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 Nov 2013 Anna Vigue
Missa Jean
I want to kiss you
beneath a lamp light
on a crowded street
and ask you to stay.

Just for me.

But we are not made
for, or of,
celluloid and limelight.
We are

just fragile

flesh and bone.
I am glad to have let him go.  He is doing wonderful things with his life he could not have accomplished here.
 Nov 2013 Anna Vigue
why do we look for answers from
a god,
an idea,
a thing...?
maybe the answers to our questions
are all around us
in the sky,
in the earth,
in the wind.
look to the world around you and
to the people before you
for the answers,
the keys,
to life.
 Nov 2013 Anna Vigue
i really want to live in the mountains,
where its cold year-round and
where there is snow.
i want to wear sweaters in june
and blue jeans in july
and feel mountain air run across my skin.
to feel the spirits in the mountains flow
as the seasons come and the seasons go.
where its cold year-round and
where there is snow.
a beautiful life in the mountains.
So you keep excusing yourself
For being absent-minded and forgetting
Me at the back of your shadows.
Just because I’m dead it doesn't mean I
Do not starve anymore, you know?
My hunger feeds on your clumsy ways of
Unstitching me.
I desperately needed to be held to your chest.
But you were washing dishes, cleaning your duties
So you allowed me to only hold onto your shin.
I still recall the feel of your stockings
Against my cheek, your apron
Brushing against my hair, I still
Wear the scar, caress the damage
Look at the hole you dug into my voice.

The day you decided to turn me into a ghost
I was three and quite busy in the process
Of teaching myself the difference
Between love and winter.
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