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 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
that's what you are
but you aren't becoming complex
you're becoming a state of pleasure
at least for me of course
your poems your words
i admire with such passion
i think i should explain that
you're more like a fascinating distraction

- m.n.
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
I find it a bit hypocritical that I talk about "feeling" all the time,
I'm as numb as they get,
The ones that say they're fine,
Because we don't know how to explain something we haven't acquired yet.

I can't love you or hate you,
I don't have it in me to feel extremes,
You won't have what you need when it's due,
I have a weird way of letting off steam.

I can listen, I can "sympathize",
I can make you feel good- it'll all seem true,
It's unnerving you'll soon realize,
*It's definitely me, not you.
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
alex wagner
your eyes are like the sea


for the unknown

easy to drown in
easy to love
"Look in the mirror already
You're ugly, unattractive
And way too awkward
For anyone to give a **** about."

I step back, trying to whimper a reply.
All I can manage to stammer is
People like m--

"No, they don't"
She adds
"They just pretend like they do
So you don't flip out.
People don't like dealing with drama
And honey, you are drama.
People don't like fixing messes
And sweetheart, you make things messy.
You know you do."

I back down, submitting.
I think of a way to beat her
I go to the bathroom
Fix my unkempt hair
My crooked smile
My scarred and rigid skin
That has gotten that way from picking and cutting.

At this, she laughs.
"Try again, darling.
Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe you,
You worthless *******."

I face her, this time meeting her eyes.
But my voice still shakes.
I'm pretty
You know I am
I have something spe--

"No you don't, you little *****.
You're just a mediocre version of everyone else.
You have no talents.
The only thing you're good at
Is giving boys exactly what they want
Or letting them take it from you."

That one stings.
A tear rolls down my cheek
And she absolutely loves the defeat welling
Behind my bloodshot eyes.
My molestation was not my faul--

"But you could have stopped it, no?
Everything you do is a disgrace, and you know it.
You disappoint your parents
Your friends
Your teachers
Your family.
You are nothing.
No one will ever want you.
No one would give two *****
If you dropped dead right now.
They'd actually appreciate it."

This series of "you can't"'s
Gives me a sudden shock wave of confidence
Or is it bravado?
I glare at her square in the face
And say, with no stutter
Don't you dare ******* tell me
That no one would miss me if I died.

I said it, and it shut her up for a while.
Now the next step is
For me to bring myself
To really believe those words.
Just ten minutes after I'd revved the engine
I was only nine miles away from the love of my life
Day dreaming of when we’d met just eight short months ago
Soaring at seventy down that country road
Only six more miles until she’d be in my arms again
Five years ago thoughts of love would have seemed so far out of sight
Yet four times I've already proposed, “too soon,” she’d always say
Amazing how in three seconds your entire life can change
With just two tires there’s little room for error
When one blew out I hit the asphalt, hard
In a wreck like that there’s zero chance I’d survive
One hour later the ambulance arrived at last
EMTs pressed two paddles against my chest
Shocks were delivered three times
At the hospital doctors performed four operations
Five months I spent in a coma
Followed by six months of physical therapy relearning to walk
In time all seventeen broken bones had set and healed
It cost me eight grand to buy a new bike
Now nine years later I’m still riding, fearless, wife on the back
The tenth time I asked, she finally said yes
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
Tim Hanper
A drop of blood inside of me
While beating through heart
Fill my soul with

The drop of blood rush to
Then a leaf of memory flakes
Bringing a bittersweet

The leaf of memory from your
Changing color; yellow to
Turns to the drop of blood.
A Translation of my words. I hope some one will like it. ^^
​whisper that you love me,
over spent shots & crushed glass
breakable under my boots
in a releasing sort of way

(our electricity gives me frizzy hair-
makes me feel like tangled braids are really just archetypal love nests)

there's always spilled beer
on your holy flannel shirt
as you count to thirty in
Spanish, eyes crunching with laughter
as you stumble over your self-made

(a field of sunflowers would want a photo with you​-
to look fondly back on something so light​)

we split cigarettes on stoops
and helped each other achieve
sore guts and creased wrinkles
that our grandchildren will ​trace
and feel nostalgic for.

(​a past they never knew-
​you're the only one I ever split something with)
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