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 May 2014 Shell of a Man
 May 2014 Shell of a Man
Pen on paper.
Makes eardrums ring to hear
What she's writing
Day 2
 May 2014 Shell of a Man
 May 2014 Shell of a Man
Debating if their
Way of being in a relationship
Is correct; for common belief consisted
Of believing in
Love. Not simply discussing
The way it should be. If
We focus only on that, it
Seems we ask ourselves, if it even truly existed.
I used to believe in destiny
I used to believe in fate
I thought I'd end up at just the right place
And everything would just be great

I used to believe in honesty
In speaking up for what you believe
I thought people would value the truth
I didn't think that they would leave

I used to believe in people
That deep down everyone is good
That's why violence, cruelty, and abuse
Were things that I never understood.

If there is good in everyone
Do people just choose the bad?
Do they decide that life is more fun
When your goal is to make others sad?

If being honest is always best
Then why does it create drama?
Arguments, attacks, and insults...
Why not save ourselves the trauma?

If there is really some higher plan
Why do so many people end up falling flat
People are bullied, abused, homeless
Tell me, what kind of master plan is that?

I used to believe in destiny
Maybe I was just naive
I used to believe in the good
Now I don't know what I believe.
So this is a bit more negative than the poems I usually share (in my opnion) I almost didn't share this one...but I liked the layout a lot so I why not. Anyways, sorry for the negativity everyone! <3 Hopefully my next poem will be a bit more positive <3 :)
Also sorry about the lame title...this the first time ever that I couldn't come up with a one word title that was exactly what I wanted it to be...
But I refuse to break my tradition of one word titles lol. So I'll have to settle for a mediocre one. Anyways, hope you all enjoy the poem dispite the negativity.
I don't deserve the sun
I don't deserve the sea
I don't deserve feet to run
Or eyes so I can see

I don't deserve a home
I don't deserve a friend
I don't deserve to roam
Or with others to blend

But I know you don't agree
You think I deserve more
But truly you deserve better than me
You're not something you buy at the convience store

But I don't deserve you
I don't deserve how much you care
I don't deserve anything you do
And hurt me? You wouldn't dare

When I deserve the rain
And every dark cloud in the sky
You take away my pain
And make the clouds say goodbye

I know I can't provide you
With everything you need
But there is one thing I can do
Is give you this poem to read

To tell you how much I love you
And I care so much for you
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To make sure I keep you

Because if we are honest
I don't deserve you
But I'll try my best
To make this good for you
You know it sweet sunshine,
you know
I'm a connoisseur
of your confections,
infected with your wares.

I love your delicious candy drops,
your rock hard candy drops,
I die to nibble them,
live to lick them,
twirl & spin them,
**** them
into my mouth.

I love their raw-taste,
the feel of them
when they melt,
harden to the touch
of my searching tongue.

So go ahead
sweet sunshine,
feed me your candy drops,
one by one,
tease my appetite,
plop them into my mouth,
your sugary
the ones you love to unwrap,
you hang so high above me,
I promise,
I won't fight you,
only eat you.
And what does one do
with heartbreak,
sad poetry.
So you want to go higher
than your nicotine-induced rush,
get dreamier than your ethanol buzz,
speed faster than your ******* train,
eliminate the pain you find
deep in your heart
with chemicals
& compounds.

O indeed your brain
does pound, it screams
for a release.

So please pretty baby,
let me in,
open your door wide,
quit your hiding.

I can do all of those trippy things
and a whole lot more.
I can, I will
effect you organically,
with only myself,
a bowl full of ocean waves,
a six-pack of stars,
a sniff of green meadow
& maybe a kiss or two.
Why is it, when I like someone
I'd give them my all

I'd give them my heart
If theirs was missing

I'd give up my lungs
If they stopped breathing

I'll do what you need
Whatever it is

Bit stop!
Would you do the same?

Would you give me your hand
If I wanted to Jump?

Would you step out in the rain
Just to save me?

When I look in your eyes
I think you want to

But when I watch your actions
I know you're scared

Don't be afraid
Of the things inside

Don't doubt my love
There is nothing to

Open your heart
And see what's within

Show me you care
And would die

*For me
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