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Feb 20 · 54
andy fardell Feb 20
I wonder what people would say upon my death

Would I be this great man of stature
Be so generous in life they'd stare in wonder
Would I be so loveable
Be the one you could hug at a thousand paces
Would I be the kindness of kind
Be so helpful in every way possible holding a thousand doors

I wonder what people would say upon my death
Would I be a name just forgotten
Be the one so annoying that I'd clear a room in seconds
Would I be cursed forever
Be hated for all that I gave to others till the last of my breath
Would I be so ugly
Be written in stone he did his worse go be the better man

I wonder what people would say upon your death
Feb 17 · 500
andy fardell Feb 17
Your death isn't painfull
No linger to ones hurt
It comes and leaves you senseless
It's really awfully cute

See its nothing more than toothache
A hindrance of mankind
Like dead leg of your body
Screaming comes to mind

Let pain be left to others
A will you'll never hear
Missing smiles and laugh a lots
It's gone all nots to fear

So face your fears in waters breath
There's nothing to be scared
The pain is all for others mind
Unless you sing out loud
Feb 16 · 66
She Snores
andy fardell Feb 16
Tiredness creeping in
It's still the night
And I'm awake
She snores

The bell of St Paul's would be quieter
My cat on a zoom
The dog of next door rattling
Yet still
She snores

My eyes are wide open
These ears are all bled
The roof is all lifted
Yet still
She snores

The daylight is coming
The tweet from dawn birds
I'm so wanting sleep
Yet still
She snores

Oh please let me sleep
This madness fried eyes
Just one silent breath please
Yet still
She snores

Dawn has alarmed her
Was that all it took
I think I hear silence
He snores
Feb 15 · 251
andy fardell Feb 15
When all you have is time

Laying there in the darkness of day
I feel the heat blister my skin
Thoughts wandering this life
Life taking my time

Ebbing away consuming my day
A lust for the truth
My mind be all confused
To be more than this
Time stealing this wish

Clock ticking the day
My mind falling away
One want for more time
A must for I cry
Give me a chance
Feb 13 · 52
Khalepa ta kala
andy fardell Feb 13
Beautiful things are difficult
It's how we drove this world
Imagine what we could achieve
If love became us all

Religion gone it's not so real
All faiths denied but love
Wars of hugs and super smiles
Weapons drawn in good

A world of peace go be my freind
All money spent on kind
No hunger games just happiness
Long live the righteous life

These beautiful things are difficult
Yet in our palmed out hands
Just think next time you want to rage
Go solve it ...understand
Feb 3 · 58
The Hurt I Am
andy fardell Feb 3
I cannot change the hurt I am
A style been moulded
This life all had
It's how I roll to rock and sound
A party had my head a crown

It's what you get that most don't like
I'd drive away if that was kind
But for no ryhme I'd look right back
Turn full circle this hearts all tact
Bleed me out go fight the black

It's lurking all hidden in plain sight
Cloud upon cloud billowing behind
Yet as I turn my eyes drown this fog
Will it smother me in sleep
Turn me cold
Eat my breath

No apologies to shout my minds made all out
The balance is fine be madness to shine
Don't get me you see like most thinking tree
He's daft all not there a man in despair
I covet you all let my smile be your fall

It'll be the end this chosen path
One for the book of deathly blast
On a starry night you'll look up high
See me twinkle in your eye
Make you smile as memories fade
I lives this life in every way
Feb 1 · 175
andy fardell Feb 1
How bright is your light of white and blue
Brided be blessed on fire anew
Some be green or the yellow of sun
Half be the in and shine out the dark
Ti's a beginning of the beginnings
Tickled snowdrops only mother to know
Our future is safe and so be the
Lighten candles of spring
Jan 31 · 59
The Bitter Last Pill
andy fardell Jan 31
I be silently shouting
But you don't hear
A screaming I'm feeling
No rescue my fear

And so be it
They don't understand
All echoed inside me
At peace all a lie

Silently screaming
Away I should run
These walls fight my feelings
Padded and worn

Silently screaming
I'm tired lost the will
I think I'm alone here
The bitter last pill
andy fardell Jan 22
Sadness comes from a man's eyes
Rivers that fall to a waterfalls end
All bittersweet lost through gritted lips
Till the darkness comes

We do not cease to exist as time go's on
Anger only devours the moments
Fire only rages to ash in the wind
Till we become another

Our kindness is free it's contagious
Be the one to share in my smile
Pass as I do through your world
Till the darkness comes
Jan 15 · 49
It's only a game
andy fardell Jan 15
Such loud anger came from his frothing veins
Yet I was amused
It's only a game I cried
His frenzied reddened eyes wolfed at me

Is it the wizened me
Or have I lost that bite
I chortled to myself of how I used to rage
Stage the fall to come next light

Will he learn as I never
Deep deep within it ticks
My smile thickened
Calming his storm
Quite the sea as I remember
Jan 14 · 45
They Thirst
andy fardell Jan 14
They Thirst

My lips dribble to the wanted taste
A feeble buzz that grows within
My grasp hard and steady
It's early but who am I to doubt
They thirst

Golden fluid holds it's spell
The demon drink a rotting hell
Voices in my head rasping a taste
I cannot deny my heady haste
They thirst

It's the look you see
Sorrowed eyes that meet under the bloodshot lamps
All knowing the mirrors end
They thirst

Flow into me
Drown my weakness in the sound of the ghouls *****
His church be my next
They thirst

A last be my breath
They thirst
Jan 12 · 40
I Write
andy fardell Jan 12
First in her hair she sat in silence
A quaintness behold
That charming smile
Held a life

And here I am
The nothing
Yet a promise
To her way

Only a writer writes the writer
A friendship almost to born
Their story to be told
Sees the writer write
their wall.

I say this from afar
A corner round the way
Don't shoot the happy  messenger
I'm here
I am the all
Jan 10 · 210
These are the good days
andy fardell Jan 10
I could feel the winter creeping in through the windows
A white hue hung in the air
Fingers of ice ready to embroil me in it's pleasure
Yet I was warm and made of toasty
These are the good days

My roof was sound as the wind announced its arrival
I smiled a whistle
Singing the only creak to be heard as I opened a full cupboard
I was ready to devour
These are the good days

Time does now tick as my age turns to grey
A smile of great memories
Crying sadness of old loss
My role to remember
A job to create such
I look down through the blur
These old hands all now wrinkled
The good days all gone
Jan 9 · 64
My Love
andy fardell Jan 9
You think it's about you
Haven't got a clue
Wishing your importance
The usual crew

I live it on the edge
Made it my place
It's really quite beautiful
And so was you

You think it's about you
Haven't got a clue
You think it's about you
The usual crew

So now I sit there alone
Failing to fall
From the edge comes the call
Ending the all

You think it's about you
Haven't got a clue
You think it's about you
The usual crew

Sipping grapes to sigh
My love
our life
You think it's about you
Jan 9 · 47
andy fardell Jan 9
Your words make you look ugly
That mouth all flabby
It's not too nice
You acted the mouse

Prance like that dancer
Sting like a bee
Your still so fooking ugly
Ugly you see

Where once was a flower
Pretty and light
Now stands such bitter
Crooked and spite

I won't let it
Stop me in sleep
I'll walk right over you
Your ugly ..I'm right

Read as you see it
Look in the mirror
Ugly you be
Like your words
andy fardell Jan 1
So the music crackled
I'd had a start
No words to follow
No beat to heart

I didn't know it
A tune elsewhere
A party started
Crowded cheer

They sat around
And glowed their phones
Whilst I was raving
There's a party in my head

There's a party in my head
Dancing with the dead
There's a party in my head
Dancing with the dead

All I wanted was to hold
Wrap my fingers
Feel your close
Sway with me

There's a party in my head
Dec 2024 · 58
andy fardell Dec 2024
It's not a switch you see
I can't just turn it on
Ok the smile is there
Yet inside I'm dead

The lifeless soul of the party
only if they saw through skin
No dancing out the story
A silence deep within

You'll see me laugh and smile
All drowned by gin and it
All missed a country mile
Vacant prancing ***

And ends another tear roles
As age decrees my old
Still dead all on inside
Waiting breaths the last fight

Tomorrow New Year's day
Go take my past away
I'm dead all said before
Last year my evermore
Dec 2024 · 52
andy fardell Dec 2024
I could not wish a happy new year
from these tears
that drown me

So instead
I will bid thee all
a good night
before the wolves
Devour what is wanted
from their thirst
Dec 2024 · 130
andy fardell Dec 2024
They gathered around me like spiders on a Web
My disappointment became their loss
Pages a few but not the many
As I had the patience to wait the call

Clearly they had no clue of the cutting of my words
A measly 400 is that was requested
So now they must suffer
Feeding the flame
Raging the dragon

Remember you was warned
Did you not read me
Could you not tell
The devil lives below you
My village be your hell
Dec 2024 · 55
My Christmas has gone
andy fardell Dec 2024
I feel my morning is stolen
No clearing of eyes
A cough in the distance
Inside all disguised

My Christmas has gone
And I don't know what's wrong
My Christmas has gone
And I can't hear my song

I know I should smile
Be part of the show
Drink lightly to laughter
Feign all surprised

My Christmas has gone
And I don't know what's wrong
My Christmas has gone
And I can't hear our song

Your presents still waiting
All wrapped in my mind
But now your no longer
That touch all declined

My Christmas has gone
And I know all my wrong
My Christmas has gone
All silenced anon
Dec 2024 · 387
Robins song
andy fardell Dec 2024
Drip drip drip bled my heart
Tick tick tick sounds the clock
Fear fear fear from those eyes
As time strikes it's chime

Do you scare what I scare
Does your end feel as I
The game we play is chaptered
Our history of all we made

I won't fly far
A Robins song we'll sing
As the sun rises
As the moon falls
Sing sing sing's OK
Dec 2024 · 73
Breath In
andy fardell Dec 2024
The headaches became a scream
Gnawing at my innards
Washing out my soul
Enjoying the taste

My heart is fading
I can feel it's quell
Slowly dripping away
Cooling this skin to a chilling end

And out I stare
Wanting the more
To end it wrong now
Breath in taste the fear

Breath in taste the fear
Seal up beat my heart
Breath in taste the fear
Don't break my heart
Dec 2024 · 55
Phone zombie
andy fardell Dec 2024
Can you not see it in their eyes
Just look around
They've been fooled
And the film has started

Watch as they seek
Search for the need
In the palm of their hand

Fooled by the few
They now walk without a look
Speak misunderstood as we all hear
Waiting for the siren

I too have been taken
Glued to my skin
Days all the numbered
Screen to the blindness

Days become the weeks
Weeks become the years
You know it's coming
Dec 2024 · 48
Do it
andy fardell Dec 2024
Clouds wallowing a screaming shout
That unsettled me as I struggled to stir
What was that
A warning maybe
Or just the madness in my head showing its teeth

I wanted to wipe the misted window before me
Search the sound that pictured my mind
Sadness dripped from these eyes
I couldn't do it
Dec 2024 · 64
Writers Edge
andy fardell Dec 2024
Writers edge

6am and the darkness wallows
Sounds of life outside
Only silenced in my mind
Screaming on deafened ears

This shout for help
Numb to all but me
And my tingling skin
Ti's a wanting need
A tasted crave

My writers edge in force
As words pour
Yet the pages read empty
A day not yet ready
Let's begin
Nov 2024 · 170
Wash away my colour
andy fardell Nov 2024
Wash away my colour

The wind comes in and
It's cold
They tell us lies
It fits the colour
Hides the truth that
We are all the same

I wear this coat of me you see
A rainbow coloured skin
like yours it's me
And full of life ..full of freedom

Yet if
I could wash away my colours
Dance upon the rain
Dust my legs in puddles
Under all the same

My red is in my blood
It bleed like all on here
Our heaven be thy earth
This kingdom of insane

Wash away my colour
Treat us all as one
That's what we live and die for
Our hope
A dream begun
Aug 2024 · 118
Coat of Colours
andy fardell Aug 2024
To the person I've become
I like you a lot
That anger that became you
No longer rages

As life goes on its ending
I hope you read me well
So understand my wanton
I lived a mental hell

Yet peace becomes my coat
So made of colours many
I will wear it well
It bleeds my crimson death

You may see this coat of colours  
These words all in the past
Tis written on these papers
A life I didn't laugh

I like the future me inside me
It's better than the past
Yet time has come my enemy
Live it while it lasts
Aug 2024 · 126
This Future
andy fardell Aug 2024
I wanted to take all your pain away
I failed
I wanted it to be all better again
I failed
Maybe my words of love and want and a future to come can help

I wanted this week to end three days ago
I failed
I wanted the news but not those words
I failed
Your ache will become you
This challenge to beat all challenges to a future to come
I failed you

Tomorrow is your future
Tomorrow is your time
Don't bitter on the past as those memories will stay rightly as
Tomorrow is today

Grip it and fight it
Show your teeth at heavens door
Because you are the tomorrow
My future
And this world is depending on you
So be the you
Be the future
Jul 2024 · 307
Strange way to die
andy fardell Jul 2024
Strange way to die

My breath all fading
A mess behaving
The calm to end a storm
Raged and all forlorn
The end is number 9

Now 9 was wanting trouble
And trouble came his way
He thought he was a wise one
Ducking out this day
But little did he know this that
2 was in his wings
Waiting for that moment
Ready for its sting

I watched them fight above me
The gods were standing by
I climbed but kept on slipping
3 was by my side
So here I stay some longer
The numbers never lie
My 2 was fighting for me
My death from 9
Jul 2024 · 278
Really Number 6
andy fardell Jul 2024
Really Number 6

What have you done
Where is my sun
Have you hidden it
Taken all it's glow
July is shivering
Drowning in the rain
Give me back my sunshine
Take away the grey

I want to feel the warmth
Golden coloured land
Sun be in my vision
Buckets in the sand
Ice cream dripping down me
Sweat upon this brow
Give me back my sunshine
Calling number 9
Jul 2024 · 157
Number 7
andy fardell Jul 2024
Number 7

I could see the same old curtains
Taste their tang
Stale damp and worthless
Netting stained to match
This house once had joy
It once had love

And yet I walked past it most days
Never noticed the rotting windows
Nor the lack of life
So why today
Was it a reflection of me
Was I in fact just looking in the mirror

In my mind I'm 18 yet my body laughs a giggle
Creaks a groan
That glance of ones reflection
Catching a gasp of grey
Seeing lines and crevasses
From cloudy eyes in deny

So there it is
It's not deep
Not sad
Just an ebb I'm fading too
This number almost up
Jul 2024 · 364
Pieces of Eight
andy fardell Jul 2024
Pieces of Eight

The piece fits yet my heart cries a sorrow
Saddened and lonely as I walk the dusted path
Flowers trodden,grass all straw my heaven all a front
These tears a drowning pool

Last night was nearly over
This breath a rasp of roars
A fight on the continue
I live another day

So I must sparkle in this madness
Make every second count
You'll never know the ending
Blackness broken out
Jun 2024 · 95
The Mask
andy fardell Jun 2024
The dawn of another sparkle shines
Yet as my eyes stir I can barely see through the haze of a sleepless night
Are the birds singing of happiness
Or is that just my wish upon this world

Can one feel this lonely with so many friends around them
Should they see my smile all cracked and torn
No not ever
It's my mask I bore
It feels so heavy
Has Scrooge's friend been busy
I don't know nor care
Just pass me another sip
So I can forget the minutes past

Pulsing through my skin
Filling all those holes
The smile is here again
This mask my only friend
It's back
And so am I

So do not put away tomorrow
Live it like the last
A mask can slip to sorrow
And fade away to past

Do not hide from the clouds
Let the wind blow as it should
Don't become the stranger
Fallen and heavy
I see your mask
Jun 2024 · 318
It's Hurting Today
andy fardell Jun 2024
It's hurting today
A coming inside of me
And I don't know why

My feelings are grey
And my eyes hurt
Come breath a little out

Maybe the music will play
I'll dance on my heart
Will you watch me sway

Dance on my heart my love
Dance me away
Dance on my breath tonight
Tomorrow can wait

It's hurting today
My best all gone away
And I don't know why

Dance me away
Dance on my breath tonight
Tomorrow can wait
Jun 2024 · 94
Dance of death
andy fardell Jun 2024
I can feel my body dying
And it's really quite annoying
An ache become a pain
As I wander to racing life
Old age

A grumble deep inside me
Keeps blowing and indeed does frighten thee
My mind so crystal
you could drink
A liquor so bitter be my quince

So now I wait a final call
Short breaths await my curtain fall
This heart is failing
My body raving
The dance of death
Dance the dance of death
May 2024 · 117
The Itch
andy fardell May 2024

The dawn had come
My fear still alive and wanting
It's crawl to an itch I couldn't scratch nor reach
So I lay to the sweetest sound of the waking blackbird
A song no words could ever meet
Oh I itch

Inhaling the calm yet deep inside I knew
It also knew and I was scared
I was scared to reach
Scared to test my inevitably
Oh how I itch

Licking lips I remembered last night's  golden red liquor
It thins my blood ..Loosens my mind to a dullness
Thus numbs this prickled skin that wraps my soul
Oh I itch

Shadows fading to a moonlight end
I needed sleep
Would this be it
I don't know
Silence on the outside
Fear creeping in
I can feel it Coming
Oh how I itch
May 2024 · 98
Dawn chorus
andy fardell May 2024
Dawn Chorus

I know they are ready
Yet the deadly silence waves at me
In my head the noise
Creeping around my body
I'm Awake

Blowing at the tree I see them
A dawn to come
A scratch to reap
Down my back in madness
I scream of silence
I'm Awake

Sing to me little bird
Bring my smile
For now I am ready
To live ...for a while
To dawn my sadness
I'm Awake

And so be it
One more day to fear
Notching away on wood
Sing my song little bird
Sing my song
I'm Awake
andy fardell May 2024
The dullest of sounds in life
Piercing my mind
Drowning my sleep
Rain be it on cleansing me inside
The clouds look grey

It's summer in my heart yet here I am shivering
Watching lanes stream across these blurry eyes
***** skies sharing their tears
Quenching an ever thirsting land
Puddles waiting
The birds know

They sing a triumph of green
As I await the glow
Oh sun I need your summer
Shine your beauty
Awaken my smile from
The tortured poets department
Jan 2023 · 243
Happy New Year
andy fardell Jan 2023
My hand slips ...I feel it's grasp gone against those little morsels of time
It's not my face aging
just the mirrors my fingers scrape against as I write
Jul 2020 · 357
andy fardell Jul 2020
Be I brittle tonight
this lonely

Be I crackled tonight
This tired

Be I me tonight
This lying

Brittle and cold
Cometh ready to snap
Branches of old
I fight thee
Jul 2020 · 291
The Beaten
andy fardell Jul 2020
Tis my moment
Pure black
I can feel the grinding
All blind

And suffer my rage
This end I shall seek
Be it blown
Jan 2020 · 110
The Poet and the Painter
andy fardell Jan 2020
We met upon a crispy sky
All blue amongst the grey
Another day in paradise
Tis just our simple way
It could have been my writing
We knew it was his art
The chat amongst the coffee
The coming of our start

Such painted works
A gasp of breath all locked away from view
It kept the folk from knocking there
His peace an artists pew

Now some of you may know this chair
But I've seen what it means
Its stains of life all laid on view
Comes safely watched
You know!
The penguins stare.

Its in my grasp ,its in his too
All bubble wrapped each day
The me
Our lives
A new day dawned
Its just some crazy play

I wish I had a pound or pence just hanging round to paint
But then I'd be an artist too and not the artists mate
So off I must its 4 am
A poets work tis done
Jan 2019 · 362
Poetry In Motion
andy fardell Jan 2019
I watched as he etched
Blue colours so fine
A face that he painted
All hidden and light
Looking and staring he knew not I write
The man and his drawing
I studied his plight

Looking once more in my study
My itch
I needed to look at his drawing
So rich
The man he did scribble I see not his face
Intriguing my wanting
My look out of place

Now do I approach him
A tap or a smile
The man and his drawing
A wandering while
Do I disturb this master at work
The etch of the finest
Da Vinchi
I errk
Jun 2018 · 402
I Find Thee
andy fardell Jun 2018
Long be the wind
lonely in its tail
shining out the sun
I find thee

Be thy shadows as I lay  
follow in my wake
a winters tale to come
I feel thee

Silence comes
screaming out a gale
longing for your reach
I want thee

This house does creaks
my mind in all
a shudder
To quench this tainted thirst
I need thee
Jun 2018 · 421
andy fardell Jun 2018
As the night turned into days and the days turned as black
This yearning never fades
Itching and scratching as I go
Devouring the fever of gold
Thus quenching the thirst yet missing these lips

Behind me lays the abandoned
Milk and Honey for the rich
A place so warm and wanting
A place I shall never seek again
Tis my wanton

The Shiver comes
Only the moonlight darkening to warm me
So I will wait
Till the sun and the moon both rise
So I can love again
Mar 2017 · 1.3k
Daffodil Moon
andy fardell Mar 2017
Can you see them swaying
Under the glowing silver moon
Perfuming the dying embers of a winter near past
Shadowing the frost
Colouring the dead  

Did you hear that sound
Broke in the silence of March
Spring has sprung another life to this world
Small white fluffy clouds
Bouncing along in a sky of green

And in today I too felt the warmth of life
A sun stretching its arms
Glowing my face with it's smile
Showing me a path
Fading away my black
Mar 2017 · 598
The Wait
andy fardell Mar 2017
The world was different back then
And so was I
Wanted words to be spoken
Screamed from a silence
Some crafted in smiles
Many fallen from tears

I've waited with burning hands
And desire
Hidden my thought's
Washed out all my dreams
Knowing this not well
One more look in the mirror

They look tired
Yet knowingly calm
For there is beauty in this time
Waiting to be found
Waiting to be loved
Sep 2016 · 628
andy fardell Sep 2016
As the sun dusts my skin
For it is I that waited

Comes the wetness from tides
Fallen are the tears

In no effort in given
All wasted in time

I lay in the broken
Heart torn apart
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
The Slug and My Ghosts
andy fardell Sep 2016
The wailing ghosts  
Laughed at my sadness
Humorous in their intention to weaken me the more
I stayed awake in the earthen hour
Battling the clegg of thy cometh
To tell thee ones tale
They fly through me
Scream me awake
Stolen my wishes
Gone be my dreams  

So becomes the chatter in my head
Weak to the mind
I follow in stumble
Leave all
Comes behind  

It's now I must face them
The slugs chase in I
White trail
Their misfortune
My desolate mind  

The madness is in me
The ghosts have all won
I'm falling to pieces
My heart hears the gun

Jul 2016 · 755
Sliding Doors
andy fardell Jul 2016
These now wrinkled hands no longer feel your skin
Lips departed
From eyes that water the deserted dreams of my broken reality
Take my breath away
Steal this heart
For its use is gone
And I am lonely

The page is blank and my stare into the unknown
Turns to silence
Slowly and surely the door slides to a close
Creaking a smile at my sadness
Oh so cold do I shiver
Oh so cold beats my heart
For she was the one
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