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 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
3:55 AM
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
more than I want to forget
I want to remember
you are a quiet calm
that I want to detail as you sleep
the tint and shade of your eyelids
as you inhale
illuminated by a soft glow
I want to remember
your voice was a river
when whispering about love
rushing, returning
in a rhythm
that matched
the slight upturn
of the corners of your lips
as if you just remembered I'm next to you
I want to remember
the small noises of your nature
your body ticks
like  a grandfather clock waiting for the sunrise
you make tiny noises in the bottom of your throat
as you move
you have told me you love me thousands of times
without opening your mouth
I wish to touch you
but I am afraid that if I do I will disturb your surface
as if you were water
ripples running over your skin
more than I want to forget
I want to remember
every piece
of you
The term, people use it as a synonym for
A failure
Well, maybe you shouldn't be so judgmental.

High school *****,
We all know that.
But when they make your life a living hell
And your best friend is expecting
What are you supposed to do?

It's not only students
But teachers who bully you.
Just because your friend got pregnant
Apparently you are all ***** now.

You couldn't handle it
Couldn't take it
It was doing serious damage to your psyche.
So Mom signs you out at sixteen
Contingent on the fact
That you get your GED.
Sounds fair to me.

But no, apparently because you're a drop out
And because you smoke
That makes your irresponsible
According to my parents
And my holier-than-thou high school "friends"
Who treat me like dirt

You are one of the most accepting people I know
You are beautiful, and have not had an easy life
You are more than what they tell you
You are more than a high school drop out.
For Mina
I talk about the
Good memories
a lot more than I talk about
The bad ones.
Not because I live in
The past.
I'm just reminding
That there will always be
     Better days.
Aggravating ways; selfish means
So beguiling that childish fiend
A ****** war, no one sees
Evil villian from far beneath
Manufacturing wounds, ripping flesh
Just to prove who's the best
A soul swimming in a crimson pool
Controling the body; taking rule
A calming anidote, the music plays
Claiming no one's perfect, ha! so cliche
Searching for the lost soul under your bed,
There's no monsters, so our parents said
Some find monsters in their mirror
Watching there makeup slowly smear
Others find them in their surpressed memories
The slight releif released by their screams
Maybe it's been quite a while
Since you've seen  her beautiful smile
Maybe a few years have passed
Before someone wondered, before they asked
But under his sleeves lie his scars
They give proof of his pain, beautiful is what they are
Both she and him are self conscious about their weight
Both of them live in fear, live in hate
Maybe some haven't seen  a mosnter inside their closet
But felt demons demolishing what's left
It'll fumbles around inside their chest
Some people you just  wouldn't expect
Because maybe their wrists have already been checked
But did you ever think maybe her demons are smarter than you
Have you ever felt there presence, then you'd know they're cruel
And what if  he were to drag a blade across his wrists
Or maybe his thighs, he only does it to know he exists
As her barriers build higher, and cloud up her eyes
The wounds get deeper, the blood flowing onto her thighs
How do you expect  flames to bring him pain
When he's living in hell, a blazing shame
Throughout the day, they'll hide the pain away
It'll seem like everytings fine, like it's okay
Don't be swindled, don't be be a fool
One day you might meet this monster too
My bestfriend's wish was for me to always write, no matter what, he was taken from me, and I don't know whether he's okay or not, but still I must go on, not for myself, but for him, there's days I want to crawl in a ball and die, still I write. I have to, it's the only way I can still feel him here, is through words
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
sunken eyes and an untame mind.
eyes grow pale with the sun,
the universe turns black all at once.
free fall into oblivion, lick the edge
and feel the pain. i can't stop the rain from
sinking down my face. this love is all
i had, now i just spin around in place,
wishing to be alone. it's just a phase, so
i say, but everything is dull. the wind
pulls through my throat speaking
words i've never known. my eyes won't
close, the brain says no. can't stop thinking.
the sun is devouring my irises, blinded
by the deafening silences. what's happening?
where's my mind? i can't keep passing by
with i'm fine.
Hush, little darling
Don't you cry
I'm holding you in my arms
For the very first time.

I promised I would be the one
To protect you forever.
Even if I was only three
I knew you were something like
An extension of me.

Hush, little darling
Don't you cry
Some years have passed and now you're five.
Imitating everything I do
Comes so naturally
I tell Mom I hate it
Tell her I can't stand you.

Even at this young age
You do everything so effortlessly
You do me better than I do
So no wonder I express jealousy
What could you expect?

Hush, little darling
Don't you cry
Year ten wasn't your year
But you're still pretty **** close
To a perfect life.

Although you broke the garage door
And got your first detention
(Which, by the way
Was not your fault)
Mom and Dad simply said
"You're taking after your sister."
You're becoming a **** up like Sarah.

Hush, little darling
Don't you cry
You're thirteen now
How did the time go by?

My polar opposite
You're a two sport athlete
Honestly, if we did not share blood
I would probably hate you.

I see you break your mask
When Daddy yells
When I yell back
We go at it hard
And I never wanted you to see that.
I wanted to shelter you from what I knew
More than our parents did.

I never asked you to grow up
But I know it's not my choice.
Don't be stupid with boys
As I was.
It haunts me to think
That at your age,
I nearly lost my virginity.

Don't abuse yourself
As I did.
If I ever found you cutting
Or purging
I would beat the hell out of you.
But that attack would hardly compare
To the one I would launch on myself.

Hush, little darling,
Don't you cry
You'll always be the baby in my arms
Until the day I die.
For Heather
When a life is taken
So tragically
So prematurely
How are we supposed to react?

I have lost friends
And acquaintances
Who were in their teens
Their early twenties.
The circumstances were ruthless
Two suicides, an overdose.
How does this happen?

The worst part is
I would have never expected it.
Colin, you were perfect
Literally, that is the only word that comes to mind
When I think of you.
I miss you so much it breaks my heart.

Michael, you were right up there with him.
I just remember how when
You used to teach Sunday school at church
And a child was absent for several weeks in a row
You went out of your way to call their home
And make sure things were okay.
I can only aspire to be like you.

Both of you were the last people
Who I would expect to do this.
Everybody loved you two,
I guess you didn't see it that way.

Conor, most recently deceased.
I know I did not know you very well
But I have met you a few times through friends.
You always seemed like a great kid
And I know that my best friend and her family
Loved you.
So many people did.

The thing I have taken away from these tragedies
Is how short and precious life really is.
These three wonderful people have taught me
That no matter how early your life is curtailed
It is crucial to live while you are alive.
Would we remember you the way we do
If all three of you had forgotten to do that?
It is not your passing that serves as a teacher
But your three distinct and brilliant lives.
Rest in peace, my friends.
I will see you soon.
Rest in peace Conor, Colin and Michael. We miss you more than you know.
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