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 Oct 2013 Anushka Acharya
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay
I still need him to cheer me on
And to walk me down the isle with my pretty white dress on
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay
I can't stand to see him in all this pain
And watch him struggle as strength he tries to gain
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay
I want him to stay around for many more years
I need him here to calm my fears
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay*
I love him so much I don't want him to go
Cancer please leave his body is not your home
I hear voices in my head
Your voice that make me happy
They talk to me and they understand
They cheer me up when I’m depressed
And they’re the reasons to my smile

I know that we are meant to be
Cause we are present and not history
They say future is a mystery but
With you I can say it has no obscurity
Future is clear with you one day
You in a white dress walking down the aisle
While I wait for you at the alter

The pope with the right
And me holding you tight
Do you accept her as the bride
And say you’ll always treat her right
Yes, I say and forever I will
Make her my bride and never say farewell
I dedicate this to her and
I mean it ♥ :)
I took your wrist and had a look, you told me about the unusual art you did,
The use of natural dark red paint flowing down, dripping onto your clothes,
In your eyes I saw your emotions, though they were locked up, tied with a chain and bolted away,
I saw them, and I asked you "Why can't you do a different art?"

You looked right into my eyes with a sad smile and said,
"My dear friend, it's not easy to live. Certain things just make you feel worthless,
and like a bunch of wastage, sometimes, it's better trying to feel something else instead of that,
for words hurt like nothing else does."

I added a texture of cotton on top of your art,
You looked at me silently, and in your eyes, I could see someone hurt and broken, screaming for help,
and at that very moment, I decided, I would never let you be alone,
I took you into my arms, and hugged you tight, making soothing gestures on your back as the silent hug turned into something deeper,
and the sobs racked through your body, but not once did I let go,
and at that very moment, I just knew,
You couldn't turn to anyone, that's the reason you did your unusual art.
what i see
in you is hard to explain
in those dark hazel eyes that I so easily get lost in
with every call , every txt every chat ,
while tucking the hair that blocks your view
not looking directly,but peeking at times
i dont know if its that;
that personality that aura that vibe
that makes every one happier around you
or that feel you give me
of wanting to sing every time
For one whole year, you were right there,
So far away, yet so close.
It was like everything in this world was fair
With you by my side, I had nothing to lose.

Everything was beautiful, bright and full of life,
We smiled at the nature's beauty and sun's rays.
But now I feel like I might have made a mistake for I think
That one answer changed everything.

At first, the world seemed happy, and so was I.
For with you by my side I thought everything was perfect.
However when that horrible day came, I still feel like I could've changed
Everything that happened, but now I have only myself to blame.

I miss you so much it suffocates me, makes tears flow,
Gives me bad dreams and internally torments me.
For one answer changed everything for good, then it changed everything for the worst.
Nothing is the same and you're not by my side anymore.
Though we may be far away now, the memories will stay with me forever,
But the hole in my heart will be empty forever,
For because of my one wrong answer, I lost you. I lost the fight.
This was written by me during my free class at school. It's dedicated to my Best Friend. And the one and only guy ever who actually understood me and how I felt. Though we don't talk anymore, I miss you. And I hope you're doing amazing like always.
On the winter night of December,
A girl sits near the fireplace with her mother,
The mother on an armchair with the girl's head on her lap,
Slowly caressing her hair, as they talk.

"My Dear little girl, I love you so much,
I want you to have a perfect life.
You'll face hardships and sorrow, happiness and joy,
But through it all, hold your head high and never forget to smile.

"Never run away from your problems and such,
Speak the truth as it's all worth
It, at the end you'll have no fear or regret,
And you'll remember everything with a big smile on your face.

"You'll have to pass many tests,
But no matter what, we'll always be there,
For you, my precious little jewel, are worth
Dying for, and I'll protect you for as long as I can."

Quietly listening, the girl speaks now,
"Oh mother, I love you too. I'll never forget the things you've said.
And I hope you hear me clear and loud,
For one day, my dear mother, I'll make you proud."
Wrote this one for English at class today. This poem is dedicated to my mother dear. Love you.
 Sep 2013 Anushka Acharya
I loved him, you know?
More than any lovers I ever had
And people would not believed me
Because I never met him
Touched him
I only see him from the screen
Distance does not matter to me
I would rather stay away from him
Than seeing him every day
*All is gone.
 Sep 2013 Anushka Acharya
I thought of anything that could **** me
Maybe everything.
Maybe it won't **** me in weeks to come
Maybe one year,
Two years or more
Maybe never,
You won't know, right?
 Sep 2013 Anushka Acharya
You are the sun that warms my heart,
Lighten my day.

You are the moon,
The prove of the Sun’s love to the moon.

You are the star,
I could not help but stare all night.

But you are the Sun,
Blinding me whenever I see you,
Giving me hope.

But you are the moon,
You left me for someone,
When the day comes.

But you are the star,
Another version of the Sun,
Blinking at me,
Showing me some signal,
But all you did was stand there.
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