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 Oct 2013 apathy
fix me
 Oct 2013 apathy
you write of love
i write of sadness

two worlds i hope can collide

*i want your love to bury this sadness
 Sep 2013 apathy
"You used to look less fat." "But I was throwing up back then." "Maybe you should start doing it again, then."

"You just look....fat."

"Are you losing weight? Good job if you are, you were looking so fat."

"You can starve yourself all you want Mandy, you'll never be thin."

When you put a seven year old on weight watchers, you have to realize it's your fault when they grow up to be life long friends with Mia.
 Sep 2013 apathy
the kid
 Sep 2013 apathy
the kid
Two girls two hearts two different lives
I do not want to break any hearts
I do not want to ruin any lives
I can't say one is better than the other
But I know I love one more than the other
They both have my heart but I can only have one
Trying to do without my selfish ways but
All I can do is think about myself today
I want to say **** love but I need love
I need her love I need their love
I am lost because I can only have one
I am not one to break a young woman's heart
Things get real and one has to break apart
It is not just one heart but both our hearts breaking apart
I am not very smart when it comes to this thing called love
I use to play hard but I know I just fall hard
 Sep 2013 apathy
 Sep 2013 apathy
what else is left besides my shattered bones and bruised skin?
besides my re-opened scars and bloodied fingernails
i am nothing more

starting to bleed all over again
 Sep 2013 apathy
In the end
 Sep 2013 apathy
I finally gave you what you wanted,
I gave you me.

and like I knew in the beginning,
and discovered in the end
lost, sad little me
wasn't worth it
 Sep 2013 apathy
I don't know
 Sep 2013 apathy
I thought we were something real
I thought you would be the one
I though you said I was safe?

I'm laying here all alone
while my demons attack me relentlessly

while my scarred skin is bleeding once more and aching with pain

while I'm grasping at my body so I don't fall apart.
I need you and you never needed me
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for not being good enough
I'm sorry for my scars
I'm sorry
I really don't know about this. It's 2:52 am and I'm just writing.
 Sep 2013 apathy
Katie E
Those times when you drop your only lighter between the car seat and the center console
too small to fully dive in, but too close to give up.
You keep trying
thinking about what you want to do with that lighter
but you can't reach.
Months later you don;t have a lighter
the first thing you think of is that one that fell between the cracks.
Try it again
think about where you need to take that lighter
but you still can't even reach.
At that very moment your light, it-
its never coming back
 Sep 2013 apathy
Berkely Carr
I woke up to your face
I had a dream of a brand new day
Where we
Never sang these sad songs
And we
Never told such sad lies

They say its gonna be a cold day
So put on your jacket, your gloves, and your little black boots
It's freezing out there, my dear
But it can't be as cold as you, my dear

So let me
Cover you up and throw you away
So you
Never have to see my face
Cause it fades to gray like the clouds
When they've
Been holding back everything

Well I did what I could you know
I gave it all I had
To watch it
Fall to pieces in my hands
Never knowing it was you all along
It was you all along

So I'll go back home now
You won't see me again
And we can pretend
That this never happened
Oh we can pretend
That we're better off alone
This is actually a song I wrote. I figured it's pretty close to poetry.
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