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 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
All the love you gave me..
Was it all a lie?
cause before hearing the answer "yes ",
Id rather die..
All the years spent together,
Tell me, did it mean nothing?
All the days of love, wherever,
For I'm still waiting,
Each day now I,
Keep on thinking,
Was it you or just I, lagging
Behind, hanging low,
Far off where your love was,
Wish I could be the one,
You always dreamt of...
But me,
I still gave you affection,
Baby I was born to make mistakes,
Not to fake Perfection,
After all these years, i still think,
Was it you or was it I,
For me it is still at halt,
After all the time did pass by,
Now, I lay here surprised, still agonised,
Still remember the final day,
When you left me paralyzed,
Not by body
But by heart,
It stopped beating once we were apart...

I dont know about you,
Saw you laughing down the road..
Seemed so real but not true,
Heard you saying..
you moved on
Well so fast?  Dint know you were so strong!

Or tell me you dint love me actually,
Or even maybe like me,
Why did then you play my heart?
couldn't you even see?
i gave you all but no pain,
But you went on hurting me..
For all the things.. you did to me all through,
You'll have to pay the price,
Oneday, of the tears I cried for you......
Check me out:p-
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
No words can describe how I feel,
No heart can bear it, flesh or steel,
Scattered, damaged, broken, poisoned,
Misjudged, mistook, misplaced and misunderstood

Puzzled right?
Me too..
Don't know what happened suddenly
When I knew it was gonna happen,
still surprised, still in shock,
Still shaken by the thought,
You me..
Me you..
Don't know...
Who's at fault,
And who's not,
was it me?
It can't be you...
What we did,
What we should have
What we could have prevented,
Did we do it on purpose?
Or did we do it unknowingly?
You pulled me in this....
You talked me into it....
I insisted...
I did it knowingly..
what the hell did we do?
Why did we do it?
what made us do it?
What and how did we?

We took a life,,
we took a life....

Took a life of a person..
Very dear to us?
a person who was me and you..
but am i dead,
Or are you?
confusing, yet true..
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Raindrops on roses,
And wiskers on kittens,
Don't know if I really wore mittons,
But I can be sure,
Nothing came in brown paper packages,
Which were ******* with strings,
So I asure you,
These are not some of my favourite things!

Cream colored ponies,
No! Crisp apple poodles,
Sorry if I made a mistake,
I'll go with noodles,
White owls that fly with some
Food in their beaks,
I assure you,
These are some of my unfavourite things!

Girls in white dresses,
With blue satin sashes,
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
Silver white winters that melt into spring,
These are a few of my favourite things!*

When the dog barks,
When the bees sting,
When I feel like shouting!
I simply remember my unfavourite things!
and then all I feel is,
too bad!
No offence to the old lovely song favourite things.....
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
My favourite,
White and silky,
Sweet and delicious,
Amazing and fabulous,
Filled with caramel,
Sometimes fruits,
Sometimes nuts,
And sometimes crackles,
Eat,eat and eat,
Till you fill,
Till you all get tired of it!
With chocolate,
Ohoh no..
I could eat it whenever I want...
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
as I sit here alone
On the day of Christmas,
As the jolly shadows,
Of jolly people pass me by,
Laughter fills the air,
But I lay here alone,
Waiting for a text,
Or just a call,
Or the slightest
Voice of yours,
I get to hear nothing but sadness,
In myself,
You told me that you'd call me,
The first one to wish me 'merry christmas',
But here i lay asleep,
half awake,
But waiting in silence,
In darkness,
Hearing carols,
hearing reindeer jig,
Hearing bells ring
All around,
Its midnight now,
Still the snow's falling,
As I dream of standing,
And kissing you,
Under the misletoe,
A tear rolls down my face,
Still holding on to the thought,
Of you coming and staying with me,
But I know,
I've got to accept the fact,
that you'll never come,

'Cause the ones who go away once,
Never come back,*
They stay far away in the stars,
As my mom says,,
Guess I'll keep waiting for,
a last wish still to be told,
I wish I too get to stay in the stars now,
I don't  want to stay this way,
Me,my silence,
Under the misletoe...
To someone who's no more.....:(
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
They call me a canker,
they say I'm deceptive,
with an absinthe in my hand,
They call me a cahoot,
Abandoned in an abattoir,
They made me a psychopath,
They hurt me and beat me,
With all they had,
I said I am what I am,
They say am possesed,
With black magic,perhaps,
or maybe just a dark spirit,
So collapsed,
They say I look daunting,
Someone who's flummoxed,
Someone who's forlorn,
And a little hoodlum,
but i simply can't make them understand,
I am a labyrinth,
Full of difficult,
passages and paths,
Through which finding out is complicated,
I've had macabres,
which i handled by machetes,
The madder i got,
The smarter they,fed it,
With heaves of sickness,
they got me misspelt,
They didn't know that,
I, a psychopath,
was "okay" in my own way,
they mistreated me,
Misplaced me,
Misunderstood me,
Underestimated me,**
Look! I've come up!
still they were they,
They didn't stop,
So I cut them,
And beat them,
And scared their crap out!
Hit me with a dagger,
Hit me with a knife,
This poem is a cry of some people, who are treated, in different casts, religions maybe societies,I don't know,
but are taken in the shadows for maybe being LGBT or just what they want to be....mixed emotions are the only emotions they've got....
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Hello! I call out,
As I walk on the cold
wet grass,
With bare feet I walk around,
Not scared if I hear a sound,
I turn around,
My eyes in search of something,
Something I'd like to find,
Here and there I sneak around,
in hope of something divine,
No! Something which can catch
my heart,
not that caught my eyes,
Red,blue,yellow or violet,
Maybe white, or black
like an eye of a pirate,
Across the land,
On a beautiful chariot,
my mind goes round
A girl name Hariot,
who's she,
I don't know well,
But I think I've found the smell,
sweet yet cold,
yes it's the ground,
The old ground on which I lay awake,
yet again as the day shoves in,
through the night in an ancient ship,
please don't let it go,
The moon's no longer beaming,
Yes I hear sceaming,
I've just been dreaming..
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Dark atmosphere all around,
Fingers tremble as I touch the ground,
Head bent forward,
Knees sunken deep,
Under the bed of sound sleep,
Can't sleep,
Or won't sleep,
'Cause I know there's something bleak,
Across the pillows,
I see shadows more,
To my surprise there were even more,
Up went my fears
and down, my strength,
To help there was only a chair,
With cushions,
And someone sitting there,
'Cause I couldn't see,
My eyes were red
And my heart went weak,
Up above sat the soul of the devil,
And I couldn't contol the rebel,
Fables heard,
stories listened,
but this what you're reading
Might be scary,
'Cause my spirit went dead,
As I lay on my bed,
Yes it's true,
I was Possesed..
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Now let me tell you what happened next,
The bold the feeble,
Went with the dead,
Down went the rich,
The poor and
The worthless,
The useless and
The innocent,
I was doing it,
No it can't be me,
I took lives,
With tears of glee,
Happiness is what filled my face,
My mouth kept moving,
And my mind insensate,
Insensible acts,
Proved my desires,
Divine were those and
those didn't tire,
shattered blessings,
Built up curses,
Collected bad dreams,
With songs and verses,
They wrote my stories,
Earned the fame,
Forget themselves
Became my tamed,
With fiery eyes
Heart of a master,
I stabbed her hard
With a daring laughter,
smirks and anger
My guiding angels,
my misguiding devils,
Made it stranger,
Misjudging me,
is your mistake,
Cause I was awake
On my bed,
When you were in your dreams,
Far away,
I was the bad man
You met in your way,
your dreams feed me,
Your smile kills,
But what suits you best
Are the smoking chills,
Give me life
Rather death,
I am,I was
A living hell,
I will take you to my nest,
Let's just say,
I was possesed..
 Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
You are the pencil to my paper,
the only hope of a wager,
You were hard work to my labour
And the only thing that dint need taper,
The music to my lyrics,
The sun to my day,
The heart in my ribs
And blood in my veins,
yes you are the sweetness to my honey,
the flavour in the salt,
the water to my thirst,
the food to a starved,
the sparkle in my eyes,
The writer of my laws,
the colour to my painting,
and the blade to my saw,
The sourness of lemons,
the birterness of caffeine,
The air to my breath
And the soul to my body,
You are the poem to a poet
And life to me..
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