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andy fardell Nov 2014
As I wake to a cold lonely bed
From these eyes that open blankly
My reach
My love
Is waiting
I know your close
Your near  

I'll wait until the mountains fall
I'll wait for ever.... be my role
I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you

This head is full
It's all of you
I want you here
With me
To feel your breath upon my chest
Let's sleep my love
Let's sleep

I'll wait until the mountains fall
I'll wait for ever.... be my role
I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you

One day my eyes will wake to you
To watch you eyes
All closed
I'll kiss you softly
Stir your soul
Our perfect
andy fardell Nov 2014
War is defined as a form of political violence however I rather hate to like the following quote by this Prussian military general in 1832

"War is thus an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will."

We vote in our leaders to refrain from such,yet allow them to use us as pawns in their world.I will be remembering and thanking all those who have, will and do give up their life's so that I can at least be free to make such.
andy fardell Nov 2014
The Brightest Flower

A flower held hand
As the young girl reaches up for her
mothers grasp
The reddest of velvet's reflected from
Tears on eyes
Her poppy
Stands proud and straight

She knows why she's standing
She know no return
Her father not here now
His never come home

He fought for his country
He fought for his life
He fought for his honour
His family
Our life

Remember this girl that cries every night
No father to hold her
Is gone from this earth
Yet she is the proudest
A daughter could be
Because of her father
Gave life
For you
...and for me

Poppy day
andy fardell Nov 2014
Stand Too ................. Remembrance day

All day had been spent in the trenches
The boy had been busy
His knife now blunt yet he was happy
The name was written
The gun all gleaming

The black hands had done their fill
And the boy was ready
The bullet had been named
And the boy was ready
He would sleep well tonight

A dream of the morning hate came to his reality
Stand too !!!
Stand too !!!
And the boy was ready

He took his position on the fire step
And the boy was ready
Fire ....
Fire .....
Fire ......
A white ashen man stepped down

My great Uncle never told me anymore about that day
Nor of the atrocities that were bestowed on him
Yet the few photo's I have sit proud on my wall at home
Along with his medals

We will remember them
andy fardell Nov 2014

Remember what they fought for
Remember why they fell
Remember all the killings
The living life in hell

Remember what they did for us
Remember who they were
Remember all the people
For us did fight and fall

A day to show our pride
A day to bow our heads
A day to mourn our family
Lest we forget
andy fardell Nov 2014
Poppy Day

In between the hills lays a land of green green grass
Where the heavens made their love of life
And gods sung of such sight
Be the lands that they did fight for us
the green green grass

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

In battle times and truces found the land did best
It could
Yet all of them who fought for us they knew and understood
The green land see found their place to die for
Poppy's blood
A land we wished we all could live
A world of peace and love

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

Someday the land will fill our souls and peace will
Win the day
The green green land will be our rest god bless to all we pray
In those who fought so we could see the green green land this way
We praise and silence once a year
Poppy day
andy fardell Nov 2014
Over The Water I Fly -Lest We Forget

Over the water I fly
So be it
Through these wings I see them
Boys to become men
Men to fall old
Eyes to close for a countries fight
Never to return
Lest we forget

Billowing stacks of fumes fill me
Thousands upon thousands of mini islands
Floating away from their mothers womb
Dunkirk's morning is ready
Sand from the beaches in a foreign
Offering a hope that there is a tomorrow
Lest we forget

In the after much blood has been spilt
To many decisions have faltered
Yet come my demise from the great war
My purpose came
I know what these wings hold
I know how they fly
I know how they care
For the next
Lest we forget

Now as age creeps upon me I look back
I see the failed,fighting staled to a shortened breath
Redden eyes become my flooded floor
A storm rages within me for the loss of our past
For the waste of lost future
For the pain that I've seen
For the wars that I've witnessed
For the love of pure greed

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