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Anna Gray Mar 2014
I would lie and say anything you wantmeto. But what you want me to say is that I do not love you. And that's just notsomething I'm willing to lie about.
  Mar 2014 Anna Gray
I gave you my heart
and when you left, you gave it back.
(carefully; you tried not to break it.)
you did it so that I could give it
to someone else but my god, I wish
you'd kept it. (it remembers you
like worn-out furniture, it remembers
your shape, and no one else could fit
that way.)
  Mar 2014 Anna Gray
look -
i've heard your heartbeat,
i've felt it,
and i know it now.
we are perfect and you know it,
just like i know it,
so let's just stop ******' around
and do something about it already.
Anna Gray Mar 2014
I have a lifetime,
You have moments.
I mix vodkas drugs of all sorts and kinds,
You sip fruity waters.
I blast rap/rock through wall sized speakers,
You from dainty ear buds
I'm the one with  life time,
You're just wasting yours.
So why don't you just slip on over to the other side.
Anna Gray Mar 2014
I love you but I will never like you.
I will tolerate you but never more that.
I will cry for you in front of others but never alone.
I will do what you ask but never the extra mile.
I turn my music down slightly but never off for you.
I will go to college but not under a major of your choice.
I love you but I will never like you.
This is what you've made me dad.
Anna Gray Mar 2014
You walked into my room with no sort of respect for me or my belongings and asked me why I was in such a bad mood, I'm certain you couldn't imagine a more descriptive word even though you're n English major, and I had an almost overwhelming need to say 'Because I'm trapped in a world where loving her is not excepted yet abusing your child in every possible way but physically (most of the time), seeing self inflicted scars across her wrists and ignoring them, and driving her to the point where she feels this miniscule, is'
I love you because you're my father. I love you but I will never like you.
Anna Gray Mar 2014
The only time I'm even remotely close to happy, is whenever I'm near you.
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