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Aryana Lovelace Mar 2020
The flowers wilted, fell apart
I cry in bed, alone in the dark.
Meant for you, is what they were,
But you didn't want them, "Yes I'm sure".
Hurting my heart once again,
You always leave my head in a spin.
Aryana Lovelace Mar 2020
Take my hand and drag me out,
My endless thoughts were getting loud.
Trying to drown me when I'm alone,
With you I'm safe, with you I'm home.
I wrote this for my boyfriend after spending time away from him
Aryana Lovelace Mar 2019
I want to be the person
You need me to be
But there is something
Holding me back

I want to be the anchor
That holds you in place
That holds you down
Even if I drown

I want to be the person
In your head
Telling you,
To stop,
That cold piece of metal
From doing for damage

We both have some baggage
We both are quite mental
We both think we're better off dead
However, I know for certain,
You are the one I want
                      -Zoë Reygers
My wonderful girlfriend wrote this :)

— The End —