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407 · Jul 2014
Sincerely, The Poor
Arianna Anderson Jul 2014
As you walk the streets blind to the truth
Does money sculpt your perception
We see a struggle to fight through the day
You see laziness painted with your deception

Levels of hierarchy built by the bricks of immortality
Paper defines how long one lives
unable to afford a decent insurance plan
Taken for all we got but hated if we don't forgive

How long will it take until justice affects the top of the food chain
How long until an eviction notice will be on their doors
We all know the IRS wont ask them for overdue payments
But one will listen if its written with, "Sincerely, the Poor"
Entered this poem for a scholarship, all fingers crossed
383 · Apr 2017
Key to Life
Arianna Anderson Apr 2017
I am a reflection of your creation
A fruit bared from your inventive womb
My inimitable genetic make up parallels my life story
A puzzle never debunked; the apple never to consume

I am a reflection of your creation
Unfortunately every mirror is bound to fog
I am the bridge between heaven and earth
Let your decision be the inevitable epilogue

I want to be a reflection of your creation
With frequencies and wavelengths understood
Every genetic makeup contains your fingerprint
Intelligence was blurred but wisdom was good
342 · Oct 2015
Saying Goodbye
Arianna Anderson Oct 2015
There have been thoughts that have popped up in my mind every now and then like a dead beat dad on holidays.
There have been break downs that I hide in the fabric of my pillow case as it muffles my whimpers
There have been hidden cries for help that won't dare move past my quivering lips to keep on my mask of "I'm okay"

I'm not okay.

— The End —