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 Mar 2014 qtrz
 Mar 2014 qtrz
bravery isn't just limited to fighting dragons
or wearing that armour of yours

bravery isn't all about protesting what you believe in
or using your fists to do the explaining

it's you at 6 in the morning forcing yourself to get up
because you stayed up all night crying

it's when you try so hard to keep that untouched blade
that you always kept hidden from your parents
away from your skin

it's when you always try to think of "happy thoughts"
and fake your smiles;
although it's  make believe, it's a sign you don't want to give up

it's when you feel all your bottled up emotions
rushing, begging to be felt by you
and yet you keep yourself from caving in completely
succumbing from your darkest fears

you always feel hopeless and alone,
but then here you are,
grasping for that minuscule light

you think you have given up completely,
and that your dreams died a long time ago
but when you listen closely,
your heart is still beating
isn't that a sign of hope?

you are fighting your own wars,
so never believe them when they call you
because you have your own battle scars as proof,
proof that you survive and still fighting

you are the hero(heroine) of your own story
so believe me when i tell you that
**you are brave
i still doubt myself that this is good enough, but i hope this gives encouragement to people, like me, who is at the peak of giving up (still editing)
 Dec 2013 qtrz
Austin Skye

Better than me
Is that what you are?
Better than me,
Is what you should be.

Your knees wobble, it’s all I see.
Your voice quivers, giving me shivers.
As I cringe,
I need you to be, better then me.

My walls are crumbled
As your words grow jumbled,
I stand there with you,
In front of the crowd.

Every noise
Seems so loud
As you face
My fear with grace.

WE are the dear
Caught in a headlight,
I feel the cold
Of the lonesome night.

I feel the sweat drip
Down my face,
I feel a disgrace
As I quicken my pace.

But i need you to see
You are better than me.


This is inspired by the bravery that it takes to stand infront of a crowd and show something you have created. It highlights that public speaking, at least infront of highschoolers, is a big fear and weakness of mine. It also highlights the empathy and solidarity I feel with people who feel the same way as I do when they stand up there, next to that microphone.
 Jun 2013 qtrz
Victoria Batson
best friends.

they listen,
they're there,
I can count on them,
and they care.

they're mad,
they're loving,
they mean well,
and they're forgiving.

they're crazy,
they're dopes,
but without them,
I couldn't cope.

I love them with all my heart,
and I couldn't imagine being apart.
They make me the happiest I ever could be,
they're like my sisters, family.
 Jun 2013 qtrz
The Silencebreaker
You know how you try to hold water in your hands
but the water always slips away?
And then you try and try and try
to make sure the water doesn't slip away.

It's never ending,
no matter how many times it slips away,
the next time we try,
we would do it again and again to make sure it doesn't.

Maybe it's the same for love.
not same.

When you try to hold love in your hands,
no matter how big your hands are
or how tightly your fingers are put together
love will still slip
through those small little gaps
you will never be able to cover.

But as love slips,
unlike water,
it leaves a
And even if time heals them
the next time we try to hold love in again
it will still slip away
leaving us with

That's how love works,
merciless with side effects like
over thinking
over caring
leaving you with indescribable pain.

But at the end of the day
the love left in your palms
is the love we deserve
for trying so hard
 Jun 2013 qtrz
M Clement
People change
As does love
The things we love the most
Often hurt us

There's one
Who never fails
And often,
He can feel distant
But He never leaves
We do.
Two Words

Two words, Good Morning
Can help to start a day
Two words, Thank You
Can make it all okay
Two words, Miss You
Can calm a lonely heart
Two words, I Know
Can give a fresh new start
Two words, I Care
Can heal the hurt inside
Two words, I'm Sorry
Can start a brand new life
Two words, Love You
Can make the world right
Two Words
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