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6.1k · Feb 2015
adlne Feb 2015
the rain cleans the earth.
it purifies it
it renews it.

i wonder,
if i am under the rain,
will it cleanse me?
purify me?
renew me?
but that is just hopeful thinking.
the rain will only drench me.

the rain is selfish in the way that
the only thing it will clean
is itself.

we must be like the rain.
we must not try to purify others.
we must not try to renew others.
the only one who can cleanse us of our impurities,
is ourselves.
2.7k · May 2015
adlne May 2015
How dare you
be the kindest person that I know,
make my heart melt with one look,
leave me infatuated with you?

How dare you
smile a smile that lights up the world,
entrance me with your voice,
leave me infatuated with you?

How dare you
appear in my daydreams all day,
have me longing for what could be,
leave me infatuated with you?

You dared,
and now I am completely and hopelessly
left infatuated
with you.
1.1k · Aug 2015
adlne Aug 2015
i let pride take over.
i let it overcome me.
pride was my main ally
when it came to you.

months went by,
no words were exchanged.
pride held me back.
did it hold you back too?

your silence ate at me,
but my pride wouldn't let me be free.
so i let the time pass,
denying i missed you,
telling myself i was fine without you.

the feeling of missing you was strong,
but it is unfortunate that
my pride was stronger.
713 · Feb 2015
adlne Feb 2015
I can't fathom
how anyone could
ever love me
with the thoughts
that constantly
haunt me.
640 · Feb 2015
February 21, 2015
adlne Feb 2015
You left,
And I felt a shift.
The "shift" turned out to be
My heart rearranging itself
To live without you.
618 · Feb 2015
February 21, 2015 - Part 3
adlne Feb 2015
I didn't want to trouble you,
So I left.
I didn't want to get in your way,
So I left.
I didn't want to ruin your night,
So I left.

I only wish that you stopped me from leaving.
I only wish that you saw the despair in my eyes.
I only wish that you saw my heart burning with sadness.
I only wish that you asked me if I was okay.

You didn't even ask me if I was okay.

why didn't anyone ask me if i was okay?
598 · Feb 2015
February 21, 2015 - Part 2
adlne Feb 2015
my heart has ran out of
"it's fine, whatever"s
my heart has ran out of
"don't worry about it"s
my heart has no more to give
my heart is tired
my heart has ran out of
energy for **you
429 · Feb 2015
The Future
adlne Feb 2015
The future daunts me.
It is relentlessly mocking me, taunting me.
Counting down to questions I have no answers for.
It is a constant clock.

Tick tock.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Tick tock.
"You have to choose something practical."
Tick tock.
"What are you going to major in?"
Tick tock.
"What are your plans after college?"
Tick tock.
"You should know what you want to be by now."
Tick tock.
Stop the clock.

Let me get off before the hand hits 12.
Let me get off before my yearning for adventure gets waved away.
Let me get off before the world turns my dreams into foolish wishes.
Let me get off.
307 · Feb 2017
adlne Feb 2017
being selfish is seen as a flaw,
but what if it’s my saving grace?
what if, instead of giving,
I start keeping?

there are parts of myself that have disappeared
because I was naive enough to believe
that all those who received them
would hold my pieces dear.

when they left,
they took my pieces with them,
bits of my naivety, impulsive first times, and moments of happiness,
and turned them into weary nostalgia.

maybe I wasn’t enough to make them stay
or maybe I was overflowing with too much that it scared them away;
the reasons are unclear.
all I know for certain is,
they didn’t know how to take care of my pieces.
they were simply a temporary foster parent
who refused to adopt them for the long term.

I didn’t realize it in those moments-
how much of me I kept giving away
and how little I had left for myself.
my heart has grown tired from missing parts of itself that have not returned.

for my heart,
I am learning to embrace selfishness,
to start hiding parts of my soul from others,
and to only showcase my pieces to those who will cherish them.
the selfish behavior that the world often shuns,
may just be the protection my heart is aching for.

— The End —