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Andrea Winer Jul 2013
I grapple with this problem; I don't know what to do.
I cannot open p this door, the wounds are still too new.

I want to open up; I want to let you in,
but every other time I did you broke my soul again.

You really have no clue; how much I struggle, how I feel.
I miss you too, I want you back but the pain is far too real.

You hurt me once and you hurt me twice;
shame on you, you played the dice.

Too bad it went that far; too bad you were so blind.
I did not leave to hurt you, I left to save my mind.
Andrea Winer Jan 2015
Let go to fall and remember it all,
Allow for the space where a run is a crawl,
Forgive and forget to move on no regrets,
Live fully today since your yesterday's dead.

Run for the hills and you'll miss all the glory,
Acceptance though rare if forced can bring fury,
Struggle to stand on a mountain of sand,
Find strength in the knowing when it's time for a hand.

The dark can be scary can be cold can be vast,
It can also be warm giving shelter from blasts,
Hidden in folds in a fog too surreal,
Reach for forgiveness when you feel it's come near.

Rock the boat gently don't be frightened by waves,
You get what you give when you look to be brave,
Sometimes when steady we grasp to feel strong,
When all that is needed is to let go and move on.
Andrea Winer Jul 2013
Please don't try to make me listen,
there is not much you can say;
that will make me want to hear you,
when you say that it's okay.

Please don't make me do this,
I don't want to but I will.
If I'm pushed and if I'm pressured,
I'll show you I can ****.

Please don't hurt the both of us,
by making this way too hard;
harder than it should be,
in the end we'll both be scarred.

Please don't make me say it,
I am sorry but it's the truth.
You've done this way too often,
and now your sorry is mute.

Please don't make me listen,
to another speech of lies;
I've decided that it's over,
you and I we both know why.
Andrea Winer Jul 2013
How can you run to me
after all this time of shame;
when you blamed me all along,
when you caused my life of pain.

How dare you say you're sorry;
how do you apologize,
when no simple words could ever erase
the years of built up lies.

Darkness in my face,
I covered every sadness.
A wall, it saved the day
it was cover to your disgrace.

Get on your knees and beg,
there's no room for sorry here.
I will be your child no longer.
I will no longer let you near.
Andrea Winer Jul 2013
Darkness; she is calling,
she draws you ever closer.
Cold hearted wails surround you,
you feel her through your torso.

Darkness; she is calling,
reflection in the mirror.
She screams for your attention,
you do not want to hear her.

She grips your heart.
She tears your soul.
She has your mind,
she has control.

She is calling for attention,
wrought with fear and hurt.
Darkness in the mirror yells:
"This is all you're worth!"

Do not let her blind you,
give her not your key;
for she is in the mirror honey
and my dear, you are so free.

Darkness in the mirror,
you know her all too well.
My dear do not go near her,
do not let her cast her spell.
Andrea Winer Jul 2013
I've walked that lonely road,
I've come so far I won't just wait.
Won't sit and weep,
I guide my fate.

A path so clear that I'll stand and wait.
Take me away, it's never too late.

Take my hand tonight
and everything will be alright.
We can do all this together,
waiting out this stormy weather.

To leave this lonely path;
I've walked away and won't look back.
I hope to see you there;
my love, you're oh so rare.

I am so very glad that you are here with me.
You are the one I truly want,
you are the one who sets me free.
Andrea Winer Jul 2013
You are blinded by your pain;
you have given up the fight.
You are good at placing blame
and at blocking out all light.

A darkness shrouds your face
and your pain will not escape.
You've locked me out - run away
and now its far too late.

You've already been forgiven,
there's no need for anger here.
You are only way too human
and I am only too sincere.

I have never seen a face,
as blank as yours does stare.
My heart, it breaks in pain
as all you do is glare.

I have seen the chains which bind you,
you are blind and this I know.
I have known your downward struggle,
I just wish you'd let it show.

I tried my best to open up
and all I did was care.
I opened up to let you in
but you were never there.

You are blinded by your pain,
you have given up the fight.
You are closed to those around you,
too trapped in your own life.
Andrea Winer Mar 2015
I was trying to be who you wanted me to be
When all that you really want is to see me be me
Saying the words seems to come easily
Even though feeling yourself is as far as can be

Words screamed so loudly with no one  to hear
I think I've been listening when I'm deaf in both ears
Only when stilled does the heart start to beat again
Pumping a music so sweet it unfurls the bends

— The End —