So whats ya problem she shouts as I sit there sniffling in me own little world
Man cold ......I whisper
Uhhh is the response
Take some drugs and crack on I hear
Did she not hear me
MAN COLD .......
The slow shuffle from my seat to the kitchen creates a groan
Even the dog looks at me sad
Man cold ....... I whisper
I'm sure I see him smile
Ahhhh ...back I go to the safety of my chair in a walk so remote from my normal bounce
Man cold ...I whimper
Blanket ready for a tissue overload
Remote cuddled and ready for the daytime dross TV
Man cold ............
Sympathy found they crowd round me to leave me unattended
kissed from afar ...I'm ready
Man cold
All alone the switch is flicked I'm up and dancing
Man cold... prancing
Video games ....It's FIFA time
No pots I'll wash nor face to brush
It's beer o clock lets party rock
Man cold .......
The toll is heard, my blanket wrapped to a weary sound from a snuffly head
I'm back she calls with sympathy shots
How ya feeling
Man cold ...I whisper...
Oh bless you please Ill look after you now
A cup of tea ...she is my hero
Man cold ......
Remember guy's don't shout it out
Man cold rocks there is no doubt
Just keep it quiet when she does sniffle
You know the drill
Don't blow the whistle
OK love
Just going to the pub for a couple
Will you be alright ....!!!!
Yeah ...I won't be long!!!