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 Jan 2014 Annie Borisuk
they say that at three am in the morning
it feels like as if the earth has split itself open
and something age old creeps itself to the surface
******* the breathe
out of everything
and I wish it would take me away
sometimes I wish I could forget everything
like daybreaks in Nepal
like the tears that come with the two syllable word "goodbye"
like the sound of your heart
b e a t i n g
against my very own
and how I may know words but I
will always remain at a loss
on how to describe how my heart never stops clenching
when I think of you
and how that ten pm train will always be the last train
even though there are two more hours to midnight
I am to be wed
To a man who is loved by all but not by me
We are promised together by the king
But my King above did not make him for me

My heart belongs to the man meant to entertain
The man in the funny suit
The man who is pushed around
The man who is meant to be laughed at
But my love is being forced to the man in the shiny armor
The one who stands so valiantly next to the throne
The man whose looks are undeniably flawless, although,
His fancy words do not fool me
Because he is a man who loves the title I have
Not me

But thoughts like these are forbidden
For the man who makes me smile is a peasant
And I am the daughter of the one who rules
I am no different than the land
For we all have to follow without question

So here I sit in my white dress
Silently in misery
As the man who has my heart performs for me and my groom
It’s the dawning of a new day
and my heart can’t help but sing;
Your grace and tender mercies flow
from the eternal realm of my King.

Shine the brightness of Your Light,
deep into the blackness of my soul;
direct my steps away from sin’s abyss
with Your standard of self-control.

Illuminate my spirit with the radiance
of Truth, that’s found within Your Word.
Continue to educate and edify me daily
with messages that were previously unheard.

Although I presently reside on Earth,
Your Kingdom holds my first citizenship.
Train me to be Your ambassador by showing
how I am permanently… called to worship!

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Dan 7:27; Matt 3:2, 6:33; John 18:36; Rom 2:12;
1 Pet 1:5-7, 2:9-10; 2 Cor 3:17-18, 5:20-21;
Col 1:13

Learn more about me and my poetry at:;=UTF8&qid;=1388058560&sr;=1-1&keywords;=reaching+towards+his+unbounded+glory

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
 Jan 2014 Annie Borisuk
its not even three am
in the morning
but there are chains
my heart like silk
and with
each thought of you
it tightens until I
forget how to
b r e a t h e
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.
“I want to change the world” you say,
So does everyone else,
What you should say is


want to change
the world
looks at me.”
do we you or i live life? I think so

we live life and experience things like the cosmos – nebula's, constellations and galaxies the speckled white backdrop of purple green on a black satin sky at night – so magnificent

we live life and experience things like that hobo – cold and homeless an image of pure sadness we look at the wretch and feel despair – he smiles, his shallow and sickly eyes say the opposite. So we wonder what is his story, his history – a mask

we live life and experience things like a rainbow – an optical illusion that has no end and no beginning, it is infinite and we reach and reach and grasp and grasp and and we never get a grip – a mirage

we live life and experience things like children – inebriated adults proclaiming a grin of innocence and a smile of sweetness in small form – we cling to our youth, much like the rainbow or the lion seeking his prey we hunt for it – its momentary *

we live life and experience things like exhilaration – riding a roller coaster, a high speed car chase – watching a man land on the moon, falling in love, and the times when childlike excitement fill our bodies – *
the escape

life is so magnificent, who we are behind the mask, how we see a mirage, and its momentary fleeting passing, and our escape –**living for the escape.
 Jan 2014 Annie Borisuk
Em Glass
I need you to be
quiet so you don't
have to think
over the sound
of your voice.

I need you to come
in here, in this room.
It's my mind. I need
you to see what it
looks like when you're
alone with yourself
in it.

I'll wait out here.
You just pay close
attention to this room
and how you'll get in

Did you miss it?

There are mirrors
on every wall

Each mirror reflects
into another, and all
reflect these reflections,
and small things
get big and big things
get bigger

Things that aren't even
really there

Sight is just the way
light reflects off things
but suddenly you're seeing
things that aren't anything
at all except

You are the only
one in the room
and everything is
reflecting different
than it is

You see the things
getting smaller and farther
within each reflection
within every mirror,
but you're just one.

You peer to the side,
trying to see around yourself

but your reflection is
in the way every time
until maybe you aren't even
there, then
or you're just there to
take up the space of
the matter of your atoms
or you're the only
thing that's real

Someone calls you
from outside, someone
shouts at you to get
out, we have to go
somewhere or do
something or see

And you look around at
all the reflections and there
are no doors or windows
and you shout that at the
other side of the mirrored walls
but Someone can't hear
and Someone keeps shouting
to get the hell out
we're going to be late
just go
like Someone doesn't even
see the walls
but you can't see Someone
on the other side of them
so they must be there

If there were a fire right
now, what would you do?
If the fire reflected again
and again, if the heat
bounced back on you from
all sides and the smoke swirled
farther and farther into forever?

It's not up to code, is it. Building
Services would never allow it.
But you're in it.

There is a physical barrier you can't see
between me and what you need me to be.

You didn't design this mind.
You didn't even put yourself in it.
But Someone's **** frustrated with
you anyway.

And you begin to think that maybe
there are doors and windows
that you just can't see
because of all the reflections

but either way, they're no
use to you.
I have seen, I have seen, I have seen all I need to –

The illuminating ideas rolling gently from your lips, caressing my mind,
vivifying my thoughts, reviving lost electrons, electrifying burnt out neurons –
charging my mind, challenging my intellect, changing my perspective – there is no Starry Night, no Mona Lisa, no Shakespeare sonnet, no Ginsburg “Howl,” no Ezra Pound on a black bough, that likens to the magnificence of your words, the radiance of your smile, the wonderment of your eyes, or the fun of your laugh. There was nothing special about the moments before, not the jester, nor a stunning sunset, but something charmed happened after the jester exited stage right, a simple phrase, uttered from your lips, the what matters not, just the swift insight that I was in awe. Never have I been in awe before, a new experience, that never faded, that stuck with me for the days to come as I wander aimlessly dreaming of the greener experiences you will open me to. I leave myself unguarded, there are no masks, no sad howling mask of despair, no happy grinning mask of cheer, just me, open to you, your ideas, your enlightenment. Paint, draw, sketch, mold me into who I should be for you, I am your canvas, you are my artist, this will be a masterpiece that will hang on the walls of museums, in the halls of temples to come, to put people in bewilderment as they rub their eyes for they have seen all there is to see now.  

– nothing can compare to what I have now seen, life has meaning, and it’s before me, in your eyes, your smile, your mind, your you.
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