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917 · May 2014
Anonymous May 2014
I’m sick of everything.
Genuinely tired,
my brain has disconnected
no longer
No longer inspired
Motivation has disappeared
No more desire
There is no burning fire
That makes me want to succeed
I’m not depressed
I’m not anxious
Not emotional
For ***** sake
I just find no point
in wasting precious years of your life
The best ones at that,
Can’t you see?
Can’t you ******* see what it’s done to me and
What it’s done to us
This community
It’s turned us in to brainwashed lunatics
Who refuse to listen
Who grow up and see
That they can’t live for themselves
They could never think for themselves
Or decide what they wanted to do
It was put into their heads
Burned into their brains
We’re not robots
Can’t you see
Can you?
that this was
the ‘land of the free’
Guess I was wrong, wasn’t I
There is no longer any desire
There was never any at the start
I just believed their little game,
You people convinced me that I was smart
So that I would grow up to be one of your pawns
You thought that I’d be a part
Of this never ending cycle,
Well guess what
You’re ******* wrong
Get it through your heads
I’m not some piece on a game board
That you can control step by step,
I’m a living being
With my own thoughts
And actions
You’re you, I’m me
This life is mine,
leave mine alone
and fix your own
Just leave me be

— The End —