrus said,)
"To talk of many things:
Of heart and head,
To wretches and kings,
Of cloth and thread,
Why the lark sings,
Of blood and bread,
To love and strings,
Of dreams and dead,
What eternally springs."
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
Post-modern monologue of the other Walrus.
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
All existence is meaningless
But some existences are more meaningless than others
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
referencing George Orwell's Animal Farm "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" and Agent Smith from Matrix " ... an existence that is without purpose or meaning..."
Jun 2013 · 791
The warrior and his rose
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
He soon earned his first battle scar,
When he went to war, but then he went too far,
Past barb, bullet, and fallen comrades,
Through fog and bog as hope slowly fades.

Cannon and shot heard all around,
But trembling bushes hear no sound.
Valiantly still he held his own,
But treacherous powers had him blown.

His eyes wandered to the lateral rose,
Blossom he desired, but thorns he chose.
Equal in the dust made, his crimson slowly flowed,
Replenishing parched dirt; the petals slowly glowed.

The clouds since roll above this hallowed place,
Where smiling cherubs give Boreas chase,
And each that hears the singing bushes knows,
The ballad of the warrior and his rose.
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
Jun 2013 · 596
The One
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
There are many agent Smiths
There is only one Neo

There are many lies
There is only one truth

There are many battles
There is only one war

There are many scars
There is only one laurel wreath

There are many tear drops
There is only one smile

There are many failures
There is only one triumph

There are many desires
There is only one soul

There are many stars
There is only one Sun

There are many dark nights
There is only one sunrise

So when you're all alone facing inevitability
Know that you are The One.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ashish Gupta

To those who will not live a lie,
and for the truth shall gallantly die.
True beauty can only be seen by the eyes of a blind man.
Jun 2013 · 755
Shadow Yard
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
A whittled rose in the mist of June
An old spruce guitar out of tune
A broken lichened picket gate
A dusty mail box - too late
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
Jun 2013 · 665
Father and Son
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
Son: Dear father, I was born to fly!

Father: Humility, my son. Stay on ground.
The fool seeks to undermine others around.
This fool only unto himself does lie.
The truth alone on the journey can be found.
You are my son! Your soul you shaln't deny.

Son: Hmm..., alright then. But I'll still astound,
and lift the whole world with me up high.
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
(from the files, written in June 2012)
Jun 2013 · 777
Immeasurable cost
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
It is real!
It enters with zeal.
Invisible! but those mirrors feel.
The clock and the calendar it will steal.
It remains concealed, it dare not itself reveal.

It is pain!
When hope's slain.
An empty bottle, a broken chain.
Like a bad penny, it will return again.
The apple of the eye, the worm in the brain.

A lost ship!
Once did regale.
A stooping mast, sagging sails.
The bow is glazed in white frost.
A crooked anchor, an immeasurable cost.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ashish Gupta
(Edited version, originally written in Sept. 2012).
Jun 2013 · 762
Calm and Quiet
Ashish Gupta Jun 2013
Stay calm and quiet,
while the voice within bids you riot.
Though of the lies you're thoroughly annoyed,
breathe a word and they'll brand you paranoid.

It is hard indeed to find a reason,
when the soul of world seems void.
But if you stubbornly refuse to bend,
you will win through in the end.

For the spirit must journey through slime,
before it can turn sublime.

Give me an army of lovers,
and I shall conquer bureaucracy!
Nah! Not really...
… but maybe, just maybe...
This one takes comic delight at bureaucracy, the quagmire the world has descended into, where love or triumph is perhaps impossible or indiscernible. Plato and his army of lovers had it easy.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ashish Gupta
May 2013 · 977
Intrepid Soul
Ashish Gupta May 2013
No rainbow without rain.
No perspective without pain,
that from the climb you gain,
when you conquer your mountain.

When darkness has descended,
your energy sapped and all hope has flown,
you fall shattered and forlorn,
look to the light within.

When thunder rages out around,
wisdom in the voice within is found.
So mark that hallowed ground,
so the next intrepid soul shall know:

drink your tears,
its your fountain of wisdom;
embrace your fears,
its your armour for battles to come.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ashish Gupta
Mar 2013 · 532
What dreams may come, yet
Ashish Gupta Mar 2013
Dreams bereft
not left,
could cloud
an empty sky.

Tears bled
not shed,
could fill
a silent pool.

Letters penned
not sent,
could consume
a tranquil wood.

Doors blocked
not locked,
could allow, yet,
a drop of Sun

enter the
not sealed
and breathe

life, into
got cleaved:
intertwined vines.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ashish Gupta
CC BY-NC-ND 3.0,
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