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  Feb 2015 Andrea Villegas
The echos in my head
Are where my dreams lay
My nightmares are my reality
My shadows are no longer my enemies

I feel the evil crawling beside me
Waiting to chain me to the walls
I need salvation
But this is what I'm use to

The on-going chants
Whispering it's going to be alright
Resisting never gets anywhere
Is this how I'm meant to be

To be enslaved to the mind
my imagination running wild
Andrea Villegas Feb 2015
Grenades of insults
Boarders of hatred
Blood splattering of assassinating memories
Soldiers suffering from post traumatic stress disorder
Yet fighting for pride
Pride that devours a person’s humility  
Never giving in and daring to say two life changing words
“I’m sorry”
Dangerous yet calming syllable of deceive    
A couple of words than can collide a feud of two countries that were once allies
Those who were once  able to live under the same roof
Citizens terrorized at the sound of screeches coming from these once upon an allies
Never knowing about stability and peace

— The End —