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887 · Oct 2015
The Vast Unknown
Andre J Anchando Oct 2015
Rejoice, muses, for the traveler, descended from his namesake:
Odysseus, son of Archon. For he carries in him the spirit of his ancient father.
Time immortal has lost the tale of the ancient King of Ithaca,
Odysseus, son of Laertes. This explorer will travel the stars,
The vast Unknown shall know his name, and he will know it's spirit  
As his ancestor traveled home from Ilias
His way inhibited by the gods
Meeting strangers along the twisted road.

Odysseus, son of Archon, rests upon his Captain's throne
Observing through the glass the void which called his name:
"Come, Traveler. Come, Adventurer. Come to me,
And all which is unknown will be known.
Come and see, Traveler, and I will set you free.
There are no endings here; no edges of the map.
There is only that which has always been, and will always be"

The Captain: alone in his ship. No crew would follow him, no crew was needed.
He was afraid. Odysseus knew his choice was made, and
He knew what lay ahead! He knew that he knew nothing.
A push was needed, and to his log he spoke:

"I embark today from home. This journey will take me far away;
Farther than any man before. I begin at mother Earth, and I go out and away.
Away from Mars, the crimson orb of furious war
Past Neptune, the super giant with its swirling eye.
All of this behind me, I will continue still.
I will follow the Unknown, to the vast beyond."

With that, the Traveler ****** forward the controls,
And in so doing, lost all reservation.
For seemingly innumerable days he did not stop,
Streaking away from home faster than light;
An arrow, which was not released but which leaped forth with joy.
Not fired away in anger, but shot into the stars, ablaze,
Seeking a place in which to bury its point.
A signal to all who saw or cared: man is coming.
336 · Oct 2015
Andre J Anchando Oct 2015
A person can have many full things
A full mind, full hands
A place in a room full of souls
But even a full mind can have
A void to fill inside its heart
These are ones who hardly sleep
Who spend too much time alone
We drink too much
We speak too little
We love more than you know
But we will always be the ones
Feeling empty in the fullest times
287 · Jan 2016
Andre J Anchando Jan 2016
It's been more than
A year, and still
Sometimes I talk to you
In my dreams
I'm not sure
If that makes them nightmares.
I also can't decide
If I'd rather it never happened,
Or that it never ended.
283 · Oct 2015
A Choice
Andre J Anchando Oct 2015
Each week
We arrive in the wordsmith's palace
And must decide either
To climb the great steps
Or let ourselves rest
And take the easy way up.
Each time we pass
And eye with longing
The metal doors which could ease our day
But each time we choose
To ascend the wooden mountain
Adorned on all sides
With the words of the greats
Who came before
And who's words inspire
All who climb these steps.
We always choose the climb
For one more chance
To choose knowledge
Over ease.
275 · Jan 2016
Andre J Anchando Jan 2016
Like enjoying the taste of poison on my lips
I didn't know why I went back for another kiss.
I never had a choice; I was always going to kiss her again.
There was just something about her taste that begged to be experienced Despite the feeling that I was the only one who knew.
It was impossible to choose whether I should take another drink of her Or search for the antidote in her eyes.
She lay beside me as if there was no where else she could have been.
I watched her watch me as we fought back against the cold room.
An icebox which only yielded to our small fire under the thin sheets
A tiny sun kept alight
By longing for each other

— The End —