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One day an angel came to me and told me to love you.
I asked it "is he worth it?".
It answered " a million times worth it!".
For it was the angel who asked it from me i accepted to love you.
I shared with you my secrets and gave you trust,
you could not keep the trust and you were unfaithful,
promised me with in laws and good husband,
after a few minutes you left me alone,
alone in the dark,waiting for you to come back.
I would ask the day and night where you were,
unfortunately they said i should **** you in my heart.
Salty water running from my eyes,
day and night thinking of MR.NICE,
trying to erase you from my heart,
unfortunately you are an ink which cannot be erased!
I often write about you
Creating an imaginary scene for us both
I know,call me sentimental
Or emotional,either really
But isn't this what they call dreaming?
Building clouds of invisible nines
Where you kiss me
And say "You know,I think I really like you."
Or the days we might grow old together
Sit by the porch
Listen to the music
You swore you would play for me
(I want to hold your hand)
I can already see
The letters you've written to me
Telling me of all the adventures
You want to go with me
Exploring every part of New York
Because that's the place we both love
And as I walked down the aisle
I know that every sadness I've ever felt about us
Would just drift off
As we say "I do."
Perhaps our first kiss
Would not be like the movies
We would be awkward
And laugh at ourselves
For thinking too much
Sometimes I would get paranoid
And try to keep you tighter by my side
But understand that
I only do that because I truly love you
The worst that could happen
In this dream
Is that we break up
And our hands touch for the last time
A goodbye peck on the cheek
"Stay friends okay?"
And we go in different directions
Becoming strangers again
 May 2013 Arturo Hernandez
I like **** photographs. The beautiful ones. Black and white bodies silhouetted, frozen in time. Long legs with pointed toes dance across my brown eyes, leaving me wanting more. Arms reach, and stretch to grab my baby cheeks. I see her collar bones and I feel so peaceful. I've never seen something so beautiful. So graceful and fluid. Just like roaring waves of an ocean, her hips curve into her legs and follow through. Her photo haunts me. But it makes me feel alive. I appreciate her body, and how god made her so lovely. So fair. I love her.
Have you ever
Stretched a rubber band?
It’s easy.
Just grab both ends
And pull
And pull.

The tension builds

The rubber gets

The tension gets
Too much

The rubber

The pain that comes
With it?
The sharp

That brings tears
To your eyes
But just within
A short moment

It’s over.
He seems to take my hurt
my tears
my mistakes.
Use them with his tongue
say failure without a slight change
in his voice
his posture.
I feel smaller than krill
in his vast ocean,
in the dark he keeps me
from reaching the light
from being me.
I've lost the smile in  my eyes
months of crying have darken them.
Secretly i wish he would go away
but how would i exist if he was gone.
I hate him but i am desperately
horribly, sickening in love
with him.
I doubt he knows this
for i keep everything in.
A big ship of secrets that he knows
while inside a trap door are more.
He promised to leave me if i said more
than the ones he knows.
So I'm keeping them hidden
until he goes away
But how can i exist
if he was to go away.
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